An Apple



Take an apple caress it on your sleeve, until the golden delicious sunshine beams.

Core the center (by piercing around the stem,) creating a golden bead!

Interweave the autumn jewels; walnuts, dates, cinnamon, raisins…

Bathe in maple butter syrup–

Overflow the heart!

Gently bake the golden gem, until the colors fuse.

photo: An apple sits on the lap of an 18th century hand block Provencal jupon (skirt.)

French Cooking and lifestyle.



33 responses to “An Apple”

  1. Sounds delicious…we know how the trouble in the Garden of Eden began..!

  2. Let us all love applely ever after……….
    You are what you eat.
    Smile darling!
    Love you
    Love Jeanne

  3. Now I know why the apple got mankind in trouble. Who could say no??

  4. Yum! That sounds delicious and I love Orangette too! Gotta go visit the Garden of Eden…..

  5. Mmm…beautiful and delicious words. I always love how you give an identity to everything you see, an apple as golden bead-the sugar plum fairies are creating their magic treats.

  6. Oh yum!! I am going to go right out and get some apples. I hadn’t thought about using dates – love that idea.

  7. As others said, I am inspired to make something with the apples I usually eat raw. I love the smell of baking apples with sugar a cinnamon.

  8. Mmmmmmm. And as it’s so hot here,could I add a good Vanilla bean Ice cream?

  9. That does sound delicious. Happy New Year Corey!

  10. The colors of cooking are as important to me as the flavors. Cool post.
    Happy New Year!

  11. Can I just say, “YUM”…
    apples are just so perfect. Thank you for the lovely words and picture.

  12. You, my dear, have the gift of the written word! What a visual! I can see AND Taste that apple! The fragrance is wafting through my PC! ahhhhh…..

  13. Corey, as they say there are no coincidences. I was just cleaning out a bunch of files (I am an information junkie), and had a folder with pages I had cut out of favorite magazines, not sure when, not sure which magazine, but might have been old issue of Victoria? Perhaps you can tell me which magazine and what timeframe? But I came upon an article I had saved “Chez Corey” Cinderella Treasures by Catherine Calvert. It is YOU my dear! loved your style back then and realized Tongue and Cheek has been one of my favorite blogs because I love your style now and your beautiful writing as well.
    I am smiling just looking at these pages and discovering the synchronisity of it all.
    Happy New Year

  14. Wait. I’ve put on the kettle. Come for tea and bring your apple treats 🙂

  15. Love your poetic recipes, Corey – can taste it too – scrumptious!

  16. Paris Parfait

    Lovely prose, making a feast of an apple!

  17. I linked you for my
    post on Einstein’s Dreams-
    I apologize – as i thought
    for some bizarre reason
    Vesper posted it – and
    then combed her posts looking for the
    article~~~ 🙁
    The book is precious to
    me and timely – verrrry
    timely in my life.
    apple crumble is my
    absolute fave dessert in
    the world – i love it
    with caramel baked in
    and cranberries and pears-
    and i have it with
    …and the best part is how
    wonderful my house smells
    as it is baking:)

  18. I was just looking at a golden apple I have getting ready to go into the carrot cake I am making today. Hmm, it must be a sign i am supposed to bake!

  19. What a delicious start to a new year. Now if it were just colder outside…

  20. loved the photo “christmas kiss?”
    enchanting soft focus and
    sense of timelessness to it:)

  21. love this corey!

  22. That cloth sets everything in focus.

  23. very moving-very powerful.

  24. Yum…this sounds wonderful!!

  25. Mmmm…makes me think of apple streudal.

  26. Oh.Yum. I think I’ll bake apples this weekend.

  27. Ah, delicious!! May the New Year bring many blessings to you and yours. Looking forward to more of Tongue in Cheek in ’07. Cheers, JP

  28. Marie-Noëlle

    What a post !!!
    The golden fruit in a (provençal) garden / or kitchen !?!
    And who is going to have the apple ???

  29. or stuff it with a Mars Bar, wrap it in foil and bung it in the oven, delish! 🙂

  30. my favorite apple..
    you can do simpler..
    take a book.. turn on the music.. take an apple.. and go ahead..

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