The Gift of Child’s Play

What would happen, if you played hooky? If you just step aside? If not for the rest of your life, just for a day, or a few hours, or as long as a blink of the eye?

What is your idea of spontaneity? Fun? Letting your hair down and cutting loose?

In the game of life what does it mean to win?

In your list of things-to-do-today, is playing marbles one of them? Or are you trying to keep your marbles all in one place?

Children do not like to lose at marbles!


48 responses to “The Gift of Child’s Play”

  1. I say, share the marbles of your life….
    (those marbles are lovely)

  2. I googled “losing your marbles” and found that Britain is worried about losing their Elgin Marbles and that usually it means losing your mind…there’s also a java dexterity game online by that name called Losing Your Marbles. Your marbles are unlike any I’ve ever seen – Beautiful & they look well used. Together with the shoe they make a good couple. Thanks Corey ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Having chucked in my job in my 50s to return to Uni I feel I am already playing hooky. There is a surreal feel to it.
    Spontaneity? It depends. An unplanned picnic, a movie, even a bath. Would love to include a spur of the moment holiday but having played hooky from work I am bound to my new mistress, study.
    In the game of life to win is to share and to laugh doing it. To beat, overcome, subdue or diminish others is to comprehensively lose, whatever the ‘score’ on paper.
    I lost my marbles a long time ago. Had a vasectomy too.

  4. “Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.”
    – Heraclitus
    Love your words, and the photographs and you!
    Have a fabulous Friday my friend!
    Love Jeanne

  5. I prefer that I keep my marbles in one place, LOL. I’ve risked losing them too many times ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’d say that riding fast on a motorcycle with my arms wrapped around the man I love is a great “letting your hair down” experience. Too bad there’s no motorcycle ๐Ÿ™

  6. I dont mind sharing my marbles at all its just that sometimes I forget where I put them !

  7. i think I lost my marbles years ago & if I played hookey? My family would starve, no washing would get done and the house would be an absolute mess!
    to win ? to come through a major health scare – intact and healed.
    my idea of fun or letting my hair down – hmmmmm – is it so sad that I don’t know?

  8. No, playing marbles is not on the list but playing Super Mario III is, heehee. Its a video game dear french woman.
    Lovely photograph and sentiment. It is always fun to play like and with your children.

  9. ah my marbles … after i lost them i was able to cut loose!
    seriously, having fun is the single most important thing we need to learn as adults. i spend a few hours a week teaching adults how to do that, and the rest of the time practicing myself how to do it. if life is not fun, then what is it?
    hugs to you,

  10. Oh, just trying not to lose my marbles. Love the idea of playing hookey but 5 kids, husband, and working from home doesn’t leave much time for blinking.
    I need someone to tell me how to let my hair down. How spontaneous is that?
    Great question. I’ll be coming back to see the responses.

  11. I always plan to be spontaneous.As you probably realise that means I rarely am!I think I’d like to keep my marbles in my shoes too:)

  12. If I took what I call a mental health day and played hookey, my day would instantly change into a 48 hour day to maximize the time I would take to do the things that are fun in my life. I would …. well… hummm … oh wow, this is a whole new entry for my blog or better yet, a sidebar if I can figure out how to do it. I better get to it. LOL

  13. love this corey!
    you never cease to amaze me with your insightful posts and images!!!!!!
    ๐Ÿ™‚ mary ann

  14. My idea of fun and spontaneity is to go on a mini roadtrip somewhere. It could be to the beach on off season or through little towns in Pennsylvania or into new(to me) neighborhoods of New York City. As for marbles, I’m finally learning to let the marbles roll where they will.

  15. I don’t have any marbles, so I’ll have to choose another way to play, but I love your photographs.

  16. Those are marbles…yes they are lovely!
    For me the spontaneity of my life can be a little too much…I am always a advocate of playing hooky …sometimes I just wish I could be happy sitting still…but I can’t! Your pictures are just beautiful! Thanks!

  17. To win is:
    To feel happy often and to know that when you are not it will be better again soon. You can have faith in that.
    To know and love people. Lots of them.
    To raise a happy family that loves to be together.
    To live life fully, without regret.
    To dream and to do…

  18. I love the marbles in that old shoe. Wonderful!
    We can learn a lot about life from our children. I often watch my son play, and think that he really has it all figured out.
    Today, I will stop to blow bubbles with him. I will blow one for you!

  19. What a wonderful analogy Corey. We receive ‘marbles’ everyday, and its up to us how we play them… do we wear adult shoes or childs shoes? I find I wear both at times, one on each foot, trying to balance, but also jumping in the puddles!

