To Pick up My Harp and Play, Knowing Others Cannot.


I am spoiled. I have a good life. I have a family who loves me, food to eat, a roof over my head. I am healthy, and in no pain. I have running water, more than enough to water the flowers in my garden and wash my car. I am safe, bombs are not falling from the sky. Decisions are easy; what should I make for dinner? Did you do you homework? Would you like sugar in your tea?

I have time to blog. I have a computer. And my two hands.

When I had ovarian cancer, I was still spoiled, I lived. There was medicine readily available. I had a soft bed, a toilet to throw up in and someone to hold my hand. I had more prayers offered for me than all the prayers ever said at Notre Dame. My daughter who was three at the time told me, "there are angels dancing above your head" I had faith to believe her.

The hardest question to answer: Why me? Why am I generously spoiled while most of the world suffers beyond belief. The biggest challenge is to remember to live the gift of my life, everyday as lovingly as possible. Is that too hard to do? To pick up my harp, and play knowing others cannot.


67 responses to “To Pick up My Harp and Play, Knowing Others Cannot.”

  1. Corey, this is beautiful and profound. We all have our crosses to bear, even though we’re very lucky. You share your blessings with so many people and have a great generosity of spirit. We can’t do something about all the people who are suffering, but we try our best to offer comfort in small measures whenever we can; we do our best to honour the life we are given and share our gifts at every opportunity. Thank you for this sensitive, thoughtful post.

  2. Yes, you are so right. We (I) should remind of this when we wish to complain for something !
    Thank you to remembering me this…

  3. Lovely, and important. And an important question to ask then is: what can we do for others, globaly, to help more people pick up their harps and play their music….or how to be the pencil in God`s hand, as I wrote about in a March blog.

  4. Your words are profound as always……………..
    Beautiful lady with harp as well………..
    Favorite people, favorite places, favorite memories
    of the past
    These are the joys of a lifetime
    These are the things that last………..
    I am ever Thankful for you in my life and so happy you are healthy and strong and doing fabulous!
    Love Jeanne ^j^
    Angels protect you
    Troubles neglect you!

  5. Indeed, we all have a responsibility to make what music we can, when we can.

  6. I’m crying, Corey. I’m so happy you made it through and beat cancer.
    The best you can do is appreciate the gift of a good life…anyone would want that for themselves, even the have-nots.
    It’s the ones who have the good life and don’t see it and appreciate it that are betraying the have-nots.

  7. counting our blessings is one of the deepest forms of spirituality – living with thanks of them even deeper.

  8. Once again your beautiful and grace filled words have opened my morning mind. Thankfulness can only be expressed in the way we live our lives.

  9. Remember our Father wants to bestow as many blessings on us as we are willing to accept.We are our own limitations.The more blessings we accept the more we can bless others:)

  10. corey, i think that’s why we need to do random acts of kindness…because kindness does matter!
    🙂 mary ann

  11. So True!
    I try to remind myself to:
    Count my blessings, name them one by one!
    I also tell my children to never take good health for granted and to thank God daily for their health and well-being!
    Such a beautiful reminder you have given us, Corey!Thank you!

  12. your lovely essay reminds me of a passage in Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach that quotes the song ‘standing knee-deep in a river and dying of thirst’.
    I try to live everyday fully aware of the abundance I live with. Thanks for the gentle reminder

  13. for some, it is meant to be…
    your words come as respite this week.

  14. Corey, you play your harp beautifully…you are such a strong support for the broken winged angels…you give us refuge, strength, and inspiration to carry on! Thank you!

  15. Thoughtful words. I often ask that question as well; why am I so blessed? All I can answer is “thank you” to the gift giver.
    And with a grateful heart we pass it on.

  16. Thank You Dear Corey for reminding us all to be thankful & grateful* that their can always be a rainbow at the end of a struggle if you believe. I’m happy you made it through! xoxoxoxoxxoxooxox:)

  17. Corey – you have an amazing way with words. Thank you for inspiring me. Enjoy your day. I just told my DH that “I am a woman in love – and that means in love with life too.”

  18. play on,little miss miracle…you are here for me!

