Smile and Laughter


I have a cousin who is known for having a permanent smile on his face. Even when he is not happy, his mouth cannot frown, I am not kidding! Whenever anyone sees him, he is smiling, and his smile makes others smile back. It is infectious!

I found this clip that will certainly, without a doubt, make you laugh out loud! It is darn cute!

A baby’s pure laughter, that can spread happiness in mere seconds, tells me that something simple, such as a smile, a kindness given, no matter how small, can have an amazing effect…

Simplicity is a powerful tool to use.

Where will you leave your smile today? You know you have the power to change the world with it.

photo: In the stairwell of Chateau de Chenonceau, there is a stone gargoyle. Carefully, (without tripping on the stairs,) you must bend your head straight back to see it. When I saw it, I thought of the stone-mason who had the difficult task of carving a smile in stone, yet the pleasure of knowing it would last forever.


33 responses to “Smile and Laughter”

  1. Aww..thanks for sharing that adorable clip, a smiley baby is always better than a crying one. Doesn’t the smile on the stone cherub look just like the baby’s? It’s indeed infectious, I’ll remember to smile and share laughter today.

  2. LOL well myself and my girls just had a wonderful giggle…thank you! I will certainly try to leave my smile with someone today, you have certainly left yours with us! Nel

  3. Jake and I play a game where he’ll come over to be held like a baby (he’s 3 1/2) and I say “Are you my sweet boy?” he’ll then say “Noooo”. Then I’ll say “Are you my crazy boy?” and he’ll say “Noooo”. And then I’ll say “Are you my naughty boy?” and for some reason he laughs the loudest at that question while he says “Noooo” between giggles. Finally I’ll ask if he’s my happy boy and he says “Yes!” and snuggles into me with his thumb in his mouth. That brings laughter and a smile to both of us every time ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I also have a cousin who is known for having a permanent smile on her face. I don’t see her often enough but after reading this post I will be phoning her today. Thanks for sharing the video clip….it put a smile on my face….just what I needed this very early still dark and foggy morning.

  5. The first time her laughter unfurled its wings in the wind, we knew that the world would never be the same ~ Brian Andreas, StoryPeople
    I love everything you post!
    The video is so sweet the laughter of a happy child is the most wonderful sound.
    Smile it increases your face value
    Love you
    Jeanne ^j^

  6. I saw this yesterday. If that doesn’t make you laugh nothing will. I know people with smiling faces, kind of a neat, but sometime deceptive quality.

  7. Loved the post and the laughing bรฉbรฉ makes me feel joyful.
    I once wrote down the words spoken by a priest: “Happiness is contagious, be a carrier!” Great reminder of the right way to start the day! Thanks.

  8. thanks for the morning chuckle!!!
    Great post

  9. I like the idea of spreading laughter and leaving a smile behind. Hugs and laughter – two things the world could do with more of!

  10. That ‘crabby’ lady at the checkout? remember her? well she is having a ‘bad day’ I always like to leave her smiling:) a smile is one of the most powerful natural things we can do. I do it all the time! xo

  11. I am smiling as I view this image and read your post!:)

  12. Oh my. What a little cherub, I love how wide he opens his little mouth.

  13. Bing, blip, dong… If only it took such ease to make everyone laugh! Thank you Corey, for reminding us of the simple joy laughter can bring to life. (plus I hear you lose more calories laughing then frowning…!)

  14. Couldn’t we all use a little more laughter? Cute clip!

  15. smile and the world smiles with you..
    cry.. and you cry alone.. my husband motto..
    have a nice.. smiling day..

  16. I love this cherub. It doesn’t have the typical beatific look on its face, but rather as if it has just been tickled. The smile conveys more than just pleasure; I see laughter that reaches to its eyes.
    How wonderful it would be to pass this little angel on the stairs as you went to start your day. Thank you for sharing it with me–it is a good way to start my own day!

  17. What a sweet video and now I have started my day with a smile.
    Funny thing …lately I have smiled at people as I passed them in the grocery asiles and their first reaction is to look a little uncomfortable, then they start to look away, next they look at me and smile back. I remember a time when it was a simple courtesy to look at someone, smile and say good day. Perhaps if we all practice?

  18. Cousin Linda

    Could the smiling cousin perhaps be my brother John? His daughter Tonya has the same infectious smile. Love the smiling gargoyle.

  19. “A baby’s pure laughter…” melts my heart in seconds. I see a lot of babies around town and they always give me that special smile of theirs.

  20. I wish your picture at the top showed just your smile like the mysterious collage of a smile you gave us yesterday…

  21. Look! The spirit of God!

  22. soooooooooo cute! It made laught a lot! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Smile is very important, is always nice when somebody smile to you, is warm and happy! So sometimes “give” my smile to unknown people in the street.
    What is not nice at all is when you smile to somebody and the person doesn’t return the smile….feels like a cold shower!
    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ to you!

  23. ๐Ÿ™‚ i’m leaving my smile here…for you…

  24. ๐Ÿ™‚ you made me smile. a sweet, honest post. if you’ve read the kite runner, you’ll know about hasan, always smiling…the bit about your cousin reminded me of him! ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. There is nothing so melodic a sound as that of a baby giggling…the kind that comes from the tips of their toes – knowing in that moment all they feel is joy so simple you cannot help but laugh along. It is also a reminder that the simple act of smiling can change your entire face….and others who see it will be like seeing the baby….they can’t help but smile too. I try to smile often, even in the face of stress at times. YOU dear Corey ALWAYS make my heart smile.

  26. I have sent the baby link to some dear friends. Thankyou for sharing it!
    I hope my smile will appear when I least expect it ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. I saw the clip yesterday, but the notion of leaving a laugh like that permanently rippling through stone โ€” ah, marvelous!

  28. Thank you for the smiles. ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. I love smiles! And I love that you made me smile today! Thanks!

  30. Such a sweet carving..the stone mason must have been a happy man to put some of his joy into this cherub. The smile reaches the eyes too, always a sign of sincerity.

  31. Sometimes, when I do not feel like smiling, I know my smile has the power to change the way I feel. If I am angry because my daughter has ruined her new dress, I try to smile because she ruined it picking lilies for me. If I am sad because my friend is ill, I smile because I have her friendship. A smile, a simple smile, can change so much, can change me.

  32. Fantastic clip, thank you for taking me out of my post lunch slump with it.
    I very much enjoyed reading about your smiley cousin. In fact it is making me smile just thinking about your smiley cousin and the fact that he smiles all the time. Wow, he is more infectious than he ever knew!

  33. how wicked cute!
    lately, working with my autistic students brings me a huge smile with some of the endearing things they say & do…
    ๐Ÿ™‚ mary ann

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