French Flea Markets on Sunday


Up before the sun, the car is cold.

Why do the flea markets in France have to start at the crack of dawn?

(Only a crazy passionate fool would leave their nice warm bed.)

Ole Pincushion sits in an antique doll’s chair smirking with his green eyes.

Gee, I hope the flea market has more to offer than pincushions this morning!

photo: Flea market finds, kitchen table included.


27 responses to “French Flea Markets on Sunday”

  1. ALL flea markets worth their salt start before sunrise!EVERYWHERE. Is that a big pin cushion sitting on a doll’s chair or is it a tea cosy..?

  2. Have a nice day at the flea market. We are on our way to church to say good bye to our pastor through more than 20 years.

  3. Sending warm hugs and lots of treasure trove finds to you
    Sugar Plum.
    Love Jeanne

  4. They start that early here too! Not being a morning person, I don’t get to many lol. Maybe I need to be more passionate and catch the bug…Nel

  5. Oh my! That is FANTASTIC! What a find… lucky you.
    take care, grache

  6. Can’t wait to see your “Finds”!
    Those cute pincusion shoes remind me of the shoe Mrs. Staggs gave to Ulla.

  7. This is adorable, the expression is so funny. If there were flea markets close to where I live I’d get up in the cold too 🙂

  8. And I was up looking for meteor showers at 4:30 a.m. Didn’t see any I wanted to buy.

  9. Oh, to go to a French flea market — I’d be too excited to sleep anyway!

  10. Such Fools we are – they say it takes one to know one! I am so glad I know you!!! What a funny little pincushion – glad you gave him a home…

  11. The early bird gets the worm…or the best treasures !

  12. this is adorable! yeah, why do fleamarkets always start at the crack of dawn anyway? and one better goes early in order to acquire unique findings. they usually go first! been raining here in luxembourg all day. so no way for real flea-market adventures…

  13. I don’t know how you do it. The doll is absolutely incredible. I need to go to France!

  14. Well, I’m a fool for a good fleamarket, too, Corey! And I’m betting you’re an excellent fleamarket tour guide.

  15. There was one in my town today, were you here?!

  16. If she were mine, I would avoid sticking pins into her eyes, nose and mouth. But then, if she were mine, I wouldn’t use her as a pin cushion.

  17. No problem in getting up early; it’s the soccer that takes the time slot on Saturdays. So far it’s been just the thrift stores….they can be very rewarding only a little more expensive. Curious find. Looks like a tea cozy.
    Annabelle ~^..^~ xo

  18. hope you found lots of fabulous goodies…goodies you’ll share with us on your blog through your fabulous photos

  19. I’m checking in late todday. Hope you had a wonderful time!

  20. funny face..
    love the chair..
    hope we will see what you acquired.. =)
    have a nice week

  21. Wonderfully charming pic! much peace, JP

  22. I am totally, totally jealous – oh what a sweet little pincushion!
    you inspired me to have a go at showing some of my vintage ‘stuff’ xoxo

  23. Oh yes boooohooo! It’s the same here and that’s exactly why I’m very rarely going to a flea market, I just can’t get up that early on weekends while I have to get up early all week.

  24. Great blog site! Merci! Lonny

  25. I hope you found some good stuff! I don’t know if I’d roll out of bed for any ol’ flea market…but I definitely would for one in France!

  26. that is so cute! love it!

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