  19. I usually ask myself the same questions……..a friend of mine said once to me: You have the responsability to try to be happy for all of the others that are not..

  20. Beautiful. I adore this insight into your life and your words. You give so freely of yourself and I find that as precious as this picture.

  21. I can’t mention it enough, reading your blog and thinking about little moments and thoughts you raise has my mind in a pleasing whirl… have a wonderful weekend, grache

  22. We cant stop the suffering of the whole world but we can start with those who surround us and then like a pebble thrown into a lake the ripples will slowly reach outwards to everyone else. You do that for us here in the blogging neighbourhood. God Bless you Corey.

  23. Good Morning Corey,
    Often the words from Luke- To whom much is given, much is expected, come to mind as I give myself permission and explore the world free from traditional employment. I resist saying I feel guilty; but, at times it is indeed the response from an unfamiliar person who asks “so where do you work”
    Answering to the call of my heart , while continually sharing and giving to the world takes the daily task of being grounded and a willingness to trust uncertainty.

  24. Corey, I feel as if you have written this just for me… Harp and all… To count ones blessings, My husband reminds me of this daily. Our ‘little scare’ has turned out to be ‘bigger’ – will write more later… for now, I have a few minutes to check in with my friend, and pray and know that the gifts of life up to now have been blessings in disguise. I know from the past, that challanges in life, though not welcome when they arrive, make us stronger and show us how to ‘sing’ in new ways… Thank you for this wonderful post today!

  25. Eloquently stated, Corey. I think it is difficult most of the time to remember how good you’ve got it. I think it’s part of the human brain, and it’s adaptability.
    But you are right. To me, it is a moral and ethical decision that must be made by us all. What we choose to do with our prosperity.
    It is a hard one to figure out.
    But, please, keep playing your harp!! You bring so much beauty!!

  26. Ah..we both stood at “the edge” that is what connects us
    I knew it was more than reading posts and comments.We cannot carry the weight of the world only God can…so we rejoice in the blessings we have.

  27. beautiful painting. I wonder these things often as well…

  28. Such a great post this morning. I, too, have led the pampered life and have felt guilt for it. I just realized that this life is not for everyone. Some people could just not handle this much love. Someone has to do it! What a joy you are!

  29. To whom much is given, much is expected. You live up to your gifts and blessings, Corey, and we are all blessed to have you as a part of our lives.

  30. Okay…here come the tears. Corey thank you for your beautiful words and for sharing your story.
    I had cervical cancer three years which was, thankfully, caught very early. People OFTEN ask me why and how I do so much. I never blurt out my instinctive response which is “I had the big “C” wake up call at age 43 and so now I’m livin’ ALL of the life I can!” but instead respond with a kind, “because it’s there and I’m here.” Oh I also throw in the whole, “and it’s amazing how much more life you can live when you don’t watch TV.” 🙂

  31. All so true. I, for one, believe your little girl. I think you still have angels dancing above your head. And also in your heart. 😉
    “A thankful heart is the parent of all virtues”– Cicero

  32. You are truly inspiring, you use your gifts well! 🙂

  33. Thank you so much for this
    post… and your gentle nudge to live our lives with gratefulness and humility and joy….one day at a time.

  34. Hopefully your harp playing with give much joy to others less fortunate.

  35. oh such a moving story and your words took me with you on your journey. Thank you for sharing such intimate moments. God Bless!
    mab (formerly sage) My other blog got hit with a virus, so I have a new one now. Please come by.

  36. Great post! Ah, I just read the other day:
    “I don’t say, why me? I say, why not me?”
    from the essay here:
    which I read thanks to Mary at:

  37. this is beautiful corey!
    i was having some similiar thoughts this morning as i was thinking about the immigration issues that are currently our country’s hot topic. why me? how did i get so lucky while others just a few hundred miles away aren’t? and how can i deny them the chance to have a better life? why should better opportunities be based on where you happen to be born?

