Tongue in Cheek vernissage at Artstream


Susan, at ArtStream Gallery has opened her doors

with a showing of Tongue in Cheek’s

collection of photographs and poetry.

When I first started my blog, Susan asked me if I would like to show my artwork at her gallery. I was so surprised! Nothing like that had ever happened to me before! Now, after holding my secret nervously for nearly a year, something I never thought about…IS happening, and I am pleased!

If you are interested in Tongue in Cheek artwork, Artstream has a hand-picked collection to offer you.

Thank you, the many of you, who have encouraged me to express myself through photography and writing. It is because of your enthusiasm that I take pleasure in creating my blog, "Tongue in Cheek."

"Photography and writing, it’s about what you don’t see."

Everyone needs a dare once in awhile.


68 responses to “Tongue in Cheek vernissage at Artstream”

  1. I am so excited for you Corey. She obviously sees in you what the rest of us see; a generous, warm, creative heart that has the ability to express life in a way that touches others and encourages us to go deeper. Congratulations!..Nel

  2. Happy news! I so wish that I could visit the gallery to see your art! Auguri and thanks!

  3. Yay, yay! Congratulations Corey : )
    When the year of the challenge is up (looks like thats end of the month) are you still going to keep blogging? (in a little whispering voice: “hoping, hoping…”)
    Tongue in Cheek responds: Yes, I will keep blogging after my one year dare…though maybe not everyday like I have been doing!

  4. An you encourage all your readers/viewers to express themselves in return–truly.

  5. Congratulations my lovely friend.
    Polish up your crown.
    You dazzle me darling.
    Love Jeanne

  6. yes corey! we all belive in you… and the work looks so beautiful! if they want a peek in, they can do so at the online shop too.
    Tongue in Cheek responds:
    Click on the photo to go to
    ARTSTREAM’S online shop.

  7. Corey this is fabulous!:D Congratulations my dear I’m very happy for you! I’m heading over to Susans blog now ……..

  8. Grrr….may day is full on Saturday. I was hoping to go to the studio to see your wonderful work and to buy a packet of paper 🙁
    Congratulations on having your work displayed 🙂

  9. Paris Parfait

    Felicitations, mon ami! Bravo!

  10. Congratulations and good luck!!!

  11. I am so glad you taken on this dare, I wish I could be there to see the exhibition in person! How exciting, would love to hear more of your thoughts and responses.

  12. Hooray for you Corey!!You are the living version of “if you dream it, it can happen!”

  13. What is it that your Americans say? Way to Go?
    Congratulations Corey and I for one am so glad you are daring.

  14. congratulations!
    don’t you love when dreams come true…

  15. You just go, girl!

  16. You deserve a lot of kudos for your creativity

  17. Cogratulations Corey,
    I share in your joy!

  18. You have given us a look at your world, and now the world gets to see too. Congratulations Corey, I don’t think any of us are surprised. Well done xo

  19. How marvelous! How absolutely marvelous. I have so enjoyed your art and writings. It was inevitable that the world would come knocking on your door. Congratulations.

  20. Congratulations, Corey!! This is wonderful, and very, very much deserved. Beautiful images. XXXXX

  21. The cats out of the hat Corey!!! I see bigger and better adventures in store for you soon… I am with you all the way! Can’t wait to see what you will surprize us with next…

  22. I am so excited for you. I hope your dreams continue to unfold before you but I also hope the wonderful surprises appear around unexpected turns in the road.
    I wish you the best –
    Have a beautiful day.

  23. oh corey…. im so excited for you….. i knew when we were young there was something so special about you.. you touch so many peoples lives with your words….thanks and congratulation!

  24. how wonderful you! YOu have such a natural eye.

  25. Congratulations Corey!
    My best wishes for your continued happiness!

  26. how perfect for you. congratulations!

  27. Corey, congratulations! This is so exciting, your work is beautiful.

  28. this is fantastic – congratulations Corey. Your photos bring out such emotion..I am SO happy for you !!

  29. congratulations sweetie!

