Unwrapping the Gift


Yesterday, I unwrapped the anticipated gift of friendship,

untied the silk ribbon,

there within was the pearl, the one I trusted was inside the shell,

I held it in my hand, round smooth and perfect.

The blogging community is as such; trusting it is there like the pearl within the oyster shell, Each time I meet someone from this blogging community, I am blessed how real and whole these pearls of friendship are!

Thank you Ulla, Lauren, Snowsparkle and Meredith each of you that I have met since I have started this blog.

photo: Yesterday at Lauren’s home, Ulla, Lauren and I met, what wonderful treasures we found within each others company.


30 responses to “Unwrapping the Gift”

  1. What a beautiful entry…..I wish I could have met with the three of you….what a TREAT! Linda

  2. How wonderful Corey, thank you for your friendship too. I so want to visit you 🙂 warm regards.

  3. Time stood still, and the layers revealed themselves bit by bit… What a treasured day it was! Thank you for being you!

  4. I ecco your words of friendship. Blogging, yahoo groups and e-mails have opened up a new world to me. And your blog isfor sure among my favorites.

  5. How wonderful that you were able to meet Ulla and Lauren yesterday. What a joy it is to put a face to the voices we read everyday. Love, Annie

  6. I’m so happy Corey to hear that it was a good visit. You are each of you so wonderful…multiplied by 3…I bet it was an amazing time indeed!

  7. Yes, in the end the gift wasn’t in any of our packages, although lovely and precious each little treasure was, the real endowment, at least for me, was to be in the presence of such beautiful, thoughtful, talented, self-assured, gracious, loving women. A day to be remembered forever. The gift of a pearl that I will always wear close to my heart.

  8. oh how fun !!! and another great photo to symbolize the pearls in your life !

  9. True it is.

  10. how beautiful… 🙂

  11. How lovely for you.I have met some absolute gems through blogging (present company included of course)For some strange reason however I think I would be a nervous wreck!Delighted but nervous!

  12. now the universe wears a luminous necklace made from these pearls of friendship… and look how wonderfully you have strung us all together in the shimmering sea of your love. xo- snowsparkle 🙂

  13. That makes me smile…I wish I could have been there. =)

  14. I should have said got to know through blogging as I have never physically met anyone!

  15. I met my husband online,…so I can say for sure, there are some real gems out there. I couldn’t be happier..he’s the best friend I have ever had.
    And, yes, I was a nervous, shaky mess the day I met him in person. But, the plane ticket and the butterflies where all worth it. I’d do it again in a heartbeat! =)

  16. How wonderful for the three of you, to sit and talk and relish each moment of the visit! It must have been a lovely time!

  17. Corey – I have a great request. While you are out and about, could you take some pics of doors? Doors you see near SF? I’d love to see the perspective. Most of the time I think it’s harder in the states because they all have addresses and I feel like I’m budding into their lives more…

  18. That is the coolest! Yes, a treat, trusting in this community.

  19. That’s so great that you got to meet them!!
    I hope you all had a great time together.

  20. What fun to meet up with Lauren (whom I “know”) and Ulla (whom I don’t). I hope you took some pictures!!

  21. Coincidence or blog magic? Although I have not met any blog contacts, I received a gift this week from a blogger.
    Why are we amazed that strangers have the capacity to connect?

  22. how wondrously wonderful!

  23. What a “gift” we have given ourselves in making connections with
    our blogging friends!
    How exciting to have met in person! One day I shall meet up with you Ms. Corey when I come to France and we can go off to Paris and meet up with Tara..then off to Strasberg to meet AnneLise!!(be careful of what I wish for as they do come true!)

  24. Amazing! Can’t wait to hear about your visit with Amber next!

  25. Aww how wonderful that you have met eachother! Wish I could have been there with yas!

  26. I met my life partner online 10 years ago. We continue to add to our life’s memories and experiences….together. I have met wonderful online friends in person who have remained more true and loyal than some I met in the conventional sense of the word. How special you all had the opportunity to connect and discover each other beyond the “word”.

  27. how truly blessed we all are to know each other, and now you have met all together in person how truly wonderful!
    may the circle be unbroken!

  28. It truly is a gift how we meet new friends at a turn in the road when we least expect it – magical people at ordinary moments

  29. How wonderful that you all got to meet face-to-face!

  30. it is so beautiful!!! the gist is so cute!

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