Baptism of Baby Cake

Reaching for life,

Holding beauty within her hands,

Exploring the wonder of discovery,

Knowing with certainty that something is there, even when you cannot see it,

Contentment with the treasure she holds.

photos: My darling niece of her Baptismal day. Her older sister calls her: Baby Cake. 


56 responses to “Baptism of Baby Cake”


  2. Tell her to watch out, my eldest son arrived in Paris a few hours ago…

  3. What a doll…SHE is the treasure.

  4. Beautiful baby, and what a cute nickname ๐Ÿ™‚ love it.

  5. ๐Ÿ™‚ Sooooo beautiful Corey! the pictures and the words. And she is such a cute beauty! ๐Ÿ™‚ so refreshing this post! And yes, she is a baby cake, you just want to eat her…….:)

  6. This is like watching a movie ๐Ÿ™‚ Those little feets have me entranced! TANKS

  7. Awww the cuteness of your niece! A really baby cake indeed! Love the pictures and your words!

  8. beautiful photographs… a lovely progression

  9. May her life be enriched and enchanted just like yours.
    Baby Cakes God bless you real good.
    Love Jeanne

  10. I just want to pick her up and squish her and kiss her big fat baby cheeks. I think I’ll go do that to my big ole’ 6 yr old son right now!!

  11. Your pictures and your words are mesmerizing. I just love your blog. It’s a keeper. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Precious innocent baby, may the angels always be near and keep watch over you!

  13. Nothing more precious…
    and is that a smocked dress she is wearing? I am such a pushover for anything smocked.

  14. Oh is she ever a darling child* sweeet as can be! What a precious series of photos and words* how lucky is she to have such a lovely auntie Corey? VERY! xoxo

  15. So adorable and sweet!

  16. I love the smocking on the front of her dress. She’s a cutie patootie.

  17. I love the pictures…babies in white are just an amazing sight to behold. And, the dappled sunlight in the grass makes me wish I were sitting right next to her.
    May God shine and this sweet child, all her days.

  18. What a precious gift from God !!!! Bless Her !!!

  19. deirdre

    What a sweetie. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  20. i’m glad there is a part of us that never grows out of that…

  21. Just too amazing for words. Baby Cake and her Auntie can bring tears to my eyes anytime.

  22. she is adorable in her white puffy dress. i often wonder just what it is the little ones are looking at…

  23. she IS Babycake!!!
    My son calls me babycakes too and I love it.

  24. Precious photos of an adorable child! Thanks for sharing. xo

  25. That is the perfect name for such a cherub. She is beautiful.

  26. precious baby dressed in smocked white..and precious words and pictures from Aunt Corey. Loved it !

  27. An Angel Baby and her Angel Auntie’s words of love. God bless little Baby Cake on her baptism day!

  28. Oh my goodness! Too cute for words!!!!!!!!!!

  29. What a sweet beautiful little girl!

  30. What a gorgeous little doll baby and what a sweet nickname! ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. Too sweet for words.
    I want another……but perhaps God will bless me with many precious Baby Cake grandchildren one day. (Not now…the Girl Child is a senior in college!)
    Thank you for a heavenly vision…, so cute!

  32. Awwwww, for some reason this just made me well up with tears. I miss my babies I guess. Love this Corey.

  33. meredith

    Is this the possessor of those sweet toes?

  34. yeah, i second meredith’s question…{smile}
    what a cutie-patootie!!!
    xo mary ann

  35. You just want to get hold of those little toes. Her ability to find something where we see nothing is truly amazing, still to me.
    Sad that this is lost to a degree, somewhere along the line.
    What gorgeous photos. ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. Baby cake indeed!! Lovely sweet post!!

  37. Gorgeous Girl! Always explore, always ask questions.

  38. What a lovely series of photos. This is art!

  39. Baby cake is the perfect nickname for such a sweetie. She is a dolly.
    Take care,

  40. so, so sweet

  41. awww… she’s looks adorable!

  42. So grand. I’ve never seen such meaningful baby portraits.

  43. ohhhh, baby cakes! she is a doll from heaven!

  44. Chocolate kisses and adorable children. I think you’re in Heaven at the moment.

  45. She is gorgeous, sweet and beautiful.
    What an angel!

  46. judypatooote

    A couple of cuties…..I love your pictures….are you home yet, or are you still in CA?

  47. Sweet baby……all babies are such wonderful miracles and a joy to observe and they explore!
    I shared your blog with a friend who is a struggling writer and artist. She began weeping as she looked at your photos and writing, and said, “I had no idea there were other people who think and write like I do.” I think maybe she will struggle a little less now!
    I know I’ve said it in different ways before, but again, thank you so much for sharing your unique vision!

  48. Beautiful foto series, I love the green background and her bright white dress. Looks like she is having fun!

  49. Dena Simoneaux

    How precious and sweet!!! just adorable!
    Dena ๐Ÿ™‚

  50. What a gorgeous little girl. She is perfect in this pretty dress which looks great and adorable on her. Good luck to you, sweet little thing.

  51. What an adorable little baby cake in a beautiful dress!

  52. Beautiful sweet treasurable pictures.

  53. OK, that is precious. What wonderful images! So sweet.

  54. I think my favorite ones is the one of her looking at her hands. ADorable though, great lighting.
    Maybe check your white balance, in a few of them she looks a tad grey.
    *Kiddie CC group*

  55. Ahhh, what an adorable series – she’s just a little doll-baby. Great focus on all of them too! Thanks so much for sharing such a beautiful little girl!

  56. Job well done. Keep up the good work.

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