The Dare and the Aim


This blog was created on a dare, November 29th 2005, after having lunch with fellow blogger Kristen, "French Word A Day." Kristen, daringly encouraged me to write about my, (as she called it, "Tongue in Cheek,") collection of French flea market finds.

My tales have been woven from my experiences of living and loving France. Mostly stories collected at the, marché aux puces, (flea market.) Tales of linens, letters, vintage scraps, and moments of these worn true objects whispering in my ear.

One year and counting, everyday I have taken a photo and scribbled something on this blog; no matter where…..on a cruise, visiting my family, whether I was as sick as a dog, or in foreign country. No matter if I had sad news, nothing to say, or no time to write…even when my camera broke and the keyboard was in Greek. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been an amazing adventure! I am happy to say that I aimed at the dare that Kristi gave me, and hit the bull’s eye! I did it, and it has given me a brand new world!

Thank you for your steadfast friendship, your encouragement, inspiring comments (beautiful post in themselves,) and most importantly the healing I have felt in being myself in front of you.

photo: An 16th century arrow, so happy it is dancing the twist!


69 responses to “The Dare and the Aim”

  1. Congratulations, dear Corey.

  2. Your words and photographs are magic. Thank your friend for the dare. I double dare you to keep it going forever.
    Love you Sugar Plum
    Love Jeanne

  3. Congratulations on achieving one year anniversary with your daily inspiration through good times and bad, your perseverance, determination and inpiration is an encouragement to me and all who reads this blog. I am so glad you took the challenge and through it I made a friend 🙂 *love*

  4. Corey – my life is so much, well , so much MORE since stumbling into your blog a year ago. blessings & much love to you, my friend xoxo

  5. I’m so glad you took that dare Corey! Thank you for bringing so much joy to my day, whether you are happy or sad, wistful or full of cheek:)
    I imagine myself coming along on your flea market jaunts to touch, taste, listen, look and seize the day.
    Thanks again. You’re a sweetheart.

  6. Happy Anniversary! I know I’ve told you this many times before — but you start my morning with such an abundance. Sharing your pictures, your beautiful thoughts and your days has been a special gift. Thank you!!

  7. Congratualtions, this calls for a celebration!

  8. I’ve so enjoyed visiting here and will continue to do so. I love what you’ve done. I love your images and your words. Please don’t stop. Happy anniversary!

  9. Happy Anniversary my dear!
    You have brought new color to each day…and are wonderful inspiration.

  10. Happy Anniversary Corey!!
    I’m so happy I found you 🙂 All those months ago I knew that this blog would take off and you’d have tons of admirers 🙂
    I love the theme you’ve created here. Each morning, I come here as it’s my little cozy oasis for me to gather inspiration to start my day.

  11. Yours was the first blog I found, and commented on, for many months before I began my own. Thank you for sharing your unique and insightful views on life
    and Happy Anniversary.

  12. Paris Parfait

    Corey I’m so pleased you’ve achieved your goal – I never doubted for a minute that you wouldn’t, as you can do anything you decide to do. You have enriched all our lives with your lovely photographs and thoughtful musings. Merci bien, mon cher ami! xo

  13. CONGRATULATIONS for achieving this goal! I remember talking with you about it when I last saw you–I could have talked for hours more–you were so enthusiastic! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog every morning and look forward to reading more!

  14. Hearfelt congratulations and gratitude for your daily food for thought, nourishment for spirit….

  15. Happy Anniversay Corey and don’t you dare stop. As you know you have inspired me and no doubt numerous others. Good Luck in the coming year.

  16. What a wonderful leap of faith you took and how strong and wondrously your Wings of Love have grown in this time!
    We are more than indebted – we remain enthralled.

  17. No, no…Thank YOU, Corey.

  18. Oh Corey, and what a year its been!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ‘TONGUE IN CHEEK’!!! What new and exciting adventures and tales await us? You have become a master storyteller in words and photos – but then I am guessing you were before the bet too! I for one am delighted for the dare, and send huge cyber THANKS to Kristin for spurring you on! You GO GIRL!!!

  19. I think you are more a blessing to all of us than we are to you! Thanks for inspiring us to see the beauty that surrounds us!

  20. I’m just sorry it took me the better part of that year to find you. Love your blog and presentation.

  21. It has been a most enjoyable journey, dear Cor-ay…

  22. Happy Blog Birthday. We should have a little cupcake with one candle so you could make a wish.
    Your blog is a treat!

  23. Brother Mathew

    Great job Sister Corey!

