Blue Bird


I do not want to leave, I am happy where I am. The grass is green, the sun is warm, and the spot is good. I like it here. Simple. Honest. Home.

Sacha asked me, Mommy, why do we have to go back to France, when my entire life is here?

How can I answer his underline question? Love surrounds him, and his heart sails on a vast blue ocean. Why clip his new budding wings with reasons his heart does not want to understand.

It is hard to fly away, when the nest is warm.

I know Sacha… it is hard to say good bye.

photo: Cermanic bird in my cousin’s garden. Bought in Mendocino from a local potter.


21 responses to “Blue Bird”

  1. Oh Sacha, your nest over here will feel good, too. You just need to fly back and sit in it a little while, before the warm feeling once again surrounds you.

  2. It must be so difficult but once you get back home you will get cozy again. Take good care of yourself.

  3. Changes are always hard. Both you and Sacha will survive with the blessings of love, both is US and in France. And you are learning the important lessons of life.

  4. Oh Corey, I know it must be difficult for you to hear these words from Sacha for most of your life was spent in the States how could you leave in such a warm loving environment? Here sending you prayers and hugs wishing that Sacha will enjoy France just as much.

  5. such sweet heartfelt words from that boy…. he has the gift of words.. just like his mama ! Wishing you safe travels…

  6. You both have not one home but two!

  7. Oh Corey, My heart is with you and Sacha; it is hard to leave behind the warmth you have here! But you will take the love with you. Blessings for a safe journey! XO, Cat

  8. Have a safe trip home and be well. Sacha, soon you will be settle back home and know that you have TWO great lives and you will be so happy. What a great GIFT.

  9. p.s. Sorry to have missed you Corey. There will always be next summer. Hugs, Annie

  10. To have two places that feel like home, a blessing but a painful one.

  11. Once again, just too lovely. You have a way with words and images. Wonderful
    Build another nest for Sacha and make it warm
    Also, thank you for reading my other poem. I am happy for your kind words.

  12. Lovely yellow bird! Well, you will be going with him and all your history/family is in you — if that’s some consolation. And there is next summer. Don’t we all need that carrot on a string to keep us going?

  13. Way too cute. The sweet little bluebird wants so much to be heard and understood he’s turned yellow, lol.
    And that balance between roots and wings can be so elusive, not only for children but adults as well.
    I hope the journey back is a healing one for all of you : )

  14. “parting is such sweet sorrow…”
    something tells me that the heart is WIDE enough to embrace the life here & in france…& then some!
    mary ann xo

  15. Sasha will understand later in life when HE wants to LEAVE his nest and mommy will then ask herself WHY!

  16. Oh, poor boy! Time to get papa to move to America! Yay! I will fly over and help you pack. 😉
    oxox 🙂

  17. Two homes. He is a lucky boy.

  18. Same story in my household. I’ve got to go “home” to London in a week and a half and leave my lovely Canadian haven. My son doesn’t get it either.

  19. My heart aches for Sacha . Make him a collage of scenes from his summer – scenes of love and welcome and home, frame it beautifully with one of your antiques and hang it in a place close to his heart.

  20. Brendon often tells me he wants to move to NY to be closer to family.
    He shines when aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins surround him.
    I wish I could accomodate him.

  21. Hmmm. We have the same issue, having family on the east coast that we just visited. Perhaps we stayed there too long this time. Now we’re back home and I’ve never had such a feeling of there’s no here here before. I like Meredith’s comment that you just need to sit in your nest back home for a little while before the warm feeling is back. After many yrs of returning here from vacations there, this year I have the feeling that my CA nest may not warm up again. We shall see. Best of luck with your return to your French nest.

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