  20. In my life, winning is all about being content where I am, now, this moment, with what I have been given, always.

  21. Ummm, there is no time for play!
    Actually, for me work is play. If my art was work, it would not be the same. For me it is all about discovery, experimentation, and PLAY!!!!!

  22. Brother Mathew

    Hot day riding bicyle alone. Sunflower seeds and a baseball game. Watching the boys play together. Watching Marie do a silly dance. Ironic, today Im leaving work early to watch a ball game w/ Dad in S.F. To win is to be able to work and value your play.

  23. Delicious! Thank you for the eye candy and a chance to escape my world to walk in yours, if only for a moment…

  24. Well…occasionally I’ve been told I’ve lost all my marbles!
    Corey, I think it’s about trying to stay in the moment. You have to have room in your life to actually experience it. Leave a little space around you so there is room for serendipity.

  25. Ah…to forget about responsibility for a moment…I’d go get a big hot fudge sundae:)

  26. snowsparkle

    i actually did play hooky today, so i was delighted to see your blog about this very thing! most likely i’ll be meditating and silently weeding the garden… literally and figuratively. your post reminds me to make efforts to incorporate some play too. thanks!

  27. wonderful capture of a simple delight…enjoy!

  28. the shoe ~ it’s the perfect container for those wonderful marbles!

  29. Today was a wonderful combination of working and playing! Taking delight in baking, gardening, hanging laundry outdoors, scrubbing to have clean floors…
    The fruit of my labour:
    ~a tea party with my girls including freshly baked muffins and cookies
    ~reading a wonderful book called, ‘The Pace of a Hen’ by Josephine Moffett Benton
    One Chapter is entitled:
    Sacred Idleness
    Some Quotes:
    ‘Recreation provides the change of rhythm that sends us back refreshed to homemaking and service in the community.’
    ‘Leisure is an attitude of mind and spirit.’
    Your questions make me smile!
    My motto:
    Have van, will travel
    Have legs, will walk
    Have money, will shop
    Have time, will play
    Have books, will read
    Success? Is in the eye of the beholder.

  30. I left corporate life to play hookey three years ago, but I have not yet mastered the art of sponteneity. Can you “work” at being spontaneous???

  31. Love these photos! Very creative! I play with my kitten every morning. When I make the bed and fluff the duvet she gets under and we play “peek a boo”!! Sets my mood for the day!

  32. Some of my best memories of growing up are the days my Mom took me out of school and we played hookey.

  33. this will definately be on my mind the whole day!
    thank you so much!

  34. Hi Corey…You blog is listed on some of my friends blogs and I’m so happy to have “met” you. I have been relishing your prose and photo’s for an hour now! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to live my dream life vicariously through you!

  35. My fun is creation. To win in life, is to supercede myself.

  36. you find the most wonderful things to take photographs of. and they are always so warm.

  37. You know what I think my warty friend? I think it’s pretty stinkin’ cool that your brother regularly comments on your blog! That means you have a family that reads your blog. Mine just looks at my photos every once in awhile and moves on… lol
    This obviously has nothing to do with marbles, but thought I would post it anyway…
    JoJo the dog faced girl

  38. I take a mental health day just for me once a month.

  39. ๐Ÿ™‚ Smile! All i can do is smile after reading this. Thanks Corey. As always your thoughts make my day.

  40. We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.
    There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humour every day. You’ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die.
    Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change. Have no regrets.

  41. It would be nice to play hooky from the things that are a drudgery in life…like the piles and piles of laundry I face. I don’t have marbles, but I do have paint…To each her own I guess.

  42. Hi Corey,
    many days I lose all my marbles and maybe on the following day somehow they are found once again….I’m so in God’s good hands….thank you for a great thought…

  43. We play hooky often…for sanity!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. Thia is a wonderful post, Corey! And fabulous marbles! I have a collection, just a tiny handful, of marbles that belonged to my grandmother. They are so different from the marbles one finds today!
    I have been off playing and relaxing for the past week. My motto is “remember to play everyday,” and I do my best to live it. I have the feeling you do, too!!

  45. beautiful!

  46. Yesterday at mid-day, I left the school where I work and hopped aboard my vintage Schwinn to pedal up the street to the market. It was a trip born of necessity, not pleasure…except that once I felt the sun on my face and the breeze moving my hair away from my face…I couldn’t imagine why I don’t take a spin on my bike everyday at lunchtime…I didn’t want to go back. ๐Ÿ™‚

  47. I just happened along to your blog. Just thought I would just like to tell you I love it. Thanks for letting me read it, I enjoyed it very much.
    Gail from Vancouver, Canada

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