Seeds Planted


Words surrounded her, as did the star, small chips of diamonds flickers of light, les mots tendre, je suis la…

Flowers grew from the seeds, 'famille, maison, tache de chocolat…' attached to a golden thread that she wore close to her heart.

Far from home, far from home…far from home, she knew where she came from, the flowers and flickers reminded her.

Home is in your heart, what do you plant there? With what words do you water your seeds?

Wherever you are… plant the seeds that will give you the joy to bloom, life is too short to grow weeds.

photo: Porcelain painted broohe, that I saw in a window of an antique shop in San Francisco…did she leave her heart there?


22 responses to “Seeds Planted”

  1. Another beautiful post, Corey. You are surrounded by beautiful words, too.

  2. When I moved to New Hampshire, my first instinct was to create a place where I could rest my roots and plant seeds to create a place where my flowers could grow….
    And boy are they growing!!

  3. This object is so pretty! Is it your mom’s? Makes me wonder, was she a real lady? She was sure lovely, huh?

  4. You always give me such wonderful thoughts to mull over in my mind throughout my day. Glad you are able to continue writing so far from home! 🙂

  5. what a beautiful pendant! what a mystical woman with a secret which I want to know.
    plant where you are seeded and sow the seeds of love.
    just like corey!

  6. “Home is in your heart, what do you plant there? ”
    Every day I remind myself to be healthy, be productive and be kind. So that’s what I plant there.
    As for how I water these ideas, I don’t really know that I do. Probably should. I’ll work on that.

  7. just lovely…thank you!

  8. Beautiful.
    When I was in San Fransisco it was so beautiful.
    Treasure every golden moment.
    Love you

  9. your words are so lovely my dear. hope your loving sunny cali!

  10. Seeds watered…………..
    I try to water them every day. Like you say life is too short for weeds.

  11. how are you? sure miss your visits…
    aka mab

  12. just say no to weed! 😉

  13. “wherever you are, know that you are loved” there are no more beautiful words than these. i love your alternate text for the photo. love having met and shared a few sparkely hours with an incredibly special kindred spirit. hope you’re having as fabulous a time as it seems in your posts.

  14. Indeed life is too short to grow weeds, thanks you for your lovely words. Your garden of life must be full of sweet smelling blossoms and butterflies 🙂

  15. my heart has planted in mygarden seeds of hope, inspiration, dreams, delight, beauty, bounty, fairyland & bliss…
    take care mon amie!
    🙂 mary ann xo

  16. Lately I’ve been planting seeds of patience and faith. They are always there but lately, I’ve needed to revitalize this section of my inner garden. My water? Prayer. Every thought is a prayer.

  17. Yaba dabba doo! You got it! Elle est belle, comme toi…

  18. The picture and words go great together…

  19. Corey, Your words are as sweet and dear as the image in the beautiful locket. That you for making the day lovelier.

  20. judypatooote

    Corey, you make me wish that I lived by you…. what a gorgeous broohe…and words to go with it…..

  21. Elegant words; elegant musings; beautiful treasure.

  22. You plant many many beautiful seeds. You plant in hearts. Thank you.

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