

Epiphany:   A sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience. (As found in the dictionary.)

Today is Molly’s, (my niece,) 4th Birthday. Throughout the year when someone did something, or said something to her that she didn’t like she would announce: "You’re not invited to my birthday party! BUT you can bring me a present anyway!"

Above photo: A painting above a doorway in Rome. Whispering enter!(larger version below.)



25 responses to “Epiphany”


  2. Beautiful photo. Where in Rome is that 🙂 We are going there AGAIN in July.
    ……now off the eat breakfast, blueberry muffins with a small figurine baked in.
    Tongue in Cheek responds: Off a side street nearby the Trevi Fountain. I assume this is St Francis or maybe St Dominic, the Virgin is giving him a rosary…Maybe it is a doorway into a monastery or convent? Either way I kissed Yann under that “circle of giving!”

  3. I just love your ‘Chez Moi’ section. I have a house full of inherited and collected antiques and bric-a-brac, and would enjoy making such a montage to share with others. I should need to improve my photography though.

  4. Happy birthday to sweet Molly, she’s so cute! I love the word ‘Epiphany’, almost feel as though you have that Eureka moment when you say it.

  5. Happy Birthday to Molly! Is she getting a galette des rois as a birthday cake? 🙂 I too love that word. I wish you many epiphanies this year, not just today.

  6. I had an Epiphany 36 years ago today when I had my first child, a precious daughter.I experienced everything in the definition you gave for the word.Happy Birthday Gillian…and little Molly too..!

  7. Happy Birthday to Miss Molly.
    May Heaven smile and hear her every wish.

  8. Smart little girl!! Happy birthday Molly!!

  9. Corey,
    What an absolutely delightful post.
    The photos of the boys, Molly running through the sprinkler, (happy birthday Molly!), fresco–whispering–enter. The story of the epiphany, espescially with your TOSS, has me chuckling unabashedly.
    I can see you running through the sprinkler right behind Molly. You are such a free spirit.
    Are you serving Gateau de Rois today. I’ve never had it, but it sounds delicious.

  10. Here’s to many magical epiphanies for all of us in the coming year.

  11. Happy Birthday to Molly!
    I always loved the Epiphany- even more than Christmas, I think. The idea of wise men following a star and precious gifts and intrigue just made for a fascinating story to the seemingly mundane birth of a baby in a manger…
    Thanks for the reminder and the lovely pictures!

  12. aren’t four year olds enchanting?
    lovely photos as usual corey!

  13. Smart little girl. Molly will be quite a woman someday. Epiphany – had one recently about Don’s work. Shared it with him. End result? He’s retiring two years sooner than planned. Oh Joy!!

  14. I like the way she thinks. teehee Lovely entrance.

  15. I tried to do what you asked me to (with the photos) but you can check it out and make sure (I added your link in my sidebar just in case).
    Happy Epiphany,

  16. I set up this morning for our church’s Epiphany service. It’s nice to have a little niece!

  17. Ha, I remember those days, when one could rule the world with a proclamation of who could and couldn’t come to ones birthday party… if only life were still so enchantingly simple… Hugs to you and Molly!!!

  18. Molly has a lot of spunk; I’m sure she’ll have a delightful day.
    Your eye picks out the most fascinating details in things. You really have a gift, Corey.

  19. Epiphanies… they open doors, turn on lights and show new paths in the journey… oh for more of them!

  20. “kids say the darndest things-“so they say-what a joy!

  21. Epiphany…I think you have at least one daily! And, best of all, you share them with others.
    Meilleurs voeux!!

  22. I’m going to use this line.
    Because I hate parties and love presents.

  23. Hahaha! Smart girl.

  24. I love that. I’m gonna start using it from now on 🙂

  25. I hope she keeps this practical mind as she grows..
    isn’t she cute..
    so many crisis could be prevented if we could be this naive for all our life..=D

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