The Color of White


Lamb’s wool

Star light


A moth’s wing

Egg shell


A cloud floating by


Foam of the wave

Mother’s milk.

Photo: A butterfly takes a nap on a lamb’s back


26 responses to “The Color of White”

  1. ahhhhh love this picture corey…
    love the color white…. so soothing.

  2. Oh to be a golden butterfly……….
    How beautiful as always.
    Merry Christmas my friend.
    Love you

  3. beautiful photo.

  4. There’s nothing plain jane about white.

  5. How adorable, butterflies taking a nap indeed (you are full of poetry). I love the Star light website, thank you.

  6. All white? No gray??

  7. Just Loverly Corey…

  8. i love this little sparkling butterfly sitting on a web of wool.
    does it snow where you are? it hasn’t snowed yet here in NJ, but your post drew my mind right over to what i refer to as “the white stuff.”

  9. Your words, as usual Corey, are gentle as butterfly wings.

  10. Like mist in the morning, and a gentle fog over the hills – breathtaking…

  11. White; defined as a colour without hue …
    Who knew that white could come in so many shades..
    and colour our world with so much delight.

  12. Beautiful image, so ethereal!

  13. Oh, this is beautiful. You are both an artiste and poete!

  14. wispy and wonderful – this photo set the imagination to dreaming

  15. Beautiful.
    Spotting butterflies on the Silk Road.
    Soft dreams.

  16. hi corey,
    I hope this finds you well; I wish you wonderful holiday wishes and love.

  17. This is so lovely. It looks very angelic to me. Love it!

  18. so tender, gentle and beautiful…just what I needed, thank you Corey.

  19. I love this. Thank you, Corey.

  20. I am always amazed when I realize the numbers of shade of white there are-this usually occurs when I try to touch up a white wall with paint that looks the same until seen side by side in a dry state.

  21. linen.
    tissue paper.
    the tip of my dog’d tail.
    my nails once clean after gardening.
    sheets on the line in sunshine.
    jasmine flowers.
    Thankyou C. Opening my eyes.

  22. You really had me at “chalk.”

  23. There’s flowers in that lambs wool. Or is it just me?

  24. soft
    -Lovely post!

  25. mom’s white hair–just like va va

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