Carte Postal


Ma Chère,

The letter begins like many others with a tender greeting. Though the force of the words that followed were like none she had ever read…was this her beloved, suffering beyond her reach? Closely she held his words though they stabbed with jagged edges. Par quel miracle, he was alive in body this she knew to be true, but at what price did his spirit pay?


At the brocante fair I found these French postcards written in pencil by Eugene. My daughter, Chelsea read them and gasped, "Mommy did you read these! They are from a man who was in the First World War….words to his wife."

I raced back to the place where I had purchased the three cartes postales. I wanted to buy the box of things I had left behind…I couldn’t bear thinking how I had separated them after all these years. Somethings are meant to stay together don’t you agree?


                           Where hope is gathered courage grows.

I wonder if he returned? I wonder if his words ever caressed her face like his kisses had? I believe they did… the box I was able to buy is full of tenderness.

Does keeping the past alive bring healing?

photos: A collection of hope from the box I bought. Postcards sharing feelings, a ribbon untied, and lace from one of her dresses.


44 responses to “Carte Postal”

  1. Ma Chère sounds so much more romantic than Dear

  2. Marie-Noëlle

    Your set of WW1 postcards remind me of an English “webfriend” of mine named Roz. She found a lady’s travel journal by an English lady who went to Venice, dated 1906 . And she is right now in Venice, in the steps of that journal writer…
    Corey, I bet you will enjoy these links I’ll send them to you by email!

  3. It’s so important to preserve personal history. Those postcards are in good hands with you, Corey.
    And now I’m off to see the sites Marie-Noelle has posted!

  4. They are so lucky that someone has them now who can appreciate and love their words and feelings.
    I do believe we must remember the past, keep it alive, in order to gain perspective, and thus healing, or we are bound to relive it over and over.

  5. I have read similiar letters from a soldier in WWII to his wife. It almost felt like trespassing on holy ground.

  6. “Does keeping the past alive bring healing?”
    I like the post cards and the question that you raise.
    I don’t know. Maybe yes when doing it for others that you don’t know. Maybe no for yourself when doing if for the personal.
    I really don’t know. Wiil think on this more.

  7. Some things are just too difficult to throw away even if one has moved on, and relationships are things that engrave into the heart where you never come out the other side quite the same as you entered.
    I bet looking through the box must be like entering someone’s private journal with so much emotions involved. I’m glad that you managed to keep them together and that it is in treasured hands.

  8. I love the vision of you running back to get the other things.
    My ex-husband’s mom and dad had a letter from when he was in WW2. He was in the middle of writing to her when he got the news that it was over and they were going home. You could “hear” the change from one sentence to the next. Really neat stuff. 🙂

  9. I don’t know if keeping the past alive can bring healing..somethings are best forgotten.The fact that these things were kept together for almost a century means that the memory of the past was important to someone. I recently acquired family photos of similar age and sadness, people whose blood I share but never knew, I look at the faces and I want to ask them so many questions.

  10. Hi Corey,
    What a lovely story. I’m not sure if it brings healing, but it’s got to be good karma. It’s nice to think that the letters which must have been so precious to both this man and his love are being looked after by you and your family.
    Cheers, lj

  11. as long as there are caring people like you.. who will take care of other .. lost ..people’s memories.. yes it brings healings.. at least to the souls of those saved ones..
    enjoy your weekend..

  12. Elusive whispers from a past age. Somehwere their descendents walk, talk, sleep, work and love. Somewhere…..maybe around the next corner or down the road…somewhere whispers linger.

  13. You’re absolutely right – they should stay together. I can’t imagine why anybody would want to sell a family treasure like that…it’s such an important part of a family’s history. Maybe the ghosts of Eugene and his wife guided their letters to you and your daughter!

  14. At times one only has past memories to hold on to to comfort you when short term memory fades.
    I love the last image the color the ribbon the lace nicely done!

  15. I can see your daughter has a heart just like her mother. How wonderful that you were able to go back and get the rest of the items. Yes these lovely memories should be kept in tact. What a treasure.

  16. I hope that he’s returned to his beloved wife! It’s kind of heart wrenching not to know! *sigh*

  17. Like a Novel set in history, your post pulls at my heartstrings – yes, it was wise to keep the box intact, for now we can enjoy those memories of love a bit longer…

  18. Oh Corey, you put things so beautifully! I wish I had your gift and yet, I would not be here reading yours as much if I was off writing my own:-D Thanks for always sharing your thoughts…..

