Writing Therapy


La plume in hand,

Dipped into the ink of her imagination,

She poured out words not caring how they spilled,

or splashed,

nor how they slipped between the rocks.

The ink of her well:

Dark liquid silk, ran as fast as her thoughts.


Similar to leaves blown in the wind.

Words raked up into piles of scrunched paper, 

Then with a strike of a match she set them free-

to watch the dance of the smoke.

photo: A French Print shop sign. I wish I could have that plume to hang in my house.


41 responses to “Writing Therapy”

  1. ‘similar to leaves blown in the wind’…I love that! I was walking with my youngest daughter today and there was a breeze blowing against us. I said to her doesn’t it make you feel like you just want to throw your arms wide and dance in the breeze? Freedom! Nel

  2. le ”e”de la plume est tombée.. mais ça le rend plus interessant..
    verbe volent.. scripta manens..
    I hope I wrote it right.. my latin is not so good.. but when I read your post today ..these came to my mind..
    spoken words fly off.. written words remain.. it means.. and another saying fom a famous turkish poet..
    spoken words are free.. written words are slaves..
    however it is.. the feather and writing remind these..I understand why you would like to have one in the house..
    I am sure you will find a similar feather while you frequent ” les brocantes”
    enjoy your day..

  3. Ah the sweet words of life and you!
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  4. Writing is great therapy. It’s invigorating to write out the thoughts weighing you down and cleansing your mind of everything that’s been troubling you.
    And then burning what was written gets those troubling thoughts out of the way and gives room for you to move on…..

  5. As always, you offer a gateway for a new creative beginning for your readers. Thank you for the link for the interesting dictionary.

  6. Corey, this is amazing!! I love “setting them free” with fire.

  7. helen Sattel

    Beautiful! I can no longer write anymore and I dream sometimes of holding a pen and writing again!

  8. beautiful words and photo.
    you have inspired me to launch my other blog today.

  9. That’s a beautiful sign. And a beautiful blog post!

  10. Anna Schlemma

    Your blog is like a deep inhalation…..restorative and refreshing. Thank you!!

  11. I love that sign, and your Visual Dictionary link is so cool!!

  12. Trusting her secrets to paper, unlike the spoken word that can hang in the air forever, to be remembered, unforgiven by those who hear?

  13. lovely plume! i am a sucker for old signs with typefaces not used so much anymore. lovely!

  14. This – this is just what writing is to me – a spill of ink and thoughts, the strike of a match, the release, letting the words free to dance in the universe. To read them once is a privilege, to release them a duty. Wonderful post!

  15. Dazzling post today Corey! Liked the links too. Writing can be a cathartic key to unlock what truly lies within a person. It was one tool I used to overcome a life long struggle. After years I was miraculously set free. Strangly, I held on to those journals from that time in my life for years, then one day I surprised myself by making a quick decission to trash the whole stack. I felt so light and free to live without that heavy baggage!

  16. I love the plume, and wish it were in my house also. Thanks for sharing your find of the magnetic poetry. I just may order that.

  17. journaling has changed my life forever–unlatching the door to the storehouse of my thoughts and allowing them to spill out like a shaft of light on cobblestones. the ink pools and bleeds as the words pile one upon another until the lines fade to scratches as the nib runs dry. now the door must remain ajar, allowing the ebb and flow of thought. fresh ink supplied each day to fill the fount and reason enough to use it by day’s end.
    it is wonderful to share the smudges with another; thank you for sharing your gift.
    (loved Carol’s homage to your Eiffel Tower at paris breakfasts today. who could resist the snow globe?)

  18. This is a lovely post. I too enjoy writing, words, and letters in general. Having once worked as a calligrapher, I’m always entranced with pens, quills, inks, and the like. And that sign would look perfect in my studio!

  19. such beautiful words corey.

  20. What a lovely post! And I love your links, as well… perfect connections.

  21. Très évocateur, mon chere cousine.
    Mlle crottes de nez verte veste

  22. i love this image–a woman carefully expressing her thoughts and feelings and then letting them go, surrendering them to the passion of the flames
    love the visual dictionary link!

  23. Brother Mathew

    Way to go Corey. Great stuff.

  24. lovely, lovely, lovely stuff you come up with. I laughed so hard yesterday with that baby!!! Thank you Corey! You are such a treasure!

  25. I haven’t done that in years! I used to make a practice of writing all the things that I disliked about someone or some situation, and then burn up the writing. I’d forgotten all about that practice.
    Happily, I can’t think of one person or one thing to “burn up” right now. But thanks for the memories. *smile*

  26. Corey,
    From, La plume in hand, to… to watch the dance of the smoke. This poem flowed smoothly like beautiful penmanship on silk paper. Truly a superlative piece.

  27. I was carried away.

  28. Oh the words….

  29. i like everything about this poem and plz keep posting ur awesome poetry!! xoxo

  30. Oh, yes… how words do sometimes splash!
    see you, grache

  31. Paris Parfait

    Beautiful! Well done, you!

  32. as you know I myself have gone back YET AGAIN to writing therapy! This post is nothing short of brilliant my friend. Stay warm! xo

  33. Brillant, beautiful, A+, #1, a pure pleasure to read.

  34. Wonderful words and I love the colours in that photo.
    Thanks for the visual dictionary.

  35. Love the imagery here, so much more evocative than typing the same words into the computer and pressing the publish button.

  36. oui ! LA PLUME d’oie rue de la MONNAIE à RENNES .
    about 3 blocks from my place …
    DINGUE !

  37. Writing is maybe the best therapy one can chose ofr many states.And some people are more productive in such states like depression for an instance and then they write the most magnetic poetry.

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