Planted and Uprooted


The chair was planted with a few words thrown in after a long day, even if the day had been short, the words would have poured out. As if my mouth was a garden hose and the tap was controlled with a quick twist, out came words that grew a chair. They have taken a seat, and stare at me; "Hello do you remember what you said?"

Words planted, deep in the soil of a person…they can caress a small desire to grow, they can stifle the aims of ones longing… what type of seeds do you plant? Do they change with the seasons?

The chair grows, amongst the ivy, rusty and worn, sturdy and inviting. What are the words that have created you…

photo: in my parent’s garden, an old chair sits and recalls conversations of yesterday.


34 responses to “Planted and Uprooted”

  1. Just a few words from someone helped me grow after seeds were buried by someone else and left to waste.

  2. Such wise words you bestow upon us Corey. Yes, I am busy planting little seeds of love and hope in my garden of four.

  3. hmmm I need to be more careful about the conversations I have with myself and make sure they’re helping me grow, not beating me down.

  4. …words of love and confidence…

  5. Words are truly the most powerful medium of education. For good or for not, our words shape our young children and we continue to be shaped as adults by words said to us. Much care is advised.

  6. The power of the spoken word has affected my life in utterly negative ways – words spoken by my mother that I eventually lived out. Words have also been spoken over me that resurrected my heart and renewed my soul. Those are the words I water now.

  7. After posting, I ran across this quote from Mother Teresa. Truly words to live by. “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” ~

  8. Hmmm…Good question. Weighing your words is a life long process, I think. It takes time to understand how powerful they are, both the words said and the ones left unsaid…

  9. Kindness and love are my words always………
    Live simply
    Love generously
    Care deeply
    Speak Kindly and leave the rest to God.
    Love you Sugar Plum!

  10. And conversations of this summer for generations to come……

  11. I have such a proliferate mouth, sometimes it gives me shutters to think that with each of those words, I have planted a seed.
    But it is true. YIKES!

  12. Hear, Humility, Heart, Honor, Hope, Heaven.

  13. judypatooote

    I would love that chair in my back yard… is so rustic…..

  14. My philosophy is, be aware of the words you speak, words are powerful bullets. It’s an ancient philosophy (in the beginning there was the *word* and the word was made flesh…)

  15. Dearest Corey,
    Odd that you should speak of words today… You have been in my thoughts and I’ve wanted to write but for some reason all the words are tangled up in my little mind. So, I hope it will suffice if I simply tell you that you are a wonderful soul who I feel fortunate to have met.

  16. I would rather be slapped across the face then punished with crass uncaring words they stay with you a lifetime and tho you may forgive, you never forget who it was and what they said that hurt you….I need to work on this myself… Fabulous posting as usual! xo

  17. I love you.
    The most important words to sow for a child.
    So they can say the words to themselves and to others.
    What you sow you reap. My three year old tells me she loves me several times a day…I melt every time.

  18. Julie Holvik

    I would hope that the seeds I plant stay planted for a long time. It’s funny or should I say odd to see your post of things I’ve seen many times and never seen what you see You bring great love and insight with your words.How about a game of hearts one night?

  19. this is such a beautiful, inviting photo…

  20. Love, forgive, accept, protect and respect.

  21. i can think of no greater seed to plant than love.
    i absolutely adore rusty metal chairs. this one is perfect!

  22. Sometimes there are no words…just silence.
    Sometimes, listening is not enough…we have to hear. Sometimes all that is needed…is a glance and then we both smile.

  23. I love those chairs! This one looks like it is in an oasis!

  24. That chair speaks “rest” to me. After a busy hectic day, that is just what I wanted to hear too. Thanks.
    Mostly the words that created me were honest, kind and loving.

  25. I try to sow seeds of understanding and nurturing in my garden of 3 saplings

  26. I really like that old chair in the ivy grown all around it!
    I have an old chair growing in my garden too. A hazelnut shrub has grown through the chair so that I can’t move it anymore.
    Thank you so much for your comments on my blog sweet Corey!

  27. That’s a great image! Love, empathy & curiosity. And mischief.

  28. Corey, this is an absolutely fantastic image. I love those old metal chairs…….and this one looks so at home in the ivy! Thank you so much for sharing this image and these thoughts.

  29. Now that you ask I’m not sure what type of seeds I’ve been planting inside as they haven’t grown nice and strong.

  30. that chair is a living thing, a poem.
    i hope with all my heart that your time with your family and all these familiar things is giving you deep renewal.

  31. the loveliest seat in the garden!
    i am a sucker for rusted metal, esp. antique garden furniture…
    the seeds i planted in my garden were sown with hope, dreams & bliss…
    hugs 2u,
    mary ann 🙂

  32. I love this – the history, the love, the conversations – beautiful!

  33. This chair makes me feel rusty 🙂

  34. I am so impressed! You definately showed me how a garden piece of furniture could become something live and exciting.

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