Time on her Hands


Chelsea, (my teen-aged daughter,) had already missed one bus to Marseille when the next bus passed her by! Racing back to the house she asked me if I could take her to the train station, tout de suite! Driving to the train station we encountered many escargots, Chelsea looked at her watch then at me…I pointed at the escargots, I couldn’t drive any faster! Why is it when you are in a hurry everything seems to slow down to the pace of snails?

As soon as we arrived at the gare, Chelsea reached over, gave me a quick kiss, and was out of the car in a flash. I waited to see if the train had arrived….

Not surprisingly, the train was canceled! I asked her if she thought this was a sign not to go into Marseille? "Yeah, I was wondering about that too," she said. Then with a wave of her hand she flashed me a smile, and ran off to catch the next train, she would arrive in Marseille far later than expected.

Racing through the terminal she saw out of the corner of her eye, a young woman with a ton of suitcases standing at the base of a massive stairwell. Chelsea without hesitating, turned around and went back to ask if she wanted some help…

When they arrived at the top of the stairs, out of breath the young woman nodded a thank-you, Chelsea smiled and continued on her way. Only to discover that the mile long escalator ahead was not working!

"Mommy, at this point I realized why I had missed both of those buses, and why the train was canceled…Someone was watching over Miss Ton-of-Suitcases, I had arrived at the perfect time to help."

This is an attitude that will take you to many wonderful places.

photo: 19th century Italian Milagros (also known as ex-votos or dijes) are offered to a favorite saint as a reminder of the petitioner’s particular need, or they are offered to a saint in thanks for a prayer answered.

Learn to make your own Milagros.


53 responses to “Time on her Hands”

  1. What a wonderfully generous heart your daughter has. Nel

  2. What a wonderful “woman” your daughter is. Using girl or young lady to identify her is beneath her even at her age.
    I’m really in awe of her thoughtfulness and the way her mind works. Wow ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Chelsea is the sort of girl who keeps the world turning as it should because she can offer help where help is needed and recognize that as part of the workings of her life. A pat on the back for her understanding Mama, too ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I love your daughter so much. She has a spirit within her that is going to bring her to do great things in life.

  5. You have a lovely daughter! I know her loving heart comes straight from you. I must remember to call slow drivers escargot from now on, instead of what I usually call them!

  6. My gosh.
    You have successfully passed your spirit for life to Chelsea, which is what any and all of us hope for in our own children.
    I am beaming with pride FOR you.

  7. oh, and, we have our versions of milagros and tiny saints all over my house –
    I am always pressing one or another into someone’s hand!

  8. Not only do Chelsea’s act of kindness speak highly of her, her actions speak volumes of you and Yann!

  9. swampgrrl

    what a great story…
    and a kind-hearted teenage daughter….those are rare indeed.
    i’ve got to catch up on all your other posts!!

  10. How you live your life your children are sure to draw inspiration.Chelsea has the best mom she could ever have and its showing through.
    A good example as well is a comment I read this morning made by Clarice on Sortybookwoods:
    “I want to thank you ladies for your kindness and generous heart. But mostly I want to thank you for showing my girls what a small kind act can have a big impact on ones heart.I can see my girls more and more looking for ways to bless those around them.So from this mama and friend thank you.” xoxoxoxox.
    I see that there are a lot of good mamas around the world; thatโ€™s a good feeling.
    Annabelle =^..^= xo

  11. You must be a proud Mama!

  12. Sounds just like the beautiful, insightful young woman I know her to be. I’m so looking forward to hanging out chez vous in December, and to seeing your first published work next month!

  13. I love her heart… it has taken me until my 30s to stop worrying and start accepting when things go wrong – let go of my expectations and enjoy being present to whatever happens instead!

  14. Corey, you have a wonderfully kind daughter. As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!!

  15. Chelsea understood everything! I have some stories like this one…sometimes we are just at thr ight place at the right moment to help others or to been help! Beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful post!

  16. Ahhhh this is why we missed each other yesterday – The two of you have hearts of gold!

  17. Refreshing post!
    ..such a sweet and thoughtful daughter you have…

  18. Corey,
    That is a heart warming tale. Too many coincidances for it not to have been fate. Chelsea certainly was this woman’s answered prayer. You have every reason to be proud od the good samaritan you have raised.

