Coco without Chanel



I am spontaneous, I cut my own hair.

As my brother Mathew said yesterday, in the Tomato Soup comments:

"Sister, This recipe is so you…just go ahead and cook from the seat of your pants. Make up your own dish. Back when we were kids you would just start tossing stuff together and damn the book. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it became a door stop."

Wouldn’t you know it, here I am in France, with the best homegrown chefs ever, still winging it with cooking!  Cookbooks for me, are for the taste of the image; And I haven’t had a door stop in several tours around the block!

If I had thought about how much I was giving up to marry and move to France, I would have thrown away the book and kept on driving. Luckily, I didn’t think!

Three things that have very little to do with me: 1) Planning in advance, 2) Making a decision 3) and knowing what I am going to wear when I am suppose to look nice…this detail is often forgotten! When I do remember it, I often manage to forget an important element, like the slip for the see through dress last Sunday, or the veil for my wedding, I even forgot my date for the prom, and the shoes too! But, I did manage to wash my hair and tie it up wet. Nobody noticed. I am the kind of person, that doesn’t attract attention, because of how I look.

But you know, being this way has served me well. I haven’t too many regrets…

Maybe our faults are our biggest victories!

photo taken by my daughter: Sweet Sixteen Chelsea. West port, California last summer.


62 responses to “Coco without Chanel”

  1. Oh, Corey what a stunning photo! You look so happy! And who needs Chanel – you’re wonderful just the way you are!

  2. Corey, I love these posts of yours. I love getting to know more about you….
    We’re both absent minded!!
    And I love the fact that you live life by the seat of your pants…throwing caution to the wind.

  3. As someone else said: those who mind, don’t matter and those who matter, don’t mind.
    ‘the taste of the image’ – I like that.

  4. You look SO happy and what a wonderful moment? Not worrying too much is a gift- Why do you worry about clothing? Observe the wild lilies how they grow; they do not labor or spin, but I tell you that even Solomon in all his splendor did not dress as well as one of them.
    In the UK sometimes we use the term ‘Wing it’ meaning to do something with little preparation…maybe it isn’t a fault. Your French husband obviously love you just the way you are ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. you possess the most gorgeous accessories…a bright,beautiful face and a heart and soul gleaming in the sun…i soooo admire you!
    i love the photo,too!

  6. Chanel, schamel, knowing who you are is the best feeling in the world. And you show that so well here! lovely photo… brings sunshine to our rainy day here!

  7. Love This POST! Oh my goodness! you’re just sweet as pie;o) I too am a fly by the seat of your pants type* I try to “plan” as little as possible to avoid unnecessary garbage in my head..the more I think…the more I think…THE MORE I THINK…the less fun I have! AMAZING photo of you and your guy~ the humungous smile =’s a million words! xox

  8. Here’s to knowing who you are and enjoying it!
    Robin Williams, comedian
    “You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.”

  9. I am sure you attract alot of attention for who you are Corey and that matters so much more:)

  10. Maybe our faults are our biggest victories!
    now that’s the kind of paradoxical thinking i understand!

  11. I love the photo, the words, and that you march to a beat that makes me smile. And I love it that you cut your own hair. I have also done this. Once it wasn’t very pretty & I blamed my sister for it at the salon:-) (and thank you for the simple but not simplistic sentence you left for me the other day under “how”. it helped me breathe).

  12. Paris Parfait took the words from my mouth! I agree 100%!!

  13. Dear Corey,
    What a great picture. I think you are beautiful! You have a radiance about you. You don’t need someone else’s book…yours would be much better.
    Take care,

  14. I love to see these photos of you and your beloved french hubby, It brings a flutter to my heart everytime! I can project myself to the same happiness in the future for me and my beloved frog, both happy and gray haired:)
    You have the true zest of life, I hope to be just like you in my future!

  15. Oh Corey, there were proms that I definately wish I had forgotten my date, but your shoes? They must not have been sparkly enough ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Wow a stunning pic great photographer.
    I will be in Paris in Nov for 4 days.
    Have a great day,

  17. No wonder there is time for love… you don’t waste it on the stuff that doesn’t matter… decisions happen… I am just finding that out after all these years … spontaneous beats anything else hands down… and when a smile is on the face and comes from the heart… no need for anything else. Just would clutter it up.

  18. Bare feet. Comfort dressing. Laughter. Surrounded by family. Life can’t get any better than that.

  19. You are so gorgeous without chanel that you are blinding me with your shimmer and shine!!
    What a beautiful smile you have. Who needs books when you already know everything that’s important in life?

  20. Love the hair! And the photo, as well as the previous divinely, insanely tomatoey tomatoes! Your photos make my eyes water.

  21. Joy of life – girl you are a star! What a delightful photo, your sunny dispostion shows up front! I love that you reveal all those little flaws that make you so unique, and then show us how to revel in them too! You and Coco were cut of the same cloth!

