True Desire


Sure she had more than she needed, she was wealthy in many ways, she could afford to use a cameo as a button! Nevertheless, her desires remained the same…she wanted to love, to be able to give of herself without holding back. Doesn’t it always come down to that…the need to love and be loved in return.

Photo: A 1916 French postcard which is addressed to Fernand, and ends with, "Mille Caresses et Meilleurs baisers de ta Julie cherie."


27 responses to “True Desire”

  1. We are all born with a great need to be loved and never ever ever outgrow it.
    Love is all you need!
    Love you Sugar Plum
    Jeanne ^j^

  2. Such a romantic and beautiful postcard, you found a love note! Sometimes I wonder what the recipient would think if they are alive today realising that their stuff is on sale? Anyhow, it’s in good hands…

  3. As the popular song of recent times says..’Money can’t buy you love’..

  4. …and how often do we think other things are more important!

  5. My first thought when I read this was “she needs to get a dog”. They give unconditional love… But seriously now…
    Above all…. LOVE.

  6. what a beautiful postcard.
    to love and be loved…that is EVERYTHING!

  7. corey,

  8. Ah yes, love–the divider of sorrows and multiplier of all things good.
    Wishing you love and many blessings as you celebrate Thanksgiving.

  9. Je crois que oui!!!

  10. That is a gorgeous image.
    Here’s love to you, dearest Corey. Sending you Thanksgiving wishes from the US!

  11. What a lovely image! The fact is to love and be loved is the greatest wealth we can possess. For without that all the other “riches” would seem empty in the scope of things. funny, I thought of a line from An Affair to Remember…”winter must be cold for those with no warm memories”. Loving creates those warm memories!

  12. oh to receive a post card sending me caresses and kisses!!

  13. This could be a page in Paolo Coelho’s The Zahir which I finished on the plane today.

  14. May you always be surrounded in Love.
    Happy Thanksgiving Corey.

  15. …a cameo as a button. Such spendor and elegance… oh to meet this Fernand and dance the night away – as I am sure she did finally…

  16. Old Post Cards are fascinating. The one you found is a real keeper.

  17. “the greatest thing
    you will ever learn,
    is just to love –
    and be loved in return.”
    soooooo true:)

  18. “the greatest thing
    you will ever learn,
    is just to love –
    and be loved in return.”
    soooooo true:)

  19. The only thing that plugs that hole of emptiness. Great postcard!!

  20. This was such a beautiful–and true!—post. Hmmmm, beauty is truth, truth beauty… seems I’ve heard that somewhere before lol : )
    A very Blessed Thanksgiving to you Corey : ) Wendy

  21. cameo..
    an the bluish clolur of the card..
    it all takes me to a different era..
    love or desire.. ??

  22. Yes that’s true! That postcard is gorgeous and I love that french phrase at the end of Julies card.

  23. Love the old postcard!
    Annabelle ~^..^~ xo

  24. To be able to love without holding back is one luxury I hope to never run out of.

  25. love is a many splendored thing…

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