Love Letter


What are the letters you write to yourself? Do you have endless pages going on in your head, of words you should erase? Are you writing your own script? Are you filling the pages of your life with the beauty of who you are?

Write yourself a love letter and seal it with a kiss.

photo: Mailbox worn with use, posting news of the days of our lives.


28 responses to “Love Letter”

  1. the charm of that scene! Oh how I would love to go there and get my mail..maybe all of the bills would not be that yucky then???? I’m pretty much ME all the time..or at least I try to be! Hope you’re enjoying your family! xo

  2. you give a very hard task here. Only I know whem I am faking it…It would be hard to find the things I truely love…Instead of what I should love…an interesting prompt…Thanks

  3. I love old mailboxes. So many letters that have come and gone. History of the home.
    Really yummy image.

  4. I have written a few and I have also forgotten about them. Amazing to open them up years later……..

  5. More than words letters mingle souls. I love a mail box brimming and our positive self talk is so very important indeed!
    Happy Friday.
    Weekend, Weekend
    Cha Cha Cha!

  6. Great photo! That is so simple and pretty. And also great idea. 😉

  7. I have been busy…too busy… and needed to slow down today. Thank you for this post. Your spirit inspires mine… I am grateful.

  8. i think i’ll do just that…
    i love this pic!

  9. my head has been spinning from way too much going on in my life…. or more precisely, going on in my husband’s and son’s lives. i feel like i’m losing myself to the demands of their intense schedules… i can’t keep up with my blogging which makes me feel even emptier. my love letter to myself would say: go visit your friend in the country and relax. i think i’ll try to call her tonight.

  10. Love the photo and the post as well. I’ve been busy at work and busy in my non-work hours as well,and rather than writing my own script I find that I can’t wait to write down my thoughts to get them out of my head. There is too much swirling around in there and I need to make room for more incoming thoughts.

  11. My love letter to you:
    Corey, you are divine inspiration. You are a woman I greatly admire. You save me more than you could ever know. With the words behind your words, with the revelation of your heart.
    And I am so thankful for you.

  12. In many ways, Corey, my blog has become my loveletter to myself and by extention to my children as they will learn so much about my heart that they might have missed growing up.

  13. Just came over to give you a big squishy hug.
    I love this picture. I love old mailboxes.

  14. Somtimes I forget about myself….
    Thanks for reminding me 🙂

  15. i mirror annielf’s comment (though sans kids!)…
    you can’t give good love if you don’t love yourself…

  16. My self notes are ones of encouragement.
    Wonderful pines line the lane by the mailbox!

  17. I am soooo slack at keeping up with correspondence – have spent my life apologising for not writing back, or being late with replies. The last few years I have let go a lot of guilt about my own unmet expectations of myself. And just write… as a gift when the spirit moves me.

  18. I have a friend who write letters to himself every year reminding of how far he’s progressed, what was achieved and new resolutions. What a wonderful idea? Hope there are no disappointments, and no regrets.

  19. Incrediby nice shot of the mail box! wow!

  20. I so love your blog, Corey. I not only compose letters to myself (and others) in my head…I often think I’m continually performing my own one-woman show in there. 🙂 Love the photos of the mailbox and pie safe and chair. I’m going to think of you tomorrow as we pass the Willows exit on our way to Portland. I’ll give a wave… 😉

  21. letters to myself…. one constant edit job here !

  22. I love the last few photos, very atmospheric.
    Your words made me think. Maybe I’m too busy reading my life as a novel, waiting to see what happens next, to even think of writing the script myself.

  23. This post really spoke to me Corey. Thank you.

  24. Corey – I have endless pages going on in my head all the time! Hence my blogs. xoxo

  25. I love the complimentary colors here-perfect picture 🙂

  26. I forgot to say the diffuse light is beautiful too !

  27. Looks like the mailbox has a story…or many stories to tell. love the picture.

  28. Love the mailbox and your prose. Beautiful, Corey!

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