Summer Fun

The safest place is in the middle, I am here, do I look like I am having fun?


Have you ever done anything that scares you?

White water rafting was one of mine.

I was terrified most of the way.

The rest of my family loved it, they laughed and joked while I was crying and cringing.

Would I do it again?…hum?…in a splash?…no way!


31 responses to “Summer Fun”

  1. I see you on the top photo, but not in the second. Did you go overboard?
    The scariest thing I did was ride in ULM over lake Serponçon. It’s like being on a tandem bicycle with a lawn mower motor propelling you high into the sky.

  2. Lac Serre-Ponçon, I meant to say

  3. Ha, this is funny. I also wrote “Summer Fun” in my blog today 🙂 Coincidence?
    Mine is not that brave though…….but it is about water!
    Ha, I would have been the photographer outside your boat!

  4. I have done a lot of things but I have managed to stay away from this particular afternoon fun. It would scare me to In the picture you look like you are a professional.
    Take care,

  5. That’s the way I feel about roller coasters. As a child, I was fearless and liked riding them. Now, no way! And what scares me these days is long plane rides. Sigh.

  6. I tend not to do things that scare me.
    I admire your bravery.

  7. Oh come on that was a walk in the park! NOT! No way would I ever try that!:(

  8. My family convinced me to get on the Splash Mountain ride at Disneyland several years ago. Fun and benigned until you start climbing out for the main event. Would I do it again. NOT A CHANCE. The sensation of falling isn’t my cup of tea. And don’t even get me started about rollercoasters, bungie jumping, parachuting, etc. Hummm, do we see a theme?

  9. Awesome thrice! I’ve almost gone whitewater rafting several times and every time- low water levels, or rainy day. Some day!
    Scary for me is heights when my feet are off the ground- ferris wheel, cable cars, parasailing- but I go!

  10. Oh Corey, I can just see you crying in laughter – the same thrill in riding the roller coaster of life!

  11. The photos are fantastic, they capture the joy and excitement of the moment. I believe in life one should try most things at least once, therefore the next on my list is indoor rock climbing and scuba-diving (ok, maybe not as exciting as white water rafting, but that is a possibility for the future)!

  12. I, too, have been trying to overcome my fears this summer…rode on on plane for 1st time in 14 years….swam in the ocean after we saw a shark the previous day……also rode a few rollercoasters that I had been avoiding for years. Now we are in the process of putting our house on the market and I have been throwing stuff away and donating to Goodwill like crazy. This may not sound like much to some, but I have not been able to free myself of this STUFF for years…sentimental attachments etc…and so this summer I have turned a corner and am trying some new things….but, no, I don’t think rafting will ever be on my short list. Bravo Corey!

  13. You are a brave soul dear one.
    I would not even attempt that.
    Big hugs
    Be well my friend!
    Love Jeanne

  14. Doing something fun that scares you is a good way to overcome your fears! I took a rock climbing class to overcome my fear of heights. It was exhilarating, but I’m still afraid of heights!

  15. oh my….. i am all for self growth….
    BUT……..Nooooooooo whitewater for me !

  16. Good for you. You are much braver than me. I would not only be in the middle, I’d be lying face down in the raft clutching on to whatever I could find for dear life!
    Next you can try bungee jumping!

  17. oh wow – i did that for five days when i turned 21 on an outward bound program. never had been on a river raft trip before and had the best time – i would do it again in a heartbeat. looks like sunriver was exciting for you… scary but exciting. and look at yann…!

  18. front seat on a roller coaster. I did this once. once is all there will be for me.
    scared the hebee gebees [spelling?] out of me.

  19. Wow check you out! Master of nature!

  20. This is one place you’d never find me. And I can think of several others.
    You are very brave to do this even once!

  21. A lot of time ago, we decided to go rafting with some friends, we were living in Quebec. I really did NOT wanted to do that, but…well……it was suppossed to be fun……I guess I desired soooooooooo strongly that the day the tour guy will not show..that.that is what happen!…..:)……so now, I just assume: I would not like to do rafting… not fun for me…….:)

  22. Uah you was very brave to do that Corey, I certainly wouldn’t!

  23. Cousin Linda

    I took a two-day rafting trip on the South Fork of the American River in 1983. It was scary, but I don’t like letting my fears control me, so I plunged in. My friend and I were in a raft with some men that had told their wives it was too dangerous for them. It was an excuse for the men to get off alone and then they end up in a raft with 2 women. My friend and I hung tough and laughed our way through our fear and the men in that boat had more fun than any of the other groups that weekend.

  24. I have been white water rafting 3 times and I so hope that I go again. i loved it.
    But I really don’t enjoy cold weather sports. We went snowmobiling one vacation and I had a horrid time!

  25. I’m with you girl ALL THE WAY. Don’t even want to look at one of those rafts if I can help it. I’ll stay on the bank fixing the S’mores thank you very much 🙂

  26. what an awesome ride corey!
    believe it or not, ferris wheels scare me…not a fan of heights…

  27. whewwwwWWWW !
    Good for you though !
    Out of your comfort zone can be good !
    What a trooper you were to do this…I do not know if I could have – even being “in the middle”
    You were BRAVE !

  28. I’ve done it, but I was younger. I would be TERRIFIED now.

  29. I will be doing this soon… again. I wonder where you were? It can be scary, yes.

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