Little Flower


Thank you little flowers that are under my feet, giving way without a cry, as I pass-by. Thank you fresh air that fills my lungs restoring me without my constant awareness. Thank you light that shows me today and guides me towards tomorrow. Thank you heart for beating, for dancing within me, even when I do not hear your steady song. Thank you eyes that look like the eyes of many ancestors ahead of me, whose shape I see in the faces I love, who show me I belong. Thank you arms that hold me tight, thank you word sorry for-giving me courage to try again and again. Thank you little flowers that reach to the sun after I walk by and scent my days with a fragrance of peace.

Photo: Tender little flowers in the field outside my childhood home.


24 responses to “Little Flower”

  1. ‘thank you word sorry for-giving me courage to try again and again’ – thankyou dear Corey, love this! courage to get up each morning, brush my knees down and begin a new day. xoxo

  2. thank you for reminding me how gratitude and generosity (toward others and toward ourself) is available in every moment. this is the heart of peace. beautiful post, corey!

  3. Thank you for the world so sweet
    Thank you for the food we eat
    Thank you for the birds that sing
    Thank you God for everything.
    One of the many prayers I say each and every day!
    God bless you real good and your kind and loving soul.
    Love you Sugar Plum!
    Kisses and smiles across the miles!

  4. Merci Danke Grazie Arigato
    Obrigado Spacibo Efcharisto and just TANKS Corey for your wonderful vision! 🙂

  5. thank YOU!
    (i love those flowers, they remind me of the clover we used to string together to make necklaces from!)

  6. Corey, lovely photo and powerful words to live by! Thank you!

  7. Indeed, Count your blessings!
    Thank you for the reminder: When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

  8. Oh those flowers are pretty, Corey. Imagine what they must look like to a bee!

  9. Sweet picture! Is that clover? I love the grateful poem.

  10. shelley

    OOh Corey… I love your words….There words that make you think….I love the photo:)…Shelley

  11. thankyou earth for the steady path you allow me walk; for putting strength under my feet.
    we should never become complacent to the beauty of nature.

  12. This is so beautiful…I love flowers…so sad I live in a city & don’t have a garden!
    Thanks for the lovely comments on my blog…glad you like my work…your site is so poetic…
    Ouissi x

  13. and thank you, friend for leading us down the path filled with frangrant
    flowers, gratitude, and peace.

  14. beautiful prayer of thanks

  15. What wonderful colors those little flowers are. Thank you for coloring my life with your words.

  16. thank YOU, Corey!

  17. There is nothing but beauty here and nothing but teary eyes by me. Such luminous and moving words. I also give thanks.

  18. Just a note to continue to tell you how much I enjoy your blog……every entry has something to say to me! Thanks so much for sharing yourself with us! Love, Linda

  19. Aaaah … beautiful. Thank YOU.

  20. lovely, refreshing

  21. I think this is one of my favorite pics of yours. Just something about it…

  22. Oh and I also like the photo, that’s a very beautiful sort of clover, ours is looking more lilac.

  23. Oh and I also like the photo, that’s a very beautiful sort of clover, ours is looking more lilac.

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