
The petal curled tenderly around the strong arm of her lover.

The time had come to say goodbye.

Releasing her perfume, she knew the fragrant notes would guide her…

"Let go, let go, let go…" and she did.

Entering deeply into the soul of another.

Photo: The Amaryllis on my dining room table says goodbye. PERFUME one of my favorite books!


43 responses to “Perfume”

  1. he fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose. – Heda Bejar
    You are a most beautiful flower in my friendship garden.
    Long live your beautiful kind soul!
    Love you

  2. Even in its demise, your amaryllis is beautiful….love the way you captured it.

  3. the fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose. – Heda Bejar
    You are a most beautiful flower in my friendship garden.
    Long live your beautiful kind soul!
    Love you
    I forgot to put the t in the word the in previous post.
    Love you

  4. Oh C, and mine and mine. I picked the book up from the library a couple of years ago. I got home opened the book and did not put it down for the whole day! I finished the following afternoon.
    I do hope the film does it justice. But it has Alan Rickman in it, so that will be good enought reason to watch it!
    I do love you image of the flower….perfum in essence?

  5. Beautifully written Corey!! Cheers!!

  6. …and when she returns to her lonely bed, she weeps into a pillow that still carries his scent..
    PERFUME..why have I not heard of this book before, and the movie stars Alan Rickman ?? still my heart..I’m off to Amazon..!

  7. I think there’s some deep thoughts here — about the beauty of a dying flower.

  8. This was so heartbreakingly romantic.

  9. This is a lovely post Corey. I have never thought of a dying flower as beautiful but this post has changed that.

  10. Is that the book the film is made from?I really would like to see that xxx

  11. I’ll be buying the book soon, through your link. Alan Rickman is in the movie–what else do you need, then?

  12. Only you Ms. Corey could write poetry about a dying flower!
    I love the scent of my parfum as I apply it…but of course French ..Annick Goutal. :)NG

  13. Corey, only you could make the death of a flower so beautiful and romantic. Thank you for yet another gentle start to my day.

  14. What an emotional imagery, the passing of a beautiful amaryllis entering into the soul of another in pungent memory.

  15. Mother Nature, the originator of recycling. Nothing must go to waste, even the scent of a bygone petal.
    The ‘Telegraph’ article was fascinating; the book, a bit too gruesome for my taste.
    Your gently falling petals are echoed in the gently falling snow outside our windows this morning.

  16. I love the way you tie letting go with able to give freely.

  17. Elles sont très belles …

  18. Paris Parfait

    Lovely image with your words.

  19. I LOVE the subtle eroticism of this post!
    The book is also one of my favorites…like your piece here, so memorable but not overpowering…like perfume should be 🙂

  20. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment. Your blog is one of my favourites, and I enjoy visiting whenever I can.

  21. Gorgeous photo Corey!

  22. This stop is always a nice part of starting my day. I could almost smell the flowers from the south of France to the south of the United States.
    Isn’t it a joy to capture something forever that will be gone forever very shortly?
    Thanks, Corey, for visiting my site and for your kind words.

  23. Ah, if only letting go were that easy…

  24. It is important to let go to enter into your lover’s soul. Beautiful written.
    Among my favorite books too. I guess it will take some time untill the movie comes up here though. Mafrie Antoinette came last week to the cinema.

  25. I just love visiting ! You always have such wonderful photos and posts. You are also going to be having a visitor soon. Norm the Gnome will be heading your way soon from Autum’s home. Have a great time with him!

  26. Let go but don’t forget me. I will return in another form.

  27. Somehow this reminds me of my grandparents…

  28. I think your posts are a perfume–the scent so redolent at first, dying down and then coming back in sweet wisps as memory brands…phenomenal…

  29. Corey,
    An Amaryllis trumpets it’s farwell. showering the room with it’s perfume.
    Sensual scented
    love’s Succulent aroma
    Seductive flower

  30. Seeing as it is national de-lurking day or something, I thought I would comment on your beautiful, well written, inspiring blog.
    You are one gifted woman, your writings and your visuals really provoke thought.
    As for this plant, it, like everything else in our known universe is transitory. Hence, we must enjoy the MOMENTS.
    Even lingering there every now and then.

  31. This brought a tear to my eye. Devastingly beautiful.

  32. That is just beautiful….

  33. I finally got a chance to tuck away and read your blog…It is stunning. Your writing is, it is beyond wonderful.

  34. ‘I have come here to uncover the giddiest heights this sorcereress of words can reach’

  35. It’s FLOWER power,
    In the browser.
    Petals fall in the bower.
    The clock strikes in the tower.
    It’s “Happy Hour”…

  36. Marie-Noëlle

    Emma was sitting at the dining table learning her Latin lesson. She always had difficulty to remember Latin verbs. She started to read loud:
    “to love – amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant.”
    She closed her book and repeated:
    “to love – amo, amas, am…at, am..”
    She was stuck, she looked up and saw the dying flower on the table, she breathed and started again:
    “to love – amaro,

  37. “Entering deeply into the soul of another.” Beautiful!
    ps: Perfume is definitely one of my favourite books too.

  38. I always feel so sad every time I have to remove my dead flowers. They give so much beauty and they make me so happy and then all of a sudden they are gone. If only they would last forever. If only we could all last forever.

  39. This has the subtle eroticism of The Song of Songs…your words are a sweet song.

  40. tips and facts about perfume-blue.great article and ressources for mot clé

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