La Bonne Aventure



Walking down the street in Paris, my path to the bakery was blocked by three gypsies. I looked at their brightly colored skirts and shawls, and smiled. One of them held her hand out for me to stop, I had no choice; the other gypsy grabbed my hand, I looked in her eyes, in French she said:

"LA PROCHAINE FOIS, C’EST UN GARCON!" (Next time it will be a boy!)

Right then and there my fortune was told…

I was pregnant,

with a girl,

and I would have a boy the next time.

Just like that on the way to the bakery, my buns were baked.

Photo of a 19th century French  engraving,"The Fortune Teller- La Bonne Aventure"


55 responses to “La Bonne Aventure”

  1. Such a clever post, Corey! Love the engraving.

  2. Hi Corey:
    How fantastic!
    Have a great day

  3. What a fantastic image…the colors, gypsies, and the premonition.

  4. wow, did that really happen? love that picture.

  5. Oh Corey…you make me chuckle right out loud..!

  6. oh corey, this makes me giggle!
    and the baked bun in the oven…tee hee.

  7. Ok are you messing with me? If that is a true story, I will freak. How cool is that?! Wow. You live such an enlightened life.
    …buns cooked. FUNNY!

  8. too fun! love the engraving – wow!

  9. Very mysterious about the gypsies. And buns baked? How funny. Corey is showing her droll side.

  10. how positively divine!
    u r 1 wicked clever & witty gal!
    gotta love that!
    🙂 mary ann xo

  11. AMAZING! Yep You’re buns were baked right then and there! Love this post a bunch! xo

  12. lol forever on that one. too clever.

  13. Cool story!!

  14. I, too, have been approached by these palm readers. I was once told that I had a long life line, hmmm, I’ll let you know in 40 years if this prediction comes true.

  15. How wonderful that they stopped you… Gypsies are so empowered with their knowledge… sometimes we forget to hold our own talents with such reverence and joy… Blessings on you and yours.

  16. deirdre60

    Did you believe her right away? My mother was told by a gypsy that she’d live across the water and have six children. She forgot about it until it was all true.

  17. Something like that happened to me, as well. I was 8 months pregnant and a tiny old woman walked up to me, circled me, and said I’d have a daughter. Until that point I thought I was having a boy because everyone kept saying so. But then I believed it was a girl, and so it was!

  18. hahahahahahahahahahaaa….
    what a great story!
    I met a gypsy and she told me so many stories…and I guess I told her a few as well. I did not realize till the end of our time together that she was a gypsy. I wish she had not vanished.

  19. Fascinating engraving – doesn’t it simply send your imagination on a trip?

  20. Oh wow! LOL! How cool!
    My grandpa used to tell me stories of Gypsies where he grew up. He used to get secret rides with them on their loaded up cars and wagons, and beat all this brothers to school. Hehe. I used to hearing about the Gypsies.

  21. Interesting…I must say that if I were a gypsy and I saw you walking toward me, I would want to look into your eyes as well! The eyes are the window to the soul, my father always said.

  22. There were three gypsies a come to my door
    And downstairs ran this lady, O!
    One sang high and another sang low
    And the other sang bonny, bonny, Biscay, O!
    Then she pulled off her silk finished gown
    And put on hose of leather, O!
    The ragged, ragged, rags about our door
    She’s gone with the raggle taggle gypsies, O!
    “““(traditional folk song)

  23. Your stories enlighten me and leave me smiling all day long.
    Love you Sugar Plum~

  24. So cool! I’m part Hungarian, we must of had a gypsy or two in our ancestry. LOL

  25. what a cool experience!

  26. So your daughter is about my age then…
    That is amazing- I have encountered gypsies before when travelling around Europe.