  24. that healing goes both ways, dear grrl!

  25. how wonderful for all of us that you don’t do anything in half measures. i am often inspired and always admire the way you write, your view of the world and your determination to be who you are… thank you, thank you, thank you for a fabulous year.

  26. I’ve said it before, & I’ll say it again YOU ARE VERY EASY TO BE A FRIEND TOO! I Thank You For writing! Your place is always a bright spot, a positive place,never negative or whiney…simply lovely…like you! I don’t always have time to post, but I do read ya everyday! Happy Anniversery chica! Please continue with it!! xo

  27. Happy Blogday, dear Corey! I’m so glad you did it, and I’m hoping you will continue…?

  28. I haven’t been with you through your whole year of blogging, but when I stepped into your world, I was charmed by all that you see, and am so thankful that you share it your beautiful photography and words. It has brought me much enjoyment.

  29. Your one of my favorite stops each day..happy birthday and many many more.

  30. Happy Blog-o-versary! You have a wonderful way of expressing yourself!

  31. Happy Blogiversary!
    I’m glad your friend was “cheeky” enough to dare you. We have all benefited from your insight and beauty.

  32. i have gained a lot of respect for those bloggers, that write daily posts. quite an accomplishment. i enjoy coming here for a visual treat and i enjoy your musings. félicitations et courage pour continuer!

  33. Life would not be so sweet without you, Corey. Your daily blossoms are like 24 hour flowers with the hope and knowledge of yet another one we can all look forward to seeing.

  34. I may not respond every day, but I am inspired by your images and words!

  35. Happy Anniversary, or Bonne Anniversare (is that right?) and THANKYOU for your oh so beautiful photographs and words.

  36. happy day corey! I’m so glad you share with us!

    (Norwegian Happy Birthday) I am singing on top of my voice. Can yo hear me?
    Thanks you so very much for a wonderful year Corey, well, I have known you for about half a year I think. You have the most wonderful, hearty, charming, inspirational blog in the blog world. And you have been of immense inspiration for my writing and my photographing.
    I do hope that you will keep on for more years!

  38. A story about the stories…a meta-story in acknowledgement of your year of effort. Job well done! An achievement and a blessing…all in one. Not bad.
    Meilleurs voeux!

  39. No – Thank you Corey – for a breath of fresh air everyday. Your words inspire and refresh me and the photos amaze me. Happy Blogging Birthday may there be many more to come.

  40. Corey,
    I am so glad that you did start to blog – I get inspiration and happiness from you. Thanks for being there.

  41. Happy Birthday, Tongue in Cheek! You cheer up my day!

  42. happy blogiversary! your words both here and in the comments you’ve left for me have been a true blessing. i’m so glad you took her up on the dare…

  43. Many congratulations and fanfare on your day-to-day postings for an entire year! You have created a place where I feel welcome; you inspire me; you give me a moment of peace and serenity in my day. Thanks for sharing your treasures and talents with us. (And don’t get any ideas about stopping now that the dare has been met!)

  44. Lorene.Silva

    Congratulations on the one year anniversary of your Blog. I have enjoyed it very much and keep up the good work.

  45. You have such a beautiful blog, and such inspiring thoughts. So pleased you started blogging a year ago and we can have a peek into your world. Stunning photos, and such lovely stories you have shared. Just gorgeous.

  46. I guess we all owe Kristen a big HUG and a bottle of wine for bringing you to us
    I have been with you most of the year…. and I feel so lucky, thank you and congratulations ! ((HUGS)))

  47. HA! I’ve been getting Kristin’s “Thrice weekly” emails containing the word a day for two years now and have been reading your blog for a month or so. I had no idea you two were connected!

  48. Corey, you have one of the most beautiful blogs I come to every day with anticipation of what gems in linen, this and that’s, and wonderfully written words will be waiting. Thank you!! Congratulations on making the mark!!

  49. corey,
    Your blog is my first stop each morning and my last each evening.Thanks for your great way with words!I am very proud of you!!!!!(One year)Boy does time fly………

  50. You dear Corey are a blessing and your blog always wonderous to behold. I am so glad you decided to create this space of honesty, truth, beauty and delight. Raising a toast to a long journey here!!
    Love and light,

  51. juliehovik

    I will miss your blog, please don’t stop! Enjoy the moment!
    Tongue in CHeek responds:
    Hi Cousin Julie, (not the one who is Paris with My Oh la la,)
    I am not going to stop blogging. I might not post everyday though…time will tell. Thanks for your standing by me…

  52. Congratulations Corey. You took the challenge and came thru like a shining star. You have touched so many hearts with love and sparked many minds to think and dwell upon your words. Thank you!

