And the Beat Goes On


We all have a bad habit, some of mine include:

Taking big bites-

Putting my foot in my mouth-

Waiting until the last minute-

and amongst numerous others, I fall asleep in the car at the wheel, while I am driving! To contend with this I turn the radio on as loud as it can go and listen to rock and roll classics. If a song has my feet dancing too hard on the pedals, I stop the car, get out and dance! Yeap, right then and there. Dancing beats falling asleep! Certainly, other drivers appreciate seeing me dancing on the side of the road, verses my car rocking and rolling into their car, and becoming their new bruised dance partner! Do you have a bad habit?

photo: My neighbor, in France, and his classic car!


30 responses to “And the Beat Goes On”

  1. I suffer from the last minute and procrastination blues as well. Also eat when I am troubled and/or depressed which lately has been quite a lot. Arghhhh.

  2. ooh there are too many to name! love that little car!

  3. I have many bad faults I too am only human. I try to correct them each day.
    My worst fault is being over sensitive in just about everything.
    I have always been that way.
    Sometimes I don’t think I am strong enough for this world.
    Love you Sugar Plum
    Please don’t fall asleep at the wheel.
    You know how I worry
    Love you

  4. I’d like to be able to micromanage the whole world into doing everything just the way I say it should be! In other words, I’m such a good planner that I often forget to actually do anything!
    Sloth? Fear? I don’t know which it is. But it’s me?

  5. my dh and i were talking about faults just yesterday. I am forever running late and it drives him nuts.
    Oh well – he still loves me.
    I also listen to classic rock if I am in the car alone. But not to keep me awake – i get sick if i try to sleep in the car.

  6. I procrastinate, procrastinate, procrastinate…and I over-explain things…..
    I sing to keep myself awake at the wheel.

  7. i can’t tell you how big the smile on my face is, after reading this post…
    something i would so love to see… you, dancing. i wish we all had beautiful bad habits like that. could you imagine how so much more wonderful this world would be?
    my bad habits… oh many.
    always leaving things for the last minute. is that a different way of translating procrastination?
    rubbing my nose when i’m nervous or shy or uncertain.
    and never knowing when to stop… so maybe now is a good time to practise that habit.

  8. I’ve been called a nag!

  9. Hee hee! I can just imagine you dancing at the side of the road! You go, Girl! I always fall asleep when I’m a passenger in a car. It takes about twenty minutes and then zzzzzzz…! Bad habits? Yes. In fact, I’m doing one right this very second! I’m blogging/blog visiting when I should be working on project that has a deadline in two days. You know when you’re a blogging addict when your husband asks you if he should stage a blogging intervention and if there’s a support group called Husbands of Bloggers Anonymous!

  10. SMILING HERE at the thought of you pulled over dancing. I want that habit! The more I know of you the more I love you. And I would have to say my worst habit is procrastinating. Another is not savoring every bite.

  11. SMILING HERE at the thought of you pulled over dancing. I want that habit! The more I know of you the more I love you. And I would have to say my worst habit is procrastinating. Another is not savoring every bite.

  12. PLEASE DO NOT FALL ASLEEP WHILE DRIVING!!! Give it up I say if it’s that tedious..DWS (driving while sleeping) No PLEASE. We don’t like the idea of losing you, much less thinking of our own bad habits like eating ice cream every…

  13. you are soooo cute and fun! dancing on the side of the road!!!

  14. In my house we would call you a “silly nu nu” . LOL!
    I have too many bad habits to name, I’m afraid. One of them being too lazy at times, an dso i am too lazy to list them all. *sigh*
    oxox 🙂

  15. Mine are procrastination and eating for comfort when worried or depressed.
    Now I will worry about you driving!!!!
    Pass the ice cream please!

  16. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I am ALSO a car dancer! (But not just when I am tired – anytime I love the song too!!)

  17. ha! Dancing on the side of the road. If I saw you I would think you were a lunatic.
    Give up driving woman! That’s all I need to worry about now… sheesh. (I know now not to get in the car with YOU!)

  18. i love it cory!!
    i whisper to myself while i read…it drives peoples (especially trey) crazy…

  19. i love it cory!!
    i whisper to myself while i read…it drives people (especially trey) crazy…

  20. That is so awesome! If I saw you or anyone dancing along the side of the street, I’d be so humored by it! You’d certainly make a whole lot of people smile. 😀
    Lots and lots of bad habits. Procrastination tops the list, avoid confrontation which leads to not speaking up for myself, and an over zealous requirement for clean ears (tmi?). Hopefully -that- made you smile, too, instead of cringe. 😉

  21. oh love this post and i can so relate!! the procrastination of course!!!! and the falling asleep at the wheel well been there did that and ran into a guard rail and nearly a car head on!! not a more better moment!! but had a nice girl actually stop and check on me and see if I needed help!!! that at least showed me that there are good people still in the world!! so now I bring along something to drink or pretzels or both if i have a long ride ahead or I have a bad headache which is what happened when i actually did fall asleep!! and the dancing well I do it in the car so I guess outside would be as good if not better!! and yes fun!! but then around these parts the cows would have a good chuckle or the local farmer would call the sheriff and report crazy lady along side of raod dancing!!!! hehehe!! too fun!

  22. Funny! I have too many to mention! We will save them for a long…..long blog entry:-D) Ha Ha

  23. suddenly an old video popped into my head…people dancing in the streets! & then oddly, that beegee’s song (we should be dancin’)comes rushing to mind…& the scene where we see the walking boots of john travolta in one of those dance movies of his!

  24. Faults:
    Hmmm-I don’t look like a very nice person, do I?

  25. Oh that Renault! My first car was a bright yellow one!
    A bad habit? hmmmm… Only one?
    I eat too much.
    I ‘sit on the fence’. ( But my ultimate decision is usually the right one!). I think 2 bad habits is enough to tell you about!

  26. Oh that Renault! My first car was a bright yellow one!
    A bad habit? hmmmm… Only one?
    I eat too much.
    I ‘sit on the fence’. ( But my ultimate decision is usually the right one!). I think 2 bad habits is enough to tell you about!

  27. Love your list of bad habits…
    cheers, g

  28. You are one funny woman Corey, pulling over to dance? wonderful and why not?! My bad habits…too many to name.

  29. I do number three all the time, even though I’m aware of it, sometimes things come tumbling out, and even my own brain can be surprised by the speed and content of my mouth!

  30. I mean number 2!! See, I just did it!

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