The Soul


The suitcase had weathered tough times,

battered storms and had been tossed around more than once.

The stains, like tattoos, he wore proudly.

He knew what was important he carried inside.

photo: An old suitcase opens up and shares its tender side.


29 responses to “The Soul”

  1. What a charming photo.
    Takes me right back to the romantic old times :-), a young bride packing for a lifetime travel over the oceans to stay with her husband to be……….

  2. I went to an antique market last week, it was a small setup but there were beautiful things on sale and white linens reminded me of you 🙂

  3. Although we collect stains on the outside of our beings, it’s what we are composed of inside that truely makes us who we are.

  4. And don’t we feel like we’ve found a treasure when we discover both what is inside ourselves as well as what is inside others.

  5. I love old suitcases, I always wonder where they have been. Beautiful!

  6. Did “HIS” suitcase survive the Titanic!?
    All those water stains.
    I love the mystery in these stories…

  7. Oh Corey, I can barely contain myself, when will you share the ‘goods inside’ with us? Time to push the button and open shop!!!

  8. MAN! You need to put those white eyelet clothes in an envelope and send them my way!

  9. Another lovely post. And what a treat for your husband to bring you a nice pot of tea!

  10. This picture is so soothing. I want to crawl in and wrap myself in its softness.

  11. Never judge by appearnces..?

  12. Tendernes on the inside…Yes!

  13. I wear my ‘battle scars’ proudly (or try to!) and hopefully I show my tender side sometimes – ahh I am like an old suitcase hee, hee xoxo

  14. Sometimes it’s easy to see others as damaged goods because of the scars and stains they carry. But as we spend time with them, valuing them for who they are, we see the real character and tenderness unfold and see that the real treasure lies within.
    Lovely post…

  15. Oh, the stories that suitcase could tell. Tales of faraway places, special purchases packed inside to return home, trips to the hospital for the birth of a child. Wonderful, Corey!

  16. They, whoever they is, must have made a billion of those suitcases. My parents had some just like that.

  17. Look at all the positive attention we get when we turn ourselves inside out!

  18. he has some gorgeous goods on the inside…

  19. The truth always lies within.
    Lovely photo Corey;And yes you were a bad girl when you were little…Question is “Can you hold back now”?
    Annabelle ~^..^~ xo

  20. I love old suitcases but, my, how I bless the person who was smart enough to put wheels on suitcases.

  21. That is one of my favorite quotes on the braclet by Emerson.
    The soul would have no rainbows if the eyes had no tears.
    God bless your soul.
    Love Jeanne

  22. I love linens, especially old ones. I’ve actually bought some very pretty linens in China Town, in San Francisco. It was so inexepensive, it was almost ridiculous. I like the handle on this suitcase, too.

  23. I love the contrast between the weathered-out suitcase and the white linens.

  24. i adore old suitcases!

  25. Terrific post! I share his belief.

  26. full of hope and adventurous memories.. suitcases are a symbol.. aren’t they..

  27. Wonderful picture!I love old suitcases too! You captured the soul of this one perfectly.

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