naked beauty is nothing to hide

Knowing that what you are is beautiful. Counting our flaws as points of interest, rather than covering them up. Willing to see beyond the boundaries of what is dictated by being simply who we are. Wearing nothing except honesty is exposing our best side. Dress up in nothing but the bare necessities is sitting pretty.

Not to be afraid of the naked truth of yourself.

photo: 19th century oil painting, at my friend’s bed and breakfast, LA MADRONE, in Apt.


29 responses to “naked beauty is nothing to hide”

  1. 🙂 (me……naked)

  2. i will have to think on this one !

  3. I’m all for flaws, quirks and characteristics… small, telling scars, creases & wrinkles from smiling and squinting at the sun… for hands that look as though they’ve felt the soil more than once, and not in gloves.
    take care, gracia

  4. Great sentiments!

  5. points of interest?!? 😉

  6. Beautiful painting. When MY points of interest weren’t as interesting as they are now, this was me. The slimmer me was never boney. LOL

  7. ahhh the rubenesque model.
    i love your sentiment here corey and the painting!

  8. Being who I am, flaws and all. I love it!

  9. I would love to be open enough to be able to do this naked thing but…people have long hurt that part of myself never to recover.
    Don’t let anyone do it to you!!!

  10. Baring all means being brave.I’m a brave bear sometimes!

  11. Oh oh this is the hardest thing for me to do!

  12. So I clicked over from Bloglines — which doesn’t show the photos — and half-expected from the text that there was a picture of you nekkid!

  13. i have less trouble baring my soul than baring my flesh. your post has left me really wondering why i’m more self-conscious than i mean to be. perhaps it’s the inquisitve stares of the young girls in the dressing room at the pool… looking to see where their perfect bodies are eventually headed.

  14. I’m wearing a bikini this summer, for the first time since I was about six years old! Love this new darn-if-I-care attitude of my late thirties!

  15. Easier said than done, my friend! But I admire your sentiments!

  16. There is nothing more attractive than a person who is comfortable in her own skin.
    Literally and figuratively.
    Nothing more freeing to the person who has the advantage of beholding such a beauty.

  17. …the older I get… the less inhibbited… yet there is a time for everything.

  18. Love the idea of flaws being points of interest. Reminds me of the actress in the Almodovar films who has the very big nose but is attractive nonetheless.

  19. Thank you, Corey. for the wonderful post. A really beautiful way to look things. =)

  20. So often the naked truth has been more than I could handle…as always love your post..hugs

  21. i love this idea. something i struggle with, especially in the summer when less clothes means more skin.
    cellulite is my own special tattoo!!

  22. What I see when I’m naked now…
    Breasts that nurtured
    the babies who
    created the silverish streatchmarks, that
    grace the hips he still loves,
    even after all this time.

  23. Definitely needed this one today…Thanks Corey!

  24. “Wearing nothing except honesty is exposing our best side.”
    all i can say is~ Amen!

  25. What you see is what you get!

  26. this couldn’t have come at a more perfect time>>>i’ve just hit a “milestone” birthday & i’m gonna embrace it all with honesty, grace & strength…& that’s the naked truth!
    🙂 mary ann

  27. this is beautiful, a wonderful reminder to appreciate our uniqueness – all of it!

  28. Just accept and love what we honestly are because time flows and one day we will be beautiful dust wandering in the wind with no flaws, no differences.

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