Angels that we Are


The first time I gazed into the eyes of my daughter, I sensed that she had been in a place I search for, that she had been looking into the eyes of God. In my arms I held a miracle of life, a thread between here and there, a reality of love. In her eyes I saw the reflection of God. I realize she was still in that place, that her gaze was not looking at me, but radiant of the moments of where she had been.

I felt a humble responsiblity, knowing that as time went on that reflection would be replaced with other images. That she, like me, would search for this moment, this reality that I seen in her eyes. The quest to know something we are born with and yet seem to lose as time goes by.

photo: A collage of a piece of handmade, 19th century lace, a candy box pin, two hearts joined, and words from a fairytale…L’Ange (The Angel.)


43 responses to “Angels that we Are”

  1. When you are blessed with a lovely child so fresh from Heaven you truly are looking into the eyes of God.
    God bless you at Christmas and always.
    Love Jeanne

  2. This is beautiful – something every parent should read upon bringing a new life into the world. What an awesome responsibility – to make sure those eyes continue to see beauty, goodness, spirit and creativity.

  3. Happy birthday Chelsea!
    and what the most magical and special way of wishing a daughter her birthday.

  4. Happy Birthday Chelsea, your daughter is a blessing the miracle of life, a beautiful angel.

  5. Happy Birthday to Chelsea… such a beautiful tribute to a young lady

  6. Happy Birthday to Chelsea!
    The curse of the Christmas babies….they get shortchanged either at Christmas or their birthday because Christmas overshadows that special day when they were born.
    It’s good that you see her birthday as a day on it’s own 🙂 She deserves that.

  7. Hi Tongue in Cheek
    This is just beautiful. I never had children, so I can’t quite imagine your feeling, but it did give me shivers.
    I am a teacher, and I find that the second graders who visit our museum have a far more vast imagination and sense of wonder than the fifth graders, eight graders, and high school students. The only ones who match the magic wonder of small children are the very old people who visit.
    Thank you for this lovely tribute to the small galaxy that you helped spin.

  8. Happy Birthday Chelsea!
    My Mother would always say babies are born with such wisdom in their tiny faces.Your words remind me of the moment I held my first born, almost a Christmas baby,my daughter was born on Epiphany.These precious infants bring so much of God’s love with them.

  9. I feel like I know Chelsea from your past posts. All I want to say is that I think she is a very special young lady…So much like her mother.
    All the best Chelsea and Happy Birthday.

  10. It is indeed a very special moment – the first look into the eyes of a new born!

  11. We have it, then we don’t, but hopefully in the end we have it again. Beautiful Corey!!

  12. absolutely beautiful.. the photo, your words, the young woman you pay tribute to, and the amazing woman she endearingly calls “mommy”

  13. Happy Birthday to your daughter! Do tell, how did you celebrate her special day today? (Might be hard to top that sugar cube thing.) 😉

  14. If I ever get married I think I’ll ask you to write the vows. You have such a beautiful way with words!

  15. Happy Birthday as well to your daughter! Your words are truly beautiful… blessings to you and your family at this joyous time!

  16. What a beautiful thought! I remember the same feeling when I first held my children – the whole process is so miraculous.

  17. Happiest Birthday to your dear daughter Chelsea.

  18. Happy birtday to dear Chelsea.
    The words flowing out from your angelic pen today is of another world. From the world were Chelsea’s eyes saw, and still see with the help of her seeing mother.

  19. What a beautiful thought, it is so true that the new born seem to know so much more than us.

  20. Lorene Silva

    You have written such beautiful words, as you always do. I am assuming that it must be Chelsea’s birthday because of all the other posts. Happy Birthday to Chelsea!

  21. oh the richness of youth; the golden chalice.
    Happy birthday to sweet Chelsea; you are loved.

  22. Happy birthday to Chelsea! I love how you link us back to previous posts. The one last year on her birthday was precious. My son, Max, turns 15 in two days. We’ve always made it his very own day. He wakes up to balloons covering the floor of his room. He loves it!

  23. I love the collage in your photo. Very girly.
    Wishing all of you a happy day as you celebrate Chelsea’s birthday.

  24. Birthday greetings to Chelsea and many thanks for your touching posts this week……

  25. Amen!

  26. What a perfect description of the way we feel when we first look into their eyes so full of starlight.


  28. I love to drown in the eyes of a new born baby.
    happy birthday to your daughter and happy day to you xo

  29. With all the other images of life that will confront her mind and heart, I pray the one she holds dear is that of a loving family and the knowledge of where she came from, a precious gift from Heaven…Happy Birthday Chelsea:-)

  30. Happy Birthday Chelsea!
    ( the way, I totally agree with celebrating her birthday as a separate day! I had the unfortunate timing of being born at 11:15 a.m. on December 24th!)

  31. Dear Corey,
    You are so blessed to have Chelsea. And she is so blessed to have you.

  32. Bonne anniversaire a ta fille!

  33. Très heureux anniversaire to Chelsea and may all her wishes come true!
    J’adore la photo….

  34. What a lovely sentiment! It is such a joy to read such beautiful words…. Merci !

  35. My 2 month old constantly looks over my shoulder. He is focusing intently. It puzzled me (and made me a bit nervous) until my husband suggested he was looking at angels. I believe he is right.

  36. oh our december birthday girls… two hearts beating as one, happy happy birthday to dear chelsea!
    and happiness always to you…

  37. Happy birthday to your
    little angel Chelsea.
    Your daughter, your heart.

  38. Beautiful image beautiful words and tribute to your daughters birthday!
    ~*Happy B.Day Chelsea!*~

  39. always a treat to come here the images , the photos and the soul !! merry , joli, Christmas !

  40. My heart lept as I read this…remembering the birth of my daughters and the complete falling in love…your words wrap around this sacred like a mothers arms….Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter…

  41. Aww, Corey, your daughter must LOVE this post! No doubt your children know that they are deeply loved.

  42. To get to that place of knowing God, of having access to that truth, of being so small and unfettered by other thoughts and experiences that you are touched by creation. What a beautiful post, Corey.
    Much peace, JP

  43. Beautiful Corey, your thoughts, your pictures and your daughter! I wish you a belated happy 17th birthday Chelsea!

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