Soupe de Tomate

Tomato Soup

Saute two yellow onions in olive oil, until their yellow turns to gold.

Add some chopped celery let their leaves join the party.

A dash of salt,

and a couple of carrots, washed but not naked.

Take the tomatoes in their tender red skin, slice them in half and add them to the soup pot.

Cover with water and a lid.

When you hear the soup talking, turn the volume down.

Let the ingredients share their story, let them slowly simmer.

A glass of white wine never hurt anyone, and fresh mint adds a dash of daring!

Blend, smooth and serve with a dollop of cream fraiche.

Take a bowl, a spoon, a glass of white wine, (the whole bottle if you are so inclined,) a baguette, and go outside, to sit and eat on the garden step!


56 responses to “Soupe de Tomate”

  1. Only you Corey could make such a delightful sounding recipe more delightful still! Mint…I never thought of that! I’m going to give it and your recipe a try and then sit on my garden step,think of you and smile. Thank you!

  2. Oh yes! The simple pleasures are always the best.

  3. Hm they look so yummy I want them! We only have tasteless holland tomatoes here at the moment. It’s so wonderful to go on a green market en Provence and buy all those yummy fresh and tasty goods! I loved it when I lived there. Lucky you!

  4. YUM! Wonderful colors. I want to make this!

  5. Season everything with love and kiss the cook often.
    Fabulous recipe and tomatoes look divine I love them when they are still on the vine!
    Blessings my friend!
    Love you

  6. this sounds absolutely divine!
    i love soupe de tomate, especially with grilled cheese sandwiches!
    thank you for always managing to bring a smile to my face each day!
    🙂 mary ann

  7. yummy picture – now I have to go try the recipe!

  8. imagine –
    to have written a poem of a recipe…

  9. Through your words I could taste the tomato soup and cool wine, two of my many favorites.

  10. Ooh, I can’t wait for my tomatoes to grow so that I can make this.
    And I love the creative way you wrote the recipe. Maybe consider writing a recipe book in the same style…it would sell like hotcakes, ha!

  11. I am ready to plant all of these ingredients this week! I will wait in suspense till the tomatoes ripen…

  12. We are so lucky living here with all these amazing fresh fruits and vegetables. And you make that recipe sound absolutely divine!

  13. Ah ha! I will squirrel away that recipe, kept in my own little black book, until our tomato plants are fruiting with wreckless abandon – then I shall make soup too!

  14. Dearest Corey…Not only do you write with a passion but you cook with one as well. Hugsss

  15. yum.. yum ..yum !

  16. Oh yum, Add a little grilled cheese or formage (right?) and you are calling my name.

  17. Aww, you’re making me hungry… so hungry. Hungry with a capital “H”. We’re excited as it is now getting cool & chilly, perfect soup weather! We can’t muster the garden step as it is soaked through, but we can pretend!
    take care, gracia

  18. I can see the tomatoes dancing in my head now having a party sipping champagne! What wonderful writing and so cheerful and full of life! You can make anything dance with joy 🙂 I wonder how Mr pepper pot is doing?!

  19. oh gosh! You are the answer to my question “what should I make for supper tonight”????? THis is it..of course you can’t have a bowl of tomato soup without a grilled cheese on sourdough bread;o)sandwich thanks for this recipe I’m going to make it tonight! xo

  20. dkmp9293

    what a simple but elegant recipe! I can’t wait to try it!love your descriptive way of describing the ingredients.

  21. I can just picture the dancing and chit-chat in the pot! Wonderful 🙂

  22. I feel like you just sent me a personal e-mail with this recipe. That’s how wonderfully intimate your writing is! I love, love, love it. Yummmmm!

  23. I *so* want to paint your tomatoes!

  24. Oh my gosh, do you have sweet fresh tomatoes already??? Love the line “let the ingrediants share the story…” isn’t that what cooking is all about? Mingling tastes and stories re-kindled…

  25. The sound of food talking…just love it…

  26. Only you could write something to make me crave tomato soup in the morning!The photo is just yummy all by itself!

  27. Chomping at the bit, even more after this one, Corey, to get my tomato plants in the ground. Another week here in this climate…Maybe I’ll have to get some imports until I can use my own, yum! This sounds so delish and fun!
    xo- m

  28. Brother Mathew

    I’ll have to wait a month or so before I try this because theres only two things money can’t buy…thats true love and home grown tomatoes.