  38. whoa, that is some deep stuff..but so eloquently put! thank-you kim

  39. This is a beautiful reminder that maybe our playing can touch a chord in those who cannot.

  40. We are blessed. I think that just recognizing this fact, as you have, is incredibly important.

  41. Oh my dear Corey, when I read to what hard times you, our friends Ulla or Robyn and other blogging friends had to get through in their lives I must say I feel really spoiled too!
    And I know I should never complain again and just enjoy life everyday (well it’s easy for the next 3 weeks because I’m in leave/vacation and can stay at home). I’m ever so glad that you won this battle and that you’re still such a lovely and loving person! Big hugs to you! xox

  42. Recognizing all your blessings contributes powerfully to your well-being. Stay well. xoxo

  43. Thank you Thank you Cory 🙂
    I can not find words today…except thank you.

  44. Jackie Duncan

    I have been sitting in the back of the room quietly listening to your inspirational words for a couple of weeks. Everyday I start my day by logging on and anticipating how you will touch my heart today. You have so moved me with your beautiful posts that I have shared your blog with my friends who, not surprisingly, were equally affected. Thank you for this gift you freely give us!!! I consider it a blessing to have “stumbled” across it.

  45. and here I am on my blog, complaining about life. I seem to be doing that so much lately, Ms*Corey – thanks for bringing me back to earth!

  46. So glad that your won your battle. While we would never wish to go through them – these challenges do become a become a gift of sorts – really clarifying what’s important…and well what just isn’t.

  47. Amen sister, that’s music to my soul

  48. You are a gift from God to all us. It’s a joy to know you.

  49. shelley

    corey , you have been blessed for friends like me who need you. you are the closest person i know to god. your words give me comfort… thanks………….

  50. nina strauss

    i am undergoing breast cancer treatment. literally, every day i think exactly the same things as what you wrote in your today. i discovered your blog very recently. our lives intersect. we don’t know each other but we do.

  51. It’s days like this we have to bend our knees and thank the good Lord for his bounty.
    Have a great weekend
    Thanks for visiting me

  52. So glad to know angels like you in this troubled and troubling world.

  53. Wonderful post. Yes we should be thankful. And I do believe your little girl saw angels dancing above your head. Why not?

  54. snowsparkle

    all these profoundly grateful thoughts are floating around in my head. they feel too complex to attach words to… but, my friend, i am extremely grateful you survived such a devastating ordeal. and i have been thinking about the very same thing lately. thanks for putting the words to my thoughts.

  55. ((((((hugs))))))))
    dear, dear friend…. you are indeed a gift to all of us.

  56. ‘Spoiled’ is about the way we choose to perceive the gifts presented to us. Most of us are ‘spoiled’ … really … it’s just that most fail to see the little beauties offered each and every day!
    A beautiful post Corey.

  57. I’m not sure I would’nt repeat what others have said… so I’ll simply say ‘Thank you’ dear friend for your beautiful words and for just being you. xox

  58. as a cancer survivor also, this post means so much. life is a gift, even on the most difficult days.
    Brava, Corey!

  59. Wonderful post! those words are so true! I count my blessings every day and you are an inspiration!

  60. what words can even type here in this little box that will express how i feel after reading this. you have said so much here…and i have learned so much about you. thank you for this image of the harp and choosing to play it. thank you. thank you. blessings to you my dear.

  61. Thank you for this beautiful reminder.

  62. ohh — merci… merci. Thank you. So very very much. Exactly what I needed to read.
    Louise xoxo

  63. This is a question I ask myself all the time too but you put it in just the right words. Yes, I agree, there must be angels dancing above your head still!

  64. Corey, so beautiful. Thank you for this, it (as usual) brought tears to my eyes.
    I dare say from the sounds of it, you are living your life like a woman who has been given a second chance and knows it.

  65. Claudia

    Wonderful thoughts…
    Yes: is it not also a cross we bear, a guilty conscience we have, every now and then, to know how blessed we are,
    to know others aren’t that lucky? It implicits duty, sharing. Let’s share our blessings, be it happiness or wealth, from the heart.
    By sharing, we get so much in return to be thankful for again…

  66. Why you? Because we all needed to hear yur words, your wisdom. Thanks for sharing with us on your blog.

  67. Gorgeous entry, Corey. Thank you.
    I feel the same as you. It’s a marvelous way to live whether others need music or not.

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