The Day after Christmas


       What will you do with the gift of Christmas that has been given to you?

  photo: A statue with a child-like expression, offers the gift he has been given…the gift of love.


23 responses to “The Day after Christmas”

  1. The best we can do is to pay it forward. And paying it forward is what you do through your words and images Corey.
    One day you will be fully payed back. May God bless you now and always.

  2. Unfortuantely I didn’t get a truely useful Christmas present. Gifts are Ok. Love and attention is very good. But the power to correct injustices that give the the irrits? Not in this year’s stocking. But I will keep waving a chastising finger at the people in power who should really know better.

  3. I will embrace the magic of Christmas each day of my heart the gifts of love, of peace, of joy and in being the light of Christ to everyone I come into contact with.
    God bless you Corey.
    Love Jeanne
    Spreading sugar and sweetness all over the land.
    The world is in need of so much love.
    Love is all you need!

  4. Is that like getting P.J.s when you wanted a Madame Alexander Doll?
    Hmmmm…I remember what I did with that gift…

  5. My mother did the dishes after lunch while I slept…that was the best gift I received yesterday, (apart from my daughter’s gifts!) I know it was enough for her and meant alot to her just that I let HER do that for ME.

  6. Call you!
    (I got a new phone :))
    The gift of love, I will share with as many as possible.

  7. Luckily all of my gifts were good. After I’ve gotten a facial and manicure, I’ll be in my fuzzy pj’s reading a good book while eating a delicious panini sandwich.

  8. My gift was talking to my grandson who is in the Army stationed in Germany. I will take his words out everyday and know his love is one of the greatest gifts I could receive.

  9. the miracle of love is that the more you give away, the more there is! so i think that’s what i’ll do my best to do today… give it away!

  10. Sweet Corey – Your blog and writing have been my on-going gift throughout the year, a constatnt source of inspiration. You bring such joy to so many of us! Many blessings for a joyful New Year! Love – Deb

  11. I was guilty as a child of hoarding my gifts (coloring books, crayons, markers) for “a rain day.” I loved them so and wanted their goodness to last, but as things age they dry out and crumble, and so it is with love if you do not use it.
    I will clutch it to my heart and then fling my arms open wide to spread it everywhere. The more love you give, the more you will receive.
    Good words to sow in our hearts as we look to a new year. Thank you, Corey!

  12. shabbyinthecity

    Oooo (raises hand…) Oooo!! I know this one!!! Love my neighbor like Christ loves me!!!

  13. Cherish what I have all the more, and spread what extra I am able.
    (What would we all do without Jeanne’s wonderful answers to your posts?)

  14. Today I am enjoying a quiet house and catching up a bit on the internet!
    Quiet is a wonderful gift!

  15. Well as you know, I am going to learn photoshop! So I can share my love of flowers more completely 🙂

  16. Hang it on a red push pin so I can look at it all day…

  17. A gift given with love???
    Treasure it, of course…

  18. What I got for Christmas this year was not wrapped in expensive paper or glittered like a diamond ring…I’ve been there, done that.
    This year I had one more Christmas with my husband, the love of all my children, grandchildren, family and special friends and the Holy Spirit within my heart. What else is there? There is no store that sells that.
    Thank you for such a poignant segue into what really matters…I wish you the best this new year. You are a classy lady, and I am honored to know you.

  19. Freedom to celebrate Christmas is a gift isn’t it. Perhaps the only gift that matters. I will cherish it, celebrate it and be happy that I have all my family around me to share it.
    I hope yours was Joyous, and you were able to celebrate it in a way that made your heart sing..!!

  20. Dawn wrote exactly the thoughts I couldn’t transcribe here without a tear in my eye. Thank you to Dawn for articulating what I couldn’t today. Corey, I hope you had a wonderful day with your family!!

  21. I adopted a family this
    year with four children
    and the man wept at the
    door when i dropped
    an entire van of stuff off
    to him –
    and he speaks Hindi and
    after talking to me for
    two hours he offered to
    teach me Hindi –
    and I was so grateful.
    His gift to me is the
    greatest gift.
    love goes towards love.

  22. just knowing that the same God Light that is in me…is in you…is in each & every person. our little christmas treasure will be here on thursday…my grandson will be born…i think this year this will be my most favorite christmas gift…a baby…entrusted to us from heaven above!

  23. You bring such class to our blogging community. Thank you for being here!
    Happy holidays to you!!!

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