Her words spoke truth


While sitting on the balusters her thoughts had unfolded before her. Word by word, sentence by sentence, a never ending stream. As if she were the ink on the letter she had composed a hundred times before, her thoughts placed themselves with ease around every cell of her being. The ink from her inner voice had became permanent. It was obvious, she didn’t have to question herself anymore…yes, she knew she was on the right path, she knew what she wanted and that in itself was good!

Photo: Those shoes are made for singing! French words cut from a vintage fairytale book and an image I found at the flea market. For more information about altered scrapbooks click here.


27 responses to “Her words spoke truth”

  1. Hi there Corey,
    This is just how words, thoughts and sentences appear to me in the morning. I then have to try to harness them, to tie them down in their order before I wake up too much and think about it.
    Another wonderful image as my day draws to a close here.
    take care, grache

  2. Blessings to you my lovely friend.
    Spooktakular as always!
    Best Witches for Halloween!
    Love Jeanne

  3. I wish I knew what path I was on in the first place! 🙂 They’re all unmarked, so it’s hard to choose.

  4. such a tantalizing glimpse!!!

  5. i want to thank you so much for this blog. i lived in Deuil-la-Barre for two years as an au pair for a French/American family and used to spend my days off in Paris. i have such longings for France that it is sometimes overwhelming, but visiting your blog, each morning, helps a great deal. You bring beauty and lovliness, thought provoking insight and a glimpse into the past.
    Thank you so much.

  6. “The ink from her inner voice had became permanent.”
    This is just such a profound thought. The ink of my inner voice had also become permanent. Unfortunately, it spoke the wrong message. Thankfully I now have a blank page to begin again.
    Thank you so much for this lovely post.

  7. “As if she were the ink on the letter she had composed a hundred times before”

  8. I am inspired by you to look for old photos and think about the lives they represent.

  9. I LOOOOOOOVE this story, Corey. Write it down on paper, if you haven’t already. Your children and future grandkids will cherish these thoughts. And you really must send your writing to a publisher.

  10. Wonderfully expressed, Corey. You find the most amazing things, but more than that you bind them with sparkling threads of your own spinning into something completely new.

  11. Such a great storyteller you are!

  12. I read you like one would read a daily book of meditations. Yes, knowing what one wants is good…

  13. Beautiful words as always!
    Annabelle =^..^= xo

  14. That would be a nice feeling!

  15. I think that often we should spend time composing our words hundred fold in our minds.That way our thoughts, not others, lead us to the right path.Then our words become authentic and are truly ours.

  16. That in itself is good!!

  17. knowing you’re on the right path is the best feeling…

  18. Your post often take me into quite another world, a dreamworld…..and I love it.

  19. Congratulations – you have a daughter you can be proud of. Well done on excellent parenting!

  20. The ink from her inner voice had become permanent…and could it be that the map it drew in her heart helped to remind her where her path led ?

  21. WOW Corey a powerful reaffirmation to listen to the voice that lies inside our hearts.
    My Best-

  22. Toni Mason

    Corey I am relating to this unique story Thanks for the beautiful way you put our words!

  23. love coming here and soaking you all in. So interesting… I always love the perspective of your images.

  24. Corey-I don’t know how you do it–coming up with something new, astounding and beautiful every day. I think my well would have run dry if I had tried it but you must have a spring to draw from.

  25. you never cease to amaze me with your consistently beautiful & inspiring words & images!

  26. “yes, she knew she was on the right path, she knew what she wanted and that in itself was good!” So wonderfu! Thank you for this post, Corey!

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