Where do you leave your Crown?


We are a gift, yes we are! We are beautiful, holy and have much to give to one another. Our words, actions and those very murmurings hidden within our thoughts are crowns, waiting to be placed on the throne of life.

The day is not over, yet if I follow my path back to waking I can find where I have left my crown…my touch, my words, my thoughts….were they worthy of the throne, the moment life gave me? Looking back, biting my nails I wonder…I believe the more aware I am of the moment at hand, the easier it will be for me to leave a crown and not my flippant little self!

The jewels of daily life, the rubies, pearls and diamonds of moments alive…are the day to day simple moments…feeling the changing season kiss my cheek, turning on the faucet and having hot water wash over me, opening our eyes to one another and exchanging a crown, a smile.

What are the bijoux in your couronne?

photo: a few bits of gild remain on this 18th century, French, hand-carved, wooden crown. It probably was used over a statue’s head in a church.


30 responses to “Where do you leave your Crown?”

  1. This blog is definitely a jewel. I hesitate to even call it a blog. It’s too lovely and the word “blog” too ordinary and cumbersome.
    Other jewels? Hugging my sons who have grown far taller than I am, the daily anticipation of the first cup of coffee as I listen to the rhythms of the coffee pot, an artful day…the fact that there aer so many that I feel embarrassed to go on listing them. 🙂

  2. my jewels are patience..learned from life itself.. silent times.. in a hectic world.. and joy..shared with friens..
    I have tagged you..details are in my blog..
    if you would like to answer ..of course..
    you would enjoy me..

  3. You leave your crown everyday in each of our lives when we come and read your daily inspiration and encouragement. I hope I do not store these crowns where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal but to lay them on the path of life everywhere I go.

  4. The jewels in my crown are my family, my faith, my friends and of course my fur angels
    and all the blessings in my life!
    God bless you real good my precious friend!
    Love you

  5. Thank you for the crowning touch on my day, I hope to remember now to leave a crown today everywhere I go – a compliment to co-workers, a kind word to an elderly, etc.
    What a beautiful post.

  6. Corey, I agree with the comments that say YOU leave your crown everyday in the words and pictures you give us. I too hate to call it a blog because your messages are MUCH more than that. Thank you once again.

  7. people that we love are the jewels

  8. I love that crown !!

  9. Lovely post…
    Anything that I have is a gift from Him. I lay it all at His feet.

  10. I will walk through the day thinking of this post – my crown – and the jewels I receive and give. Thank you for this wonderful start to what promises to be a beautiful rainy day.

  11. My jeweled crown…. A star ruby for my true love {my husband was born in July} a pearl for the reflection of my dear affectionate and beautiful daughter, a diamond in the rough {he can be a handful at times but then again we all can be} for my son and all the rest of my precious jewels for my family, friends and gifts blessed upon me.
    The glided crown ….so heavenly for sure.

  12. jewels I receive: eggs waiting for my breakfast when I’m running late, a coworker opening the door for me when my arms are full, maple leaves donning their autumn regalia for my enjoyment as I walk at lunch, a few quiet moments in a busy day which allow me to collect myself for the next task, comments from blog friends who “get” my posts, a far-away brother who is willing to act as tech support late at night when my e-mail will not allow my messages to percolate through to my in box…
    I can only hope that I return some of these jewels to others as I live the moments of each day; we all deserve to wear crowns encrusted with them. Thanks for the wonderful start to my day, Corey!

  13. What a wonderful post to give me thought thru the day!

  14. Now you didn’t steal that crown off the statue from a church did you? 🙂 It’s magnificent!

  15. Jewels of my Crown? No other answer is possible but – My Children.

  16. The best I have is breathing air!!

  17. …thank you.

  18. It’s easy to see jewels in the good around me and what I love and enjoy.
    But it is a true gift to see the jewel in the rough of life. I believe the worst of what life has to offer me will hold a jewel inside.

  19. your musings always remind me to stop, slow down, breathe, look around, adjust myself so that my arms are more open to life…thank you…

  20. Am I losing it? Is that the same crown as earlier? I think I need a nap. lol

  21. oh what timing for me to happen upon this !
    I am having a few mumbles under my breath this afternoon…
    Thank you – I will take pause and once again learn from you.
    Always a gift coming here.

  22. The most valuable jewels are so often the simplest things in our day, we just need the ability to recognize them.If in doing so we can add sparkle to the lives of others, perhaps one day we will be worthy of that diadem.

  23. I adore that crown. Very beautiful. The jewels in my crown are life, love, faith and of course hope.

  24. Yes! I so understand what you are saying. What have a given others today. Did I even give a smile. This made me think of how every interaction is important and worthy of my best. I am worthy of my best.
    Thank you!

  25. Without a doubt, my love for my family.
    As the years march on and our numbers dwindle so quickly, I cherish what and who we have and try to always make sure they know their importance in my life.
    Being in this world without parents has etched a loss and bittersweet pain on my heart that sweetens the relationships with my remaining family.
    My jewels…..without pause, are my loved ones.

  26. giving to others just as you do each day corey, with a kind word, a smile a story… those are jewels.
    my jewels are my daughters and loving husband and for me that is enough!

  27. Paris Parfait

    Lovely post and the crown is beautiful! I have a collection of Madonna crowns and have bought two more in Sevilla.

  28. what beautiful thoughts you express…and just when i need them the most…this reminds me of this little tidbit…when the student is ready…the teacher appears…

  29. Toni Mason

    Corey I am such a flippant self these days!!

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