Chasing the Blues

My cousin told me that hanging blue bottles in your garden, guards you from bad spirits… I told her in France they do this to store the bottles for next years vintage, adding the fruits of the vine in the Fall.

Maybe, it works both ways? Collecting spirits one way or another.

Drinking the blues is not my cup of tea. Though if hanging colorful bottles brings rainbow light, then the gardens I pace will be full of them. 

Either way a bit of color chases the blues away. What do you do to encourage happiness?

Thank you for the heartfelt comments on yesterdays post, the kindness you have extended are colorful bottles in my garden! I am drunk on the friendship I have received from you!

photo: My cousin Judy and her blue bottles, she makes her own wine too.


21 responses to “Chasing the Blues”

  1. I like to have look at objects in colors that cheer me. So sometimes I have a flowers on the kitchen counter or a candle on the desk beside the computer. While other times I have a toy car holding down papers on the desk or a rubber ducky sitting by my bathroom sink. As long as the colors sing to me, I’m happy. And I change these objects when the mood strikes to keep it fresh.

  2. My sweet friend, I’ve been thinking of you and your family.

  3. Soaking up sunny days
    Seeking out happy people
    Taking long walks
    All chase my blues away

  4. wearing something brightly colored.
    a long chat on the telephone about nothing important with an old friend.
    walking in the fresh air
    and napping:)a few of the things that chase my blues away;o)

  5. I drive on Hope Road looking for bluebirds. The bluebird of a happiness cheers me up every time. Josephine sent me.

  6. Ensure a good night’s sleep.
    Walk the hound.
    Search for beauty in the mundane.
    Be well Corey.

  7. Chatting with a friend who doesn’t know that I’m sad and therefore won’t ask all about it. Putting on a favorite movie or piece of music to keep the familiar wrapped around me. Driving with the windows down, hair blowing.

  8. When prayers go up
    Blessings come down.
    I rely on my faith very heavily especially when my heart is heavy with worry and heartaches!
    Blessings dear one!
    Love Jeanne

  9. I breathe in sea air but not often enough.

  10. What do you do to encourage happiness?
    C H O C O L A T E !

  11. This is such an interesting concept, love the blue bottles displayed like that in the garden, hope they chase the blues away and bring in the pot of blessings at the end of a rainbow.

  12. parce qu’elle sont les plus belles : les bleues. comme boire la mer ou le to drink sea or sky ;je suis heureuse-happy de les rencontrer-meetyour garden et grâce à elles d’avoir fait cette balade dans ton jardin. çà me change de mes bouteilles rouges-red et vertes-green.à bientôt

  13. Holding animals (they seem to understand)
    Being in the sun if it feels right
    Or inside with a lot of candles if you need more to “cave”
    Being very gentle with yourself, seeing yourself with soft eyes
    Eating well, trying to sleep well and dream well, even if it takes napping
    Hugging yourself and hugging your loved ones as often as you can : )

  14. Escape into a cheerful book if I can and know that I’ll feel better soon, turning a new page into the next chapter.

  15. My gosh!
    I have a collection of blue bottles!
    And hang them is what I intend to do…

  16. One thing I do to fight the blues is to go outdoors to a lake in town and watch sailboats float by.
    It’s beautiful to watch which lifts my spirits and it’s meditative.
    Perfect medicine for me.

  17. Love the blue bottles! Tried to leave a comment on this yesterday, but Typepad said comments were closed. Bright colours cheer me up, i.e. Fiesta ware dishes. Taking a walk is also good. And chocolate or home-baked cookies. Flowers indoors – always. Essential to life!

  18. cobalt blue>>>what a perfect color to represent the spirit of la vie!

  19. judypatooote

    I’m going to have to look for me a blue bottle…

  20. lovely blue bottles. I like that… I am thinking of you and your family and I will say a prayer for them.

  21. just back now from our seaside vaca and know you know how i feel already.
    hearts are withyou dear corey!

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