  22. I love that quote that Lee just wrote in the comments… if you can believe it, that one’s from Dr. Suess.
    Great post, I’m the same way…. and it works for me! ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. shelley


  24. Well I like the photo. You look happy and like you are having so much fun which is what life is about… ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. “maybe our faults are our biggest victories.”
    brava, Corey! a brilliant insight. thanks!

  26. I love the happiness that has been captured by this photo! I too, ended up in France without really thinking about it, and it has worked out just fine.

  27. Oh, Corey! You are JUST the kind of person we need more of in this world! The very best kind. My FAVORITE kind. Real. True. Comfort personified. Warm. Peaceful.
    Just what I aspire to be more of. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  28. maybe your looks don’t attract attention but your big heart and beautiful spirit certainly do!

  29. snowsparkle

    I LOVE THIS PHOTO!!!! you and your sweetie on the beach so lively and vibrant and joyful. this is an image i will keep to remind me just how beautiful being 50 can be!

  30. You are fabulous darling!
    I love this picture of you laughing from your toes on up and you made me laugh just looking at it.
    You bring joy to my life everyday and I thank you!
    I love you my friend!

  31. I love this scene caught mid belly laugh. screw the book – you got exactly where you need to.
    fault or not. we live, we learn we follow our hearts.

  32. Wonderful photo! I love how joyful and playful it is.

  33. Simply adorable! I love the way your personailty shines through in your photos.

  34. After 21 years of marriage, what a relief to finally know that I’m not the only one who forgot her veil!! Thanks!

  35. You are fabulous, just the kind of person we all want to be when we grow up!!

  36. Mary Kate

    Don’t let this post fool you, folks! Corey has been famous for many years and in many circles for her tres chic, oh-la-la, style and flair!

  37. Mary Kate

    I’m so glad that the conversation has turned to food! What would be of our days if we couldn’t practice the art that is cooking, nourishing our families and ourselves?

  38. all I see is joy… pure joy… you certainly never forget that !

  39. I love this photo! Just my style. You look sooooo happy!

  40. A picture is worth a thousand words–pure joy…I loved this image!

  41. Wonderful pic Corey..
    and I knew that was a California beach! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  42. I love the exuberance of this picture.

  43. The way you look is cuter than a button and so is your personality. And, remember, you attracted the attention of someone who couldn’t even speak your language!

  44. you are simply divine inside and out!
    love ya,
    mary ann

  45. total joy …you have found wealth on that beach that few ever earn…

  46. Hi Corey,
    ANy women who can spontaneously cut her own hair has hutzpah!! What a joyous picture =)
    “maybe our faults are our biggest victories”
    I am copying and pasting this on my frig! What a wonderful way of viewing ourselves!
    MB in JT

  47. Corey, you live life the way it was Divinely intended for us to live!!! I’m so grateful to have found you…often, your words remind me of what is truly of essential importance!!! A thousand thank yous to you….

  48. I love the photo, it is so carefree and happy – it really catches a moment in time! ๐Ÿ™‚

  49. I left a comment yesterday and it didn’t seem to have posted. Perhaps it was becasue I said your husband was hot and has GREAT hair. But you musn’t tell my bald husband I said so. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I love this photo. You two looks so happy, so carefree and so much in love. What an amazing pair you make.
    P.S I cut my own hair too! Must be the crazy we share.

  50. I love this photo!! It is so nice to see you laughing and having such a obviously wonderful time!

  51. Corey,
    You are beautiful, vibrant and full of the joys of life!
    Love this carefree photo!

  52. Frances

    Corey, that photo says a lot to me about how far you’ve come and all you’ve had to put into the relationship to get so far. It was a joy to see. There was a time when I could never have believed that photo possible. You can do magic when you set your mind and heart to it.

  53. what a wonderful photo, Corey. You are both so lucky to have each other xoxo love to you always

  54. ps – I cut my own hair once and my mother freaked. I had a V shape right in the middle of my fringe. I never, ever did it again.

  55. I raise my cup in celebration to you and your carefree spirit!
    Love the photo.

  56. I always cut my own hair, but I MUST follow a recipe.
    No door stops for me either!

  57. Lovely picture, Corey. You know, you’re wonderful!

  58. A fun post; brings up all sorts of interesting questions.. did you ever speak to mr forgotten prom date after you graduated? If so was he still crushed?

  59. my darling you…
    this has to be one of the most beautiful “thoughts” i have ever seen written down. the honesty, the “story” between the lines, the authenticy. and yes, the way you always sparkle… just because of you.
    and you know, those are one of the things i’m thankful for.
    thank you, for simply being you.
    [and for the beautiful reminders of life that you share, while tongue in cheek!]

  60. i always try to remember to buy something nice for that one occasion i’d have to dress nicely, and i never do… so the same panic, same amnesia, over and over…
    ps. i’ve been cutting my hair for the last 6 years, but because i’m cheap. ๐Ÿ˜›

  61. Excellent. What a sweet memory.

  62. What a wonderful photo. The warmth,joy and love between the two of you captured in a moment *sigh*
    I just discovered your blog and started to read from the beginning. I’m happy I still have a year to read. Love your stories and your look at life. Thanks!

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