Dreaming and Feasting




Shakespeare writes in Macbeth… Dreams are the chief nourishers in life's feast… I believe dreams speak to us of feelings and or thoughts that we have during the day that go unexpressed or unnoticed. Dreams are the language of the heart and soul. They are tools provided for us to explore our deeper reality. Those unexpressed feeling and thoughts, those small events that tug at our sleeve pleading for our attention, and even the conversations of words spoken but not heard, are transformed into dream language. Nouns, verbs and adjectives become people, places, things, colors, and distorted facts such as flying or falling, and more. Everything in our dreams, each faucet, each person, or activity is used as a symbol, a symbol of our hidden self, to show us who we are.

When we sleep our mind gathers the day like hand-picked fruit and provides a symbolic dream feast… Our dreams want to nourish us, they point to the table of our soul and say come sit down, feast on the richness of your life.
Dreams are the language of our inner being longing to integrate into consciousness.
What did you feast on last night?


29 responses to “Dreaming and Feasting”

  1. That was beautiful…and I don’t remember. I think I was too tired to dream!

  2. Dolphins, thank goodnes I didn’t feast on them but rather I was walking along a beach and I could feel sprays of water on my face. When I looked out to the water, dolphins were swimming, doing dolphin acrobats and splashing me with water. It was a very enjoyable dream and left me feeling quite happy today.
    Wishing you sweet dreams,

  3. Corey,
    My dreams are like those of Lady Macbeth’s.
    What should I do.
    Tongue in Cheek responds: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For those of you new on this blog, Orama is someone who likes to tease me! With that said…Orama go back to bed and sweet dreams!

  4. Christmas, and feelings of longing for my husband. There was a church service and candles. People everywhere, but we were hidden behind the pews, under a blanket, and oh so lovely…
    And we don’t even go to church…?

  5. Brother Mathew

    Geesh! I’ve had horrible nightmares the last couple nights! No kidding. The strange thing? I can only remember one other time when Ive had such dreams! I tried to blame it on mom’s sweet potato soup cause it tasted so good I had three huge bowls. The next night same thing and no sweet potato soup and go figure you write about dreams. I hope tonight is better.
    Brother Mathew

  6. Babies! I have these beautiful, sweet baby dreams almost every night. They’re so real. I often can’t find the baby or I misplace him somewhere (I think my uterus has slowly overtaken over my mind!)

  7. i believe the same thing about dreams. i believe that what the soul can’t (or won’t) work through while awake, will be worked through in our sleep. which is why i’m always fascinated by my dreams. several years ago i worked with a jungian dream analyst for awhile. it was very interesting work. yesterday i blogged about the feast my soul enjoyed wednesday night.

  8. i don’t remember what i dreamt about.. i rarely do.
    but i remember reading once that “dreams were the illustrations of the book our soul was writing”.
    i thought it sounded nice !

  9. This lovely post is so timely…because tomorrow is the feastday of St Helen (Helena) of the True Cross, who is known for following her dreamlife. St Helen was guided by her dreams to go on an archeology dig to find the true cross, and she found it. She took right to heart the dreams pointing the way there, knew God speaks to us in our dreams. I’m a little biased with the draw there, as she’s a beloved ancestor of mine, but she followed those dreams just the same. And you’re so right…Dreams are just too precious to let slip away without bringing them into your waking life somehow. I call them “whispering roses” from God’s garden, and its important in more ways than one to “stop and smell the roses” : )
    When my dream life gets shallow because of stress (like now unfortunately) I feel truly starved. Now I can see more why, from what you’ve shared here, that that’s when we are missing the feast…

  10. Oh, last night was a strange one. I dreamed that an acquaintence of mine was going about town declaring his love for me.
    Now, don’t tell 🙂

  11. I rarely remember dreams. Just wake with a feeling of elation or gloom!
    This morning I woke feeling great, so my Id must heve been feeling positive.
    What’s happened to the dates on the comments?

  12. What a day to ask!Last night my mind was playing tricks with all my insecurities.Distorting my emotions and bringing to life my fears.

  13. Hehehe, I should just keep that to myself….

  14. It is good to be back home from vacation and read your blog on a daily basis again. I love the way you make my mind travel.

  15. So pretty and BLEU too!

  16. I don’t remember my dreams last night. But several nights during the last week I’ve had some really strange and mixed up dreams and I have no clue what they mean.
    I agree that we are working out our daily lives in our dreams, but I am at a loss as to just what it is I’m working out. Hmmmmm.

  17. Oh, I am such a huge believer in the power of our dreams as a tool for healing. I beleive it is the truest form of ‘self-help’, our dreams. Our soul talks to us when we can’t argue. God connects to us when our egos are quiet.
    I have kept a journal of my dreams for many years.

  18. Your words are too beautiful, I love the picture too.

  19. I dreamed of water and rain…and the ocean.

  20. I dreamed of YOU Corey, last week! I was at your parents place in CA and all the kids were running and dancing and singing. And you were there and you were a hammock expert!!It was so vivid and full of life–just like you!!

  21. Only since I left the corporate frenzy have I even been aware of my dreams, and now I relish visiting that water-color world every single night. So far, I have just enjoyed the wild colors and unimaginable combinations of people and situations, but have not tried to interpret. Maybe I need to begin concentrating on their messages to my waking self. Last night I dreamed of my grandmother’s house and the solace I felt there. I was in the company of people who never met my grandmother. She was not even there; just the house. Hmmmmm…

  22. What a lovely concept.Last night I dreamt of trees and the whispering noise they make when the wind blows.
    Thank you for sharing.

  23. I used to keep them in a book and found that a good one can last a lifetime.

  24. I looove dreams;o) in the past week I’ve heard my daughter giggling just like she use to when she was a toddler (it made me cry:( ..I have had the best flying dreams! have you ever flown in your dreams?? it was the best but for some reason I was flying over the ocean and every now and again I would dip deep down into the ocean water and be chased by sharks???escaping narrowly then back up to the sky flying around??? the flying part was awesome but the shark part terrifying..wonder what it meant?? I have also had the naked dreams:( haahahaa! I had a book once called ‘waking up to your dreams’ it helped you decode what they actually mean…I’ve also had re accuring dreams…those always meant something to me in real life…and I constantly have the de-ja-vu types too! love them all..sorry for ramblin! xo

  25. I would love to dream about my mother…but I really don’t remeber my dreams.
    Take care,

  26. Oh dear, I’m in my 3rd…no 4th day of insomnia!
    What does that say about me! LOL!

  27. I only remember bits and have no idea of meaning, but I kept finding people tucked up sound asleep everywhere, when I was desperately trying to bake several chocolate cakes to make an elaborate pudding for a feast……………

  28. i remember falling in my dream last night…hanging on a ledge…it frightened me & i woke up. i’ve been going through lots of decision making lately & i am feeling a bit anxious/nervous if i am following my heart or playing it safe…with the decisions rolling around my head…i’d like to hope that i am following my heart.

  29. beautiful thoughts. i rarely remember my dreams…

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