Tagging it with a gentle Hand


Each brick in the wall holds a story, some are worth keeping, others are not. When love becomes more than words, when its weight in gold is heavier than the bricks of the wall, when we can lean on it, finding it safe and strong, then those very bricks that we put in place to protect us, can come down.

When we are tagged by love anything can be transformed! Have you ever built a wall with the mortar of your negative feelings only to have it fall down because a loving hand gave you a chance?

photo: A brick wall tagged with an heart in the center of town that guards an interior garden.


23 responses to “Tagging it with a gentle Hand”

  1. Your hand reaches out and touches our hearts Corey.
    Thank you

  2. Wow.
    You have no idea how timely this was, or how much I needed to hear this today. Thank you SO much for this : )

  3. Love is the strongest force in the Universe.
    Love is all you need.

  4. Beautiful. Always. Corey.

  5. Quite the opposite….loving hands are giving me a chance, and I’m building my wall brick by brick to protect me from an inevitable fall.

  6. I gave an art piece to my best friend in this same theme not too long ago. We often talk about the walls we had built around our hearts. Our love has broken all of those walls from between us and now we are protected from the ugliness of the world by the wall of love that we share.
    Thank you again for a beautiful post.

  7. Toni Mason

    we are good at building walls, even though they are hard and rigorous to build, sometimes they are even harder to break down..Peace is what I want..no more walls

  8. Beautiful thoughts. It’s wonderful when our own walls come down and, perhaps, even more so to watch our love melt the walls of another.

  9. What a wonderful image, the walls of hostility and the mask that is false-protection came tumbling down as we are touched by the unconditional love of others (in the words of Toni Mason ‘Make Peace Not Walls’.

  10. Yes.
    The coming down can be harder than the going up.

  11. many walls of fear have been built and knocked down, in the garden of our hearts….how do they go up so fast? and yet take an age to come down?

  12. There is a lot of truth written here.

  13. i love the heart as a symbol. it is my favorite!

  14. I have built many walls and they are in the midst of coming down…ouch!! How can I leave them there when so many people have shown me love and the beauty that can be found on the other side. Can’t wait to see it all revealed. God is good! Nel

  15. Sometimes it seems as if the world is surrounded by brick walls, cemented together with feelings of anger and intolerance. Love is the only key to loosen our hearts, one at a time, perhaps, but we can make a difference.
    Very thought provoking image and post.

  16. my brick wall looks like a checkerboard at times…with light peeking through to the other side…i remove one brick/fear here and there only to put it right back…that is the control that my ego wishes me to keep…but my heart has a better idea…loving, forgiving, & acceptance…for myself…and others…thx for the reminder corey! xo

  17. I like the heart tag for that special secret garden!

  18. people need to read this..because there are more tags of horror around than tags of love..
    maybe we should take our paints and brushes and get out to draw hearts everywhere.. Corey ..
    you are giving hope for the future ..

  19. I wonder which story the heart tells. Who tagged it? Was the lovestory sweet or bitter? What happend?

  20. I would like to play tag with the scribbler on your wall..

  21. it’s amazing how something so soft and gentle…a touch, a look, a whisper…can tumble something so heavy and planted

  22. Beautiful words.

  23. Growing up with little Saint Teresa as a role model has been a light in my life that cannot be put out…Thank you Corey for reminding me of her .

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