A place called Home

a rough worn chair waits in the garden of my parent’s. remaining a favorite place to soak in the sun. there amongst the sunflowers and the pomegranate tree it has taken root. long days and dark nights it weathers time without a change of place. with its arms always open, feet firmly planted, my name it calls.


39 responses to “A place called Home”

  1. It is true that no matter how old we are when we go home to our parents…we are home, again, just like we never left.

  2. I like that pic. To me that looks like an old pic (from the 40’s or 50’s), taken in an orange grove or crop field in Florida.
    *Sigh* Maybe I am just homesick. lol

  3. What a beautiful post. Love the picture and love the way you write, so thoughtful and romantic.As always, thank you for letting us in your beautiful life.

  4. What a beauty of a post (and the previous one had me laughing and laughing and then smiling for a nice long time afterwards.)
    The images that your words evoke is that this rooted chair is growing … I can see little shapes coming out of the upright back posts … lively. Magic.

  5. a holy and sacred place

  6. A great chair and with a great chair…comes some really great memories.

  7. corey,what a welcoming chair to watch the sunflowers grow…

  8. its true…. there is no place
    like home !

  9. a special spot for special memories … and some yet to come.

  10. Everyone should have such a place.

  11. I want to sit in this chair with a notebook and a pen, as inspired and poetic as your words are here.

  12. This would be a great shot for the Flickr photo pool (see this post for more info http://www.mamasaysom.com/2006/04/friday_photo_feature_careworn.php)
    I really need some good images to feature this week!

  13. I would like to hear the stories that chair would have to tell.

  14. Hello… do you think it is also calling my name too? I’m sure it is! A perfect little spot in the sun for everyone!
    take care, grache

  15. Okay, can I ask how much you weigh? Because I’m not sure that’s gonna hold up much longer.
    Yes, yes… leave it up to me to ruin your idyllic post with a realistic comment!

  16. looks very inviting. a great spot to journal or read a book.

  17. Hi Corey,
    THe joy * comfort of things unchanged, familiar, steady, aged but still standing -what a blessing for you to have such things surrounding you.

  18. Oh the memories this chair has
    stored over the years! Have not seen you visit lately! Miss you!

  19. A seat with soul. thank you.

  20. Picture request – I want to know more about that pomegranate tree? I eat poms everyday all winter and never catch a cold or flu until they run out. I’d like to see what a tree looks like-next picture peut-etre?

  21. Sit and rest. You’ll have it made in the shade 🙂

  22. Around the world you may travel and roam but truly there is NO place like home.
    Thanks for your precious photographs and memories shared.
    I love you sugar plum!
    Love Jeanne

  23. Corey — you bring magic to the everyday around us. Thank you.

  24. i love this chair! awh… which home are you in now?

  25. Corey you can make the most drab things just seem utterly beautiful. Thank you for that.

  26. This photo reminds me so much of ‘back home’.

  27. What a friend a chair can become, holding our memories for us.
    My Best-

  28. Oh, what a beautiful image! Arms open and an old friend of the family…sometimes objects can bring back so much memories and would be hard to let go of.

  29. That is a great picture, Corey. I have to ask you how you are liking this crazy heat?! Are you wilting there in Willows?

  30. I am glad you have been able to answer as home calls your name this month.

  31. taking root–something that normally didn’t exist in that particular place has found a place of belonging, a place of acceptance among the branches…

  32. Ahh, the comfort zone…our parents’ house. And the sepia (sp?) effect is great!

  33. You can see the time passing by looking at this chair….

  34. A different kind of tree…to find comfort and rest.

  35. beauty found in the newly formed taproot…

  36. what a wonderful place to be!

  37. Love chair like that, with roots

  38. Hello Corey,
    This is another image of yours that I just love!
    I have happily done what was requested on my blog (and replied to you there in the comment section next to your comment). Thank you for being so gracious : )
    Blessings, Wendy

  39. Very evocative image. I like the description of its surroundings.
    This is a picky suggestion, but could you eliminate the “there”? I’m not sure about that.

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