  19. This is one of my favourite stories of yours, Corey. It would make a perfect vignette in a short film, wouldn’t it? Chelsea has a good heart like her mamma!

  20. …and who taught her that, eh? What a lovely story.

  21. That is just such a lovely story. I really believe it has a lot to do with you also.
    I often find myself in your daughter’s situation and thinking,”What would mum do?” and it always leads me to interesting side adventures.

  22. That wonderful awareness that your daughter has…you must be proud and love her very much Corey! I think she has a sensitive soul that will bring her much joy, but it sometimes will confuse her, when she realizes that not everyone in the world is as aware. I’m so happy she has you as her mother to help her through.
    xoxo What a wonderful thing she did…not many her age would have stopped and lent a hand…especially after missing her own train!

  23. You had me on the edge of my seat there. I’m so glad it had a happy ending. You, I am sure, are very proud of that girl

  24. Yes, that attitude will lead to a very happy life!
    Enjoyed your links too.

  25. Every individual good deed like Chelsea’s gives hope for the human race – one by one they put positive energy out there for us all to share. If we all could focus on these positive things and stop reading newspapers full of doom and gloom, the positive energy could just spiral up and up taking our hearts with it.
    Love this story, Corey.

  26. beautiful, tender heart!…she must take after her mother…

  27. Soon she will learn that her kindnesses will be returned ten-fold.
    Chelsea exhibited such generosity of spirit to help this lady of many burdens; she could only have learned it at home.

  28. That is a wonderful attitude. I think it is rare to find a teenager with such vision of things.

  29. Paris Parfait

    I’m not surprised! Like mother, like daughter! Charming story.

  30. Like mom always told us (she still does) — you will be rewarded in the end. This was my first thought, it was very kind and thoughtful of what Chelsea did for that lady. She will be rewarded!

  31. It sounds like you have a very caring daughter. ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. sweet,caring,beautiful chelsea…… just like her mom corey.!

  33. I haven’t had a chance to get my usual fix of your words lately, something seems missing when that happens. Anyway this story about Chelsea just proves that the shiny, delicious apple does not fall from the sheltering tree!

  34. that last post was meant to say: does not fall FAR from the sheltering tree. I typed too fast. lol!

  35. Yes we are put in someones path for a reason…or they in ours! You have done a wonderful job in bringing up a daughter who cares!

  36. I think you blog is a
    little milagro:)

  37. What a fabulous story! Your daughter sounds lovely and that made me smile.

  38. What a wise, loving young woman! Just like her mommy. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  39. Easy to see that this girsl gets her influence from her mother.

  40. The beauty of mother and daughter experiencing divine synchronicity together!
    You are truly Blessed*

  41. Chelsea is her mother’s daughter !!! Hugsss Dear Corey.

  42. oh I so love this…so wise, because THAT is exactly the reason why she missed her trains! Acts of kindness do so much more for the giver and your baby girl is well on her way to many blessing in life! Good to have a moment to catch up over here dear corey! xo

  43. this.. was an interesting post.. as I live a similar one.. in a much more serious subject.. the detection of a serious disease.. in a person who should never come in my life under routine circumstamces..
    and the Milagros are the one thing that I learned today.. grace a vous..
    and I believe.. in signs.. especially those signs.. that prevent us from starting a journey..

  44. I hope my daughters grow into the kind of caring person your daughter is.

  45. What a gift to have a loving daughter who so thoughtfully thinks of others… it is truly a relfection of the loving family she was rasied in.
    As always Corey thank you for your lovely words.
    My Best-

  46. Obviously, Chelsea shares the same beauty of spirit as her mother. Thank you for sharing, Corey.

  47. Your daughter is such a lovely young lady!!

  48. Bravo, Chelsea!
    Your parents obviously did a lot of things right ๐Ÿ˜‰

  49. i’m not surprised that your chelsea is such a lovely, caring young lady>>>she comes from you & french husband!!!!

  50. What a beautiful, caring daughter you have. It’s nice to find wisdom in younger people.

  51. This is such a lovely story. Call me sensitive, but I’m crying a teeny bit. ๐Ÿ™‚

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