  29. oh that sounds delightful!… it isn’t anywhere near tomato season here but i am going to print your photo and recipe and but it in my little book now so i can start to dream of my own french tomato soup on a lovely summer evening – thank you.

  30. and something else….. the writing on the chalkboard looks as delicious as the tomatoes.

  31. Oh! That picture just makes me smile! I could smell those red lovies. It reminds me of our trip, and when we would buy our meals from the street markets, and just sit and watch the people.

  32. OK, forget the coffee! I’m coming over for tomato soup. I think what makes it extra-special is the dollop of love you put into it.

  33. Oh this was a beautiful post! The colors in the picture just popped, and the recipie was delightful! What a beautiful post. Who knew tomatoes could be to tantalizing!

  34. yummy post! that photo with the sign makes me sigh for the prinzipal markt in rainers old city. i love buying fresh, outside each day! lovely lovely!

  35. oh WON’T I do this !!!
    I am at work right now and taking my Tongue In Cheek break…what do I find ??
    Lovely BRIGHT RED poppping out to me.
    What a wonderful picture and ! the merry skipping and dancing walk of description you give on making a simple little soup!
    thank you thank you
    I picture myself on the porch steps …bowl… on a pretty napkin… balanced on my knees.. my glass raised… then tipped to you.
    Smiling , S.

  36. I want to kiss you, this is so delicious!
    YUM! I love tomatoes…thanks for the recipe!

  37. Brother Mathew

    Sister, This recipe is so you. Just go ahead a cook from the seat of your pants. Make up your own dish. Back when we were kids you would just start tossing stuff together and damn the book. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it became a door stop. Made you what you are today I guess. Inspired me.

  38. my goodness, cory, this is so lovely.
    i’m finally catching up and your blog just warms my heart.:)
    i feel the warmth of love in your recipe.
    all great food is made with love, with care, with pride! i have to go make this now.
    thanks for sharing. xo

  39. My goodness, Corey. Considering the number of comments this post as elicited, I can safely guess what people will be doing over the next few days. For myself? Tonight it’s tomato soup, wine and a baguette for dinner.

  40. Sounds incredible and very popular with all these comments! It’s so cool to see the written out price… So unusual.

  41. Yummy, yummy, yummy!!!! Those tomatoes are gorgeous and such a delicious recipe… Thanks, Corey!!!

  42. yum! what a unique post!!!

  43. viva la tomate!

  44. Oh my, that recipe sounds so fabulous! And I have a beautiful garden spot in which to eat it. So, that means I will most definitely need to make some!!
    Only you could make poetry out of tomato soup 😉

  45. robinfox pamperedinparis

    corey,what a great way to decide what to do for dinner !! thanks bunches!! robin

  46. That sounds like a dreamy afternoon. the nap comes later right?

  47. I absolutely LOVE the way you write a recipe… talk and story and party. Think about doing a whole recipe book this way!

  48. Ooh la la indeed, it is so lovley to see your site, you are an inspiration, and reading it is making me feel quite homesick for France and French markets. I am looking forward to seeing you and Kristi for a scrummy lunch in the sun.

  49. This sounds divine Corey…I will be making it…and savoring it….ummmm! Also love the photo!

  50. That photo is beautiful. That recipe sounds divine. The act of preparing the soup so inviting. Simple and perfect. Just like it should be.

  51. Those tomatoes are just a beautiful color.
    Looks like a wonderful recipe. You are the best!

  52. This tomato soup recipe reads like a poem…so it fills more than just the stomach. Cooking like a poem…now there is a book that is yet to be written and perhaps cannot.

  53. judypatooote

    You really do write your recipe, like poetry…..I think I will try it, and if the recipe don’t turn out I will just sit back and drink the wine…. I do love wine in recipes…. it give everything a whole new flavor……. judy

  54. I am a HUGE tomato lover! I think it’s in my genes. I’ve printed the directions and will throw my own mélange together this weekend for a front deck snack in the santa barbara sun with my mom (dad + brother) on mothers day.

  55. I am a HUGE tomato lover! I think it’s in my genes. I’ve printed the directions and will throw my own mélange together this weekend for a front deck snack in the santa barbara sun with my mom (dad + brother) on mothers day.
    xo: a_bird Autumn

  56. Gorgeous tomatoes. As well your soup, how good would they be in a simple tart, baked for 40 mins & laced with garlic, basil & dijon mustard?

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