  30. WOWOWOWOW!!! Congratulations!!

  31. Yippie! Just got the confirmation from artstream that I have succesfully bought one of your paper packets! Can’t wait to get it! xox

  32. Congratulations, Corey!!!!! You so deserve this. I am truly happy for you.
    And thank you for all these gifts in the form of photographs and words that you give us every time you post.

  33. Hooray for Corey! I see the tapestries and paintings of women and their secrets have taught you how to keep secrets as well 😉
    I’m so glad that your work is being offered to a wider audience. We have been fortunate to see it on a daily basis here.
    Best of luck in your new relationship with ArtStream Gallery.

  34. Congratulations, Corey, and the best of luck with this!

  35. Cousin Linda

    Willows girls just keep on surprising us. When I lived in Germany for 5 years and my friend Jane lived in London, I thought we were incredibly adventurous for “Willows Girls,” (from the class of 1964) but you have truly outdone us. I carry you in my heart everyday.

  36. Brilliant! Well done to you. I will blog about this sometime soon. I think the French Papers and photographs look amazing!

  37. Congratulations Corey!! That is spectacular. Your photography deserves this. Best Wishes!!

  38. Next year (it sounds far away, but it is not!) I am going to visit Susan in NH. I can’t wait to see her gallery. Will your work be there long?
    I almost forgot,

  39. Congratulations! I’m so happy for you…
    ps: you really managed to keep the secret well kept. I bet you were almost bursting 🙂

  40. Oh Corey, this is great news! Congratulations! This must be so excitting to embark upon!

  41. Take a bow and accept the huge bouquet that we’re all presenting to you! This is wonderful news not just for you, but for all of us who will benefit from having pieces of you right in our very own spaces.

  42. Corey,
    Well done! Congratulations.
    I can feel your smile and smell the aroma of your exhileration.

  43. Congrats Corey. I can wait to see what’s in store from you. Best of luck on your new venture!

  44. Such good news. I am so happy for you!

  45. I’m so glad! I’ve been trying to get myself to do something like that!


  47. Wonderful Corey!!

  48. Let me add my congratulations to your very expansive list here. It is well deserved! Your images and words are striking, heartfelt and invariably well chosen. As evidenced by the response, you strike a chord in many like-minded souls.

  49. Wow! I’m the fiftieth person to congratulate you on your new show at Artstream! We’re ALL happy for you, Corey! Did your French Husband give you a big hug and kiss for this accomplishment?

  50. I saw it a few days ago!
    Congratulations. You deserve it. xoxox

  51. I am so excited for you!! Oh I am on my way to go scope it out!! How lucky for all of us to be able to bask in your talent!

  52. Lorene.Silva

    Congratulations! That is wonderful. What an accomplishment, you must be so proud.

  53. Hey,that’s brilliant. You’ve cracked the word and the image..and now for? Music? (Please don’t do that Myspace load music on entry thing).

  54. How wonderful. I’m on my way to check it out now!

  55. Oh Corey this is wonderful! Congratulations to you!

  56. so excited for you … hope to go see the exhibit !!

  57. so excited for you … hope to go see the exhibit !!

  58. Congratulations Corey! This is so well deserved. Your poetry and photography are beautiful!

  59. Corey congratulations to you! I took a look and it’s all so beautiful. No surprise there then!
    C xx

  60. Congrats! You deserve to be where you are. I’m so excited for you.

  61. Wow, congratulations! You are absolutely deserving of this milestone!!

  62. Oh Corey……I am soooo happy for you! You certainly deserve it! Why would you be so shy about it? You are a marvelous artist with a style that is all your own! No one like you Corey….and I am so thrilled to have met you in this strange world of bloggers! Congratulations. Love, Linda

  63. Oh Dear ((COREY)))!
    I was wondering what the surprise would be!
    Congratulations to YOu!
    I am head over to the site to see what I can see

  64. CONGRATULATIONS corey!!!!!! just went to artstream’s site & saw you there!!!!! how awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
    shine on corey!!!!!!
    xo, mary ann

  65. Congratulations! I am not surprised! you have soooooooooooooo beautiful pictures! romantic and so inspiring!

  66. i know i’m late, but congrats (belated)!

  67. That is so so great! I wish I could visit!

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