  53. hey corey…what do they say??? when the student is ready…the teacher appears…you have taught me through sharing…encouraged me with your love of beauty…the real-ness of life near(u.s.) and far(france) inspired me with your spirit…i have been amazed at what happens when a heart opens…the native americans say…listen with the ears of your heart…and that is exactly what i intend to do…you make that soooo easy here…love ya…annie

  54. cityfarmer

    This is major…as I sip a champagne…more reads and comments than one can ever imagine…cheers..a toast to you and a year of ultimate inspiration…

  55. I’m so impressed that you’ve posted every day for a year. I’ve only been here for seven months, but it’s become an important part of my life and I’m glad to have discovered you and the inspiration and thoughtfulness I find here each day. xoxo

  56. so it is your blog-birthday.. one of these days..
    I saw on your profile it started on december..
    please let’s have a party..
    let’s have the most frivolous posts..
    (it will be easy to choose..because your posts.. long or short have always very important messages in them.)..
    and let’s party..
    my turkish blog was started on 25 November.. but I missed the birthday party.. because blogcu was on repair.. =(
    let’s party chez toi.. tell me the day I’ll bring the cake the wine whatever we need.. and stay and clean up after the party =))
    Tongue in Cheek responds:
    Hi Pinar, I signed up with Blogger in December, so I could leave comments on those who use Blogger. But I do not use blogger to post my blog. I have used TYPEPAD since I started in November.

  57. “Even in Greek,” You are amazing! Thank you for the inspiration your blog has given me.
    Tongue in Cheek responds:
    Even in Greek…when we were in Greece, I searched for a cyber cafe to post. The first few cafes I found, the keyboards had Greek letters! While searching for an English keyboard, I discovered many Greek shops and places, the adventure takes us far and wide, often down paths we would have never walked!

  58. Hi Corey,
    Thanks – *again* – for the loveliness of your blog, and your impressive execution of a year-long dare. It is a warm, beautiful, serene, and comforting place to visit.
    I hope that even though your ‘year’ is up, that you will continue! Even if it needs to be at a lesser pace.
    I feel priviledge to have ‘met’ you.

  59. Happy Birthday Corey,
    Thank you for what your effort has added to the world via the Blogosphere! And thank you for what you have added to my life. Your Beauty and creativity shines!

  60. Happy blogiversary dear Corey! I feel so lucky to have you in the blog neighborhood! Hugs xox

  61. Hi Corey! I found your blog only recently from a link at Lesley Riley’s site. I have to tell you I’m so glad – I’ve loved France my whole life, have never been there, and so your blog is sort of a window into what life there is like. Thanks for sharing your stories, photos and words with us!!! ~ Peggi

  62. ah, the last here… sob!
    well, you know that my good wihes for another wonderful loving year here with your words and photos will be top of this list!!!
    happy happy happy we met and thank you for your daily dose of corey each and every day!

  63. Happy Blogiversary! Blogging has ripened and enriched my life with each passing year…wishing the same for you.

  64. Hi Corey,
    I too am very glad you took the dare!

  65. a true fan

    your blog reminds me everyday that there is so much more to life in my everyday existence, that the little things matter most of all… you have shown me how to find happiness in the simpliest things and so in doing i am a happy person again.
    thank you thank you thank you!!!!

  66. HUMPH
    And I thought it was the mo’ weekend posts I guess 🙁
    Well you made it! Did you pass the dare along 🙂

  67. Damn and blast I am so late!
    Congratulations Corey. Am in awe of your post a day.
    Thankyou for all the lovley comment you have left on my blog. Your words are always a flicker of sunshine from over the sea.

  68. Wow!!! Is Nov 29 your blogging anniversary?? mine too!!
    I’m sooo glad that you took the dare… your faithfulness through rain and shine is as inspirational as the words and photographs speaking your heart and soul. Thank you for bravely baring them… like a child playing on a beach, freely and without fear.

  69. Marie-Noëlle

    Feeling so sorry for being cut off the net for so long and for missing this day!
    Quite a date as my daughter was 14 on the same day AND she is a Sagittarius !?
    Moreover, as she is in her early teens, she sometimes tries hard to twist us round her finger!!!
    Yes, she can be good at twisting and is always good at twittering (a real chatter box!)
    So your picture means a lot to me!!!
    Thank you and congratulations on your first anniversary as a blogger!

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