Not so perfect is Perfect.

Be who you are. Be your best self. In fact be-your-not-so-perfect-self. Forgive yourself, and if it helps burp sometimes.

As I say to my children when they think I am being eccentric or maybe just embarrassing:

It doesn’t matter. I might never see these people again…and if I do, we might become friends, and we’ll have this to laugh about!


42 responses to “Not so perfect is Perfect.”

  1. i’m with you on this one!!!! totally! you go sistagrrrl!!!
    love this monkey, too!!!
    ๐Ÿ™‚ mary ann

  2. That is a great anwser!

  3. whenever I embarrass my children and they wonder what people will think – I reply to them – ‘when those people start paying my bills, then I will start worrying about what they think’ – hmmm time to take a leaf from my book.

  4. I thank God for sweet embracable you…………….
    It is best to be a first rate versions of ourselves than a carbon copy of another!
    Bless you dear Corey!
    Love Jeanne

  5. love the monkey. too cool.
    as they say, we’re all perfectly imperfect! so I figure that we’d best enjoy the imperfection when we can. (does that make any sense at all?)

  6. It’s great that you are a strong character, able to be yourself in times of trials…love yourself be confident and they will love you for it!…My pompoms are waving for you ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Corey…..
    I’ve got to stop being so uptight and just burp to my heart’s content, LOL.

  8. Leave perfection to God, be happy.
    If my kids worry about my eccentricity I just point out that we are related.

  9. Be who you are!!! Yes, maybe you can become friends. I’m feeling hopeful!

  10. Isn’t this the truth! You put it so well.

  11. Oh so true! I love the great philosopher Dr S.

  12. I am so far from perfection on the most obvious level. People who take the time to see inside are the best. In the meanwhile, it’s up to me to work on the outside. Hummmm, I feel another haiku rising up.

  13. ABSOLUTELY – You go girl! That in-law of yours doesn’t know what’s coming! Show her your best eccentricities – then she’ll have nothing to compete with! (by the way, you look great with your tongue out and arm up!, oh its a monkey… Ha!)

  14. sending sweet thoughts your way !

  15. LOVE this! I always tell myself just those words! So what I just went beet red, or tripped up the stairs! I will never see these people again!
    I like the addition of having a future laugh about it though! What a wonderful outlook!

  16. Brother Mathew

    The Blue Bomb was embarassing but at least it was paid for.

  17. “It is difficult to make a person miserable while he feels worthy of himself and claims kindred to the great God who made him.”
    –Abe Lincoln
    I don’t know about you, but I just think it takes far too much energy to fake it too much for the sake of others. I would rather spend that energy on laughter or eating chocolate. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  18. ๐Ÿ™‚ i’ll take you up on this.

  19. Ha, I say the same thing to my children. Glorious!

  20. Eccentric is one of my favorite words ever! I am drawn to eccentricity like a super magnet! Perfect, studied – dull, very dull, I have found.

  21. Such a silly pic. It made me smile. ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. ahhahaha! You and me would have quite the time being foolish in public! Love this and it is indeed so true!

  23. Such truth in these words!!!! YES!!!

  24. You got it!!! My Dear Corey! What makes us soooo human is that none of us are PERFECT…isn’t that wonderful??!!!!

  25. In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.”
    ~Albert Schweitzer
    You are most precious to me!
    Never forget how special you are!
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  26. I love how you play like a monkey in the trees, as happy and full of life as can be!
    Happily we skip into the jungle!

  27. You are so full of confidence! It makes me see things so differently.

  28. Everytime I come to visit I find myself taking away with me a new outlook, feeling, or thought.

  29. My friend, you have just given me what I needed to attack this beautiful day ans make it all it can be and soooo much more… xox

  30. robinfoxpampered inparis

    corey, i have always said that that was the best advice anyone gave me about child rearing.and always do i pass that on to young mothers who are trying to make their little ones conform to our adult ways.

  31. My best friend has a wonderful saying…it goes like this….’THERE IS ONLY ONE OPINION…AND THATS MY OPINION!” Hugssss

  32. Great words of wisdom!
    Take care,

  33. Corey, that is a fabulous monkey and philosophy. I can be at times an unabashed burper. My sister is always telling me, “Ya’ know, just cause you giggle afterwords doesn’t make it cute.” Bleh- what does she know?

  34. snowsparkle

    what a delightful perspective for you to provide your children. they are lucky indeed! just say the word and i’ll send you and your children some custom designed-monkey tails? ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. “Burp”….now hey…you would never of said burp let alone do it in public 10 years ago! Ah change is a good thing no?!!!

  36. that’s my mantra…’ll never see those people again!

  37. Totally agree – wonderful philosophy. Also, I am in love with that monkey!!

  38. I so agree with this. I always love to visit your blog as it is so inspirational. I have read many of your posts over and over :0)

  39. Very true. Its what we always forget to be…our real, carefree self. Thanks Corey!

  40. Ahhh … a few days away from your blog and look at all I’ve missed. How your bright words make me smile. Quietly.
    Thank you.

  41. Weren’t we put here on earth for the sole purpose of embarrassing our children? That is what I have been telling them anyway. And I do a really good job.

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