  19. I am beginning to believe that these things are put in your path for a reason. That you are meant to happen on memories because you would cherish them and give them worth. There in a box was love long ago and you have to wonder why. Were there no children to pass them on to, or were there children who didn’t see the value of sentiment? Or was the love not to last and memories too painful to hold on to? The treasures have story and depth to them – and thanks to your eye and going back to keep the memories in tact, they will live on in whatever we imagine it to be. Thank you (I keep saying that I know) for sharing these. I think it quite spectacular the Chelsea seemed as mesmerized by it as well. She obviously has your keen eye and loving heart.

  20. Oh wow… That makes a novel begin to write itself in my mind…the untold stories of regular people, love that has been, heartache. I sure hopw he came home to her!
    I am glad you found these things…Maybe you were meant to give their love a little life, just by treasuring the words. maybe YOU should write it!

  21. Haunting, beautiful, inspiring…

  22. Did you see the French movie, The Longest Engagement? Such a hard look at WWI and how horrible it was. So many people lost loved ones.

  23. Blessings……more than words letters mingle souls.
    I love your postings!
    Love you Sugar Plum!
    Jeanne ^j^

  24. Corey – to me keeping the sustaining and pleasant memories of the past alive is very healing. if we could only have the grace to hang onto the healing parts and let all of the ugly stay in the past, then mayde we can be fully healed of emotional baggage.

  25. How tenderly you cherish the bits and pieces of those who have come before us. It must be as nourishing and soothing to their spirits as it is to your earthly soul …

  26. I’m so happy you’ve kept them all together!
    I think the past alive can be both healing or not. Depends. Some things we need to just learn from and let then let go of..others are beautiful reminders.

  27. Corey this is lovely, keeping the past alive definitely keeps our hearts whole.
    My Best-

  28. My heart sighs to imagine them and their love.

  29. A whole real-life story as poignant as a novel, about to be dispersed like dandelion seeds in the wind. Your daughter’s sharp eyes and your words bring the story back to life – a past with a future. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  30. I love that you went back to reunite the postcards with the other sentimental treasures in the box.
    As for keeping the past alive…I do believe it can bring healing, but I also believe that one must be careful not to live in the past.
    Beautifully shared as always–when will Chelsea be starting a blog?

  31. you found a priceless treasure.
    your question reminded me of a movie i watched this past weekend called everything is illuminated. it’s about a jewish man who goes in search of his grandfather’s past in russia during ww2. for time’s sake i can’t go into all the details but it was truly wonderful. in the end there was a quote that your question brought back. it was something about how everything is illuminated by the past and that the past is always running along side our lives. maybe the past stays live whether we keep it alive or not…and we can choose to learn from it and let it heal us or not…regardless it’s always there.

  32. I guess that can depend on what memories the past holds…beautiful thoughts once again Corey, Nel

  33. judypatooote

    Oh Corey that is so sweet. You always seem to find such special things….You are so much like my daughter Lori, she can go to an antique shop and come out with the most unusual things, and puts them together in such a wonderful way….and she too has a way with words…

  34. The past lives in us – there is beauty in honoring it.
    Your photographs are wonderful!

  35. Cherie,
    D’une très belle collection..cette boîte a votre nom là-dessus!

  36. Hi Corey:
    How are you anxiously awaiting your reply.

  37. Amazing! I have some letters I found in my Grandma’s house after she died. She kept them all these years. Some man was flirting with her telling her, “You still owe me 40 cents, how about making it up to me in 4 kisses. 10 cents a kiss, I like to get a lot for my money.”

  38. Ces lettres, qu’échangèrent lui et elle,constituent un précieux témoignage..Une merveilleuse histoire d’amour..

  39. I just came into possession of my Grandmothers’ trunk of treasures. There is a letter she wrote to her sister in law that was never sent because she learned she had died of the flu. In the letter she describes the jubilation and all night celebrations on the armistice. The church bells started ringing in the central US at 3 AM.

  40. Such treasures. Treasured words, treasured times, treasured photos. thank you, thank you for sharing them.

  41. Such a beautiful find wrapped in nostalgia. I’m so happy it was you who found them and kept the collection together.
    take care, grache

  42. What a find! So touching!

  43. Lovely.. just lovely. Voices from the past. I’m glad you found these treasures to cherish and share.
    It’s a beautiful image, the golden ribbons, branches and lace mixed with postcards and photos.

  44. i love old things. my family moved around a lot and my ancestors did as well, so think old things are really special to me, even if they aren’t mine…

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