









The gift of being with oneself and knowing love. Do we give time to the silence of our being? Do we allow ourselves the freedom to be our own best friend?


33 responses to “Being”

  1. I allow myself that luxury always. I love spending time alone but love being around my loved ones as well.
    Balance, it’s all about balance and love!
    The new book by Marlo Thomas is out
    The Right Words at the Right Time Vol 2 is out.
    I loved the first one.
    The next book I plan to read.
    Also I told you about
    Eat Pray and Love
    it is fabulous!!!!!!!!
    Love you!
    I hope you are feeling better!
    Kisses and Hazelnut lattes

  2. What a meditative post. I’ll make a point from here on that I will be my own best friend.
    Thank you for such a thought provoking question ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Happy to see you back Corey..hope youre felling better. Hugsss

  4. So true.How can people be truly comfortable in our presence if we are not in our own?

  5. so beautiful corey… glad you are better and thank you for your daily words of wisdom. they soothe my nerves!

  6. Absolutely !!!

  7. Not often enough, Corey, not often enough.

  8. Glad you are back! Nothing like a pounding headache to remind someone of the importance of quiet.

  9. I said this recently on someone else’s blog. It’s a quote I hold dear ( but don’t know the author)……”Solitude is lovely, so long as you can talk to someone about it afterwards!”

  10. It is such a difficult thing to trust ourselves enough to become our own best friend. Perhaps in the silence comes the courage?

  11. Lovely thought, “standing still and being”…why does one forget to do this everyday?
    Thanks for the reminder Corey

  12. such beautiful, profound words…

  13. how so very true!
    i think many a times i am my own worst enemy and i succomb to negative thinking about myself…
    thank you for reminding me to be kind and gentle to myself.
    ๐Ÿ™‚ mary ann

  14. Yes. I need more quiet alone time in my life. With two kids under five, it is a rare thing, let me tell you! LOL. But I have started making a point to turn off noise in the house at least once a day, and it even makes my midgets slow down sometimes.
    Notice I say SOMETIMES.

  15. “Do we allow ourselves the freedom to be our own best friend?”
    I don’t think that we do. It takes effort and practice to believe in yourself and not in what the mass media and/or well-meaning friends say to you.
    ‘Tis a pity, as I’m sure that we all can be very good friends with ourself given half a chance.

  16. This reminds me of a favourite Van Morrison song:
    “Well I’m taking some time with my quiet friend
    Well I’m taking some time on my own.
    Well I’m makin’ some plans for my getaway
    There’ll be blue skies shining up above
    When I’m Cloud Hidden
    Cloud Hidden
    Whereabouts unknown.”
    Cloud Hidden, on my own, sounds like the perfect place to me.

  17. This is such a perfect image to portray the question you are asking. It is true, that we have to be alone in this life, even when we are surrounded by love and friends. No one goes to sleep at night in our own heads, but us.
    I love the question.

  18. snowsparkle

    good thoughts to ponder. reminds me of keb mo’s song “one friend”. take care and feel better soon. xo snowsparkle

  19. this morning in my yoga class, our teacher had us wrap our arms around ourselves and rock back and forth in silence.
    giving ourselves a hug.
    this post felt the same way.

  20. Thank you for the reminder… I’m taking time right now.

  21. Hope you’re feeling better now. I’m a pretty nice person when I’m alone with myself ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. that’s just the way i’m tring to learn to live…

  23. What a beautiful, stoic column! Just as you it stands tall and proud. Strong and poetic. Is this your Self Portrait Tuesday? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  24. Moments of solitude and meditation are necessary to centre oneself. My fav. is to have a Pyjama day and cuddle w/ my pets and read and eat bon bons and just enjoy the moment.

  25. I’ve just found your blog. It’s beautiful and inspiring and has been added to my favourites!!!
    P.S. Hope you don’t mind me saying that your husband is a bit of a dish!!

  26. I am LOVING your blog and your insightful and thought-provoking words and questions.
    I have been through something called a Style Statement ( and am now working on finding my Inner Bombshell with the help of another wonderful woman at, and yet I can always love finding more and more web sites that challenge me to live my best life and be my best ME.
    Yours is one I visit regularly, and I was so moved today, I had to let you know that I rank you in the top three of motivational/inspirational women, along with the aforementioned.
    Thank you.
    (body in Vancouver, BC, but heart in Paris!)

  27. I sometimes wish just being could be enough…I’ll try harder to enjoy the being that is me….

  28. this post reminds me of lovingkindness meditation. We begin by blessing ourselves. As the meditation progresses, we simply continue widening the circle of love to include all beings everywhere in the world.
    { sigh } I love you blog because you SO get it!

  29. This advice we need so badly but never follow. If we did follow it wouldn’t humanity be completely different?

  30. Ah yes, the necessary moments of solitude, awake to beauty, faithful to the self. Good words, thank you for your generosity of spirit! Your profound faith…

  31. Hi…Beautiful POWERFUL post! It is in those quiet moments where I have realized my true potential. Calm. Solitude. Quiet. Silence. These words all invoke growth within myself.

  32. Thank you so much for the reminder… how true!
    Stunning photo!

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