Take a good Look


Life isn’t always in focus. It isn’t a straight shot. Our view might be blurred by what is in fashion or acceptable. Often looking into the light hurts our eyes. Sometimes we are lucky and the photo turns out on the first attempt. More often then not, we have too take many snapshots to have a few nice ones. Life can be be seen as a "negative," waiting to be developed, waiting to show us the captured view.

A snapshot negative, a black and white, vintage 1920, a young woman stands in front of palm trees in Monaco.

Or maybe this is a "positive," imagine of what is…a wildly colorful, forever in the moment, of a young woman deeply in love as she stands amongst the fireworks of her heart!

There are many angles, it depends on where you stand and look.

"Darling," she cheerful called out, "Take a picture of me, I want to show that I was here!"


32 responses to “Take a good Look”

  1. Every picture tells a story!
    Your words and fabulous photo again simply marvelous darling!
    Say cheese sugar plum!
    Love and kisses and the very best of wishes!
    Love you

  2. Pictures, we’re told, are worth a thousand words. But still so much is unsaid.
    But yes, they do show we were there.

  3. how very true corey.
    it’s all relative, isn’t it?
    and photos are our calling cards, aren’t they?
    as always, i love your musings in this post!
    🙂 mary ann

  4. My digital camera has been defect for a few months, and I have felt naked without. I bought a new one today and am bursting to start using it. Your snapshot blog has inspired me.

  5. I love how you’re a nonconformist 🙂
    Nonconformists are the people that interest me the most. Maybe that’s why I’m so fond of you, my friend 🙂

  6. Very interesting Corey! you can write a book out of it….:)…….thanks for stoping at my blog! I am a venezuelan from spanish origin. I have friends now crossing the Atlantic by boat and stoping in Açores 🙂

  7. snowsparkle

    “the fireworks of her heart” i love that you see the extraordinary in everything. what an imaginative post!

  8. As I read this and saw this image I had a little catch in my heart! So wonderful!!

  9. It is true a picture is worth a thousand words, and speaks to everyone differently. Today it is telling me to turn a ‘negative’ into a ‘positive’.

  10. Very cool image – and insights…

  11. On first glance feathers..big ones! A feeling of joy! To me palms represent sunshine and heat…and she is out on the town posing next to her beloved palms!!

  12. Oh I love this. Isn’t that what we all want in life…to leave our mark. To show that we’ve been “here”.
    Beautiful post as always dear.

  13. You are a perfect combination of dreamer and philosopher, with an eagle eye for poignancy. This is fabulous.

  14. Corey, I love this image. I have similar ones in an old family photo album. And I love that you journal the way you do, for it allows us to share in the richness of your life!
    You are a constant inspiration to me.

  15. What a lovely interpretation Corey!! I love the idea of these being fireworks, and of every picture having multiple tales! Your legacy shall be your kindness and your talent, just for starters!!!

  16. Good morning Corey. Yet another fine visual and musing to start my day. And you are right about too many pictures for a few good ones. Thank God I finally got my digital camera. Blessing of the day to you.

  17. What an imagination you have! This is clever and inventive. Thank you!

  18. corey this is a bit odd but I managed to take a photo last night that looked like this concept. I was going to post it already this morning but I’m holding off to do it in the near future…

  19. Just came across your blog – am loving it – thank you

  20. “For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then shall we see face to face.”
    Yes, life could very well be a ‘negative’, as you say. And later we will see and understand the whole truth, the ‘captured view’.

  21. Corey, these are indeed VERY cool! I love your entry today, and I love your heart, mon ami. I love seeing the kaleidoscope of colors that makes you…YOU! I love all your many facets, and wouldn’t want you any other way. I am proud that you are my friend.
    cyber hugs until I see you!!!!

  22. i love this idea corey! you are such a deep thinker and you’re always giving me knew things to toss around in my mind… thank you for that! it’s a true blessing.

  23. I just love everything about your posts. They are thought provoking, beautiful and capture something unique every time. Thank you.

  24. Corey,
    Your image and text hit the spot again for me. I may have to post on this subject … that your words bring up in me… of hiding from the cameras.

  25. With eyes wide open, captured images infused within our conscious orb our minds begin to process the clarity of the picture. To me this ethereal portrait is but a moment captured in an Eclipse of Time.

  26. At times life is out of focus…I wonder is there a solution?

  27. Lovely! So, glad I wandered here today. Your words really touched me.

  28. Lovely! So, glad I wandered here today. Your words really touched me.

  29. Wow, that is fabulous, it is so insightful and deep. I absolutely LOVE it.

  30. I am finding more time to read, and I’m so thrilled to have found your strong voice! I love your insight and spirit.

  31. I just love your submissions! That’s beautiful!

  32. Oh so very true! Life does have many angles!

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