  27. Oooooh!
    When I was pregnant, I went out of my way to AVOID gypsies.

  28. Great story and beautiful picture too, as always. I have a similar tale to tell. My late grandmother had her fortune told by a gypsy in August 1958. The woman just appeared in her garden where my grandmother was working and my grandmother was a little annoyed so she asked the woman to leave. But the gypsy woman didn’t want any money or anything, she just said: In this house, first you’ll have a funeral, then a wedding. My grandmother felt chills down her spine. Well, only a few days later an accident happened. A
    heavy wooden coathanger fell on my grandmother’s tiny dog, breaking her back and killing her instantly. The next day she hosted my parents’ wedding in her garden.
    Seems like those gypsies know their stuff…

  29. Beautiful picture…. hmmmm I wonder how many times I have written that about your posts…. oh well… it was true..every single time !!

  30. One of those memories never to forget…one of those moments meant to be…

  31. wow!! a beautiful and unforgettable memorey.

  32. Interesting! Once in Spain, a gypsy took my hand as well and told me “something” that I don’t remember……..but she didn’t tell me that I should continue walking in life following myself and not to the boy that was with me……..:)

  33. snowsparkle

    ah! such a wonderful prophesy! and what lovely buns you’ve baked!

  34. I love having my fortune told! I had it done in a market in Singapore years ago and the gorgeous asian man told me that I would travel the world and be treated like a princess & I guess you could say that has come true!
    hello lovely friend, I am back (I hope) xoxo

  35. that’s a cute story, wish I could find myself some gypsies too to tell me the same 🙂

  36. y met a fortune teller…and y are a great real life-stories teller…in yr becomes more adorable …

  37. A few years ago wherever I went I would stumble across gypsies.As beautiful as they can be it so annoys me that they feel they can force their beliefs on someone else.Especially by scaremongering.I think I have received more than several curses for politely refusing! Somehow I left feeling more blessed instead!Our destiny is pre-defined by someone much greater so in His hands I trust 🙂

  38. The news of my son Daniel was given to me by a cousin… the time I told her that my days for giving birth were over at 42…six weeks later I realized the truth had been told that day…so I’m a believer now..and he is a gift from heaven…he is 15 now and my husband and I are so lucky to have watched him grow…

  39. A man of Cherokee Indian descent told me I was pregnant with my second daughter before I knew. He was correct. I told my sister was pregnant before she knew. My husband’s Irish grandmother said she could tell if a woman was pregnant because their noses would become sharper at the end…Your soul and the soul of your unborn daughter must have reached out to the gypsy’s soul that day!

  40. Beautiful! Another one that grabbed my attention, i’m glad to have discovered an inspiring blog

  41. That is a great story! You tell them in a lovely way. It is always a pleasure to read you!

  42. oh corey that is so funny!
    I’ve been busy but I’ve read all of your posts and have caught up. 🙂

  43. Wow- that’s a great story. My grandmother went to a palm reader at the carnival and was told she would marry a man named Paul and have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl and the girl would be born first. She was right on all counts!

  44. I love the engraving and details on the hands. Well written story!

  45. A haunting image and a good tale. Sometimes we know things…lots of times we know things…in ways that don’t need to be explained.

  46. Thanks to Sunday Scribblings for taking me back to this post. A great story.

  47. Very interesting…

  48. The art is CAPTIVATING. I can get lost in its beauty and possibility. I love, love, love the story. MMMM. Gypsies.

  49. Hee! Thank you for putting this up for SS–I loved the picture and the story. 🙂

  50. Wonderful picture and a very clever story told in few words…a gift indeed

  51. Oh, yes! I love this post. What a GREAT story to tell your kids.

  52. What a cool story…I try to resist believing in these sixth senses (my mom has this uncanny knack for reading my mind that I am trying to deny is true), until I read stories such as yours.

  53. Great story! I love that it’s all told in just a few lines. Nothing extra. Just a sharp and wonderful tale!

  54. LOL I’ve been swamped here but have kept up with your visit. Fun post!
    Hope Shelley is well 🙂

  55. this is my first visit to your blog and oh my, how wonderful. Beautiful family, beautiful love story, beautiful collections – beautiful everything! I will be visiting often.

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