The Keys to Happiness

Two keys, two homes, to my heart,

California and France,

Chez moi is my place,

Where does your heart take residence?

Home is where the heart is, and my heart is happy!

Bien Chez moi!

photo: Rusty French antique keys.


34 responses to “The Keys to Happiness”

  1. Home for me is like you where my heart is happy.

  2. Having lived a nomadic multicultural childhood… home is wherever I am!

  3. My heart is always where my loved ones are and where there is love and peace and joy and happiness………………
    Write your name across my heart each day the way you do.
    I love it!
    Blessings from my heart to yours.
    Embrace your bliss!
    Love Jeanne

  4. For me home is my country (the place I know best and I was very happy there) and France (I adopted it very quicly!) Some other places I love but I don’consider them home even if I stayed several years…..and sometimes I tell my husband: You are home….:) (I have been following him through a few places…so this arranges the subject..:)….)
    My home is me as well, so it works wherever I am, but not always….sometimes I just live with myself but I don’t “have” me

  5. My home/heart is where ever I am at that moment. I’m a gypsy at heart ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. My favorite quote…”Bloom where you’re planted.”

  7. deirdre

    Home is right here, where I grew up. I lived in Ireland for a while as a child, tried to leave again a few times as an adult, can’t get past the heartache of leaving home.

  8. Yay, you made it!
    My heart belongs anyplace where there are trees and mountains.

  9. my heart is where there is light. figurative or literal. the world is a dark place and i always crave light.

  10. Lovely post, Corey! Home is where the heart is, is of course the easy answer. Many wonderful cities have been home to me at one time or another – so I agree with Gracie – home is where I am at the moment.

  11. I agree… bloom where you are planted… when I moved into my first apartment, my mom gave me a pillow that said “Home Sweet Apartment ”

  12. home is IT! lovely keys. i have this thing for rusty metal and these are soooo lovely!

  13. Home is where my family is. My family is my heart. They are so intertwined, I could live anywhere as long as they were near.

  14. There’s no place like home.

  15. Corey….you are the winner of my little bird cage, but….i am not sure where to send it. please e-mail me and give me your california address.
    hope you enjoy it! it was fun to make:)

  16. This place, where we are now, is home because I have allowed my heart to make it so. Before, it was not a place at all.

  17. So glad to hear you are happily enjoying your visit Corey!
    Like you, my home is where my heart is and that is with my beloved family and friends.

  18. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am happy for you! I bet your family is so happy to have you near…

  19. a happy heart is always a good thing!
    my heart is deep in the heart of texas!

  20. Home is where the heart is but where we are now is the first place that says HOME and has my heart on elastic, so I snap back into place after each excursion away. Other homes have been transient stepping stones on the way here.
    Happy you’re happy in your two homes.

  21. Have a great vacation Corey.
    My home is when I’m with my DH and my DH.

  22. Beautiful photos!
    Little pieces of home follow me wherever I go. Though my heart is tied to the green mountains and deep rivers of Northern Idaho, I always ache inside for the home that is not of this world!

  23. “A good home must be made not bought.” Sounds like you are feeling like you are home in California! Great! France will always be there to comfort and welcome you back HOME!

  24. Corey! You are only an area code away!!!
    Love, Colette

  25. so happy to hear that you are visiting CA…my husband is in France tonight in Nantes…
    I’m in southern CA and our weather has been so nice…maybe it will last the length of your visit…bon soir

  26. i left my heart in maine, but my home is & will always be with my husband, wherever we may be.
    ๐Ÿ™‚ mary ann xo

  27. What a lovely sentiment. Both are amazing places. I am so glad you are at home in California as well as France.

  28. I love old keys like these – my heart is happiest when I’m with people…

  29. hello YOU and welcome HOME! as a resident of northern CA i can say that you have returned to a lovely area. enJOY your return…drink it up…breathe it in…and yes…sport the flip flops…they are such a must. i wear them every day. i also greet my 3 year old niece (1/2 palestinian 1/2 puerto rican) w/ ‘bonjour’ every time we talk on the phone. i am committed to her learning at least one french word from her auntie (that’s one of about 10 i know and know how to use) be WELL! ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Thank you for welcoming us into your home. Always a joy to visit, lots of love.

  31. I can so relate to this post .

  32. Beautiful photo!

  33. oh corey that is wonderful.
    My heart is of course in Switzerland probably where I left it..
    But my residence is in the same time zone as you right now. ๐Ÿ™‚ BC that is.

  34. I agree, home is where you are happy.
    Love keys like that and I allready have one you sent me, a litle one that I am saving to do something special.

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