French Flea Market

Img_2910_1What moves you

when your feet don’t?

Jumped out of bed,


5:45 a.m.


grapefruit juice,

and hesitated

about going…

"Should I add to my blog now

or do it when I come home?"

What am I thinking???

Flea market or Blog??

Drove to St. Paul de la Durance.

200 dealers!

Felt my heart skip a beat like it was the first time in love!


39 responses to “French Flea Market”

  1. Well, rats. I was there as well. We could have met up. I saw a wonderful art nouveau vase that I wanted so badly but at 140 Euros, I passed.

  2. you crazy woman —
    without the flea market,

  3. ohoh, no choice!
    i am so excited to see what you got today or snapped up with your camera! grace is now there as of 6:34 this a.m. and her teacher/guide is arranging a flea market trip for next weekend! wheeee!


  5. i appreciate the way you finely match togheter writings and pictures in your blog…so stylish!

  6. when the heart chooses you can never go wrong!

  7. Obviously you made the right choice. Living your life is better than writing about it—–although you can later write about what you’ve been living. Which you do, oh so brilliantly! And no contest when it comes to the chance to go to a flea market: I’m there! What did you find today?

  8. Did you see anything interesting at the flea market? One day, I’ll come visit and we’ll go together.

  9. Tell me all the treasure troves you found my sweet friend. Your post made me smile as always!
    I adore you!
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  10. I’m right there with you baby!

  11. Heehee…FLEA MARKET! I am living vicariously through you my dear. You must keep me drooling.
    I hope you found abundant treasures.

  12. How could you even think twice? obviously we all feel the same way…

  13. snowsparkle

    i could feel your energy, your heartbeat and the quickness of your mind racing at the thought of flea market expedition. you are life a fine cup of cafe au lait for me this morning. hope you had a fabulous time!

  14. You are so cute! I love grapefruit juice too. Glad you enjoyed.

  15. Thanks for writing me about your flea market adventure…….
    Ciao Bella off for our Sunday drive which with the price of gas is almost another mortgage payment!
    Smile darling!
    Life is short make FUN of it!
    You are my Sister separated at birth I swear. You have a piece of my heart in all ways!
    You are a treasure!
    You are stardust you are golden………..
    Love Jeanne

  16. Ahaha! You made the right choice. One does not get up at 5:45 a.m. to….blog!
    P.S. I managed to link you up to my bloguette.

  17. marsha danosky

    You made the right choice! I have been home from France only three weeks and I am already longing for her treasures again…

  18. Happy hunting Corey. Be sure to post your treasures.

  19. Oh! And I thought I was an early bird. 5:45 a.m. is LATE????

  20. i wish i could “flea” with you!
    how fun…like someone said earlier, flea-ing leads to blogging!!!!
    can’t wait to see what lovelies you’ve found!
    ๐Ÿ™‚ mary ann

  21. Hope you found something grand!

  22. Good job – I did the same today, great weather which is just too rare to pass up, and all so enjoyable…

  23. Blogs keep.
    Someone once said that they couldn’t do something because they had housework to do. The reply was ‘dust keeps.’ So they went.
    Feed the soul. Blog later. We’ll still be here. The market wont.

  24. can’t wait to see what you’ve brought home!

  25. robinfox pampered inparis

    you did the right thing ,was there any doubt. robin

  26. wow…what a way to start the day! Sounds like so much fun.

  27. how fun! you would be the perfect flea market companion.

  28. I once went out with a London dealer & we would go to Bermondsey Market at 4am to set up in the bitter cold. Everyone used flashlights to see the merchandise, but then we got to eat Toad in the Hole ๐Ÿ™‚


  30. you make it all sound SO romantic:) wish i could have gone with you…..~L.

  31. You find the most exquisite finds! Beautiful!

  32. turquoisecro

    200 dealers??? Wooooo Hoooo! My pulse would be beating too fast I’m afraid if I saw 200 dealers!!! in one place!LOL

  33. for me it’s next weekend, saturday and sunday a “vide grenier” hosted by the french scouts ๐Ÿ™‚ …this is a great great markrt everything is really not expensive beacause no professionals and you can sometimes find really nice things plus it’s a 2 day thing ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ I can’t wait toooooooo ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. Flea Market or blog . . . 2 obsessions. I think I would blog about the flea market. Dont want to miss the deals!! I’m so jealous!!! I’d love to roam the streets of France and pick through the wonderful treasures! I know that now this was yesterday for you! Any great finds??

  35. I’m afraid that at 5.45 I would still be snuggling in my bed – dreaming perhaps of a delicious ‘pain au raisin’.

  36. Ah Corey you shouldn’t hesitate and think at your blog when you can go to a good flea market!

  37. i can only imagine…200 dealers, in France….oh my!! my heart beats quickly too, just thinking of it. if i make it to france one day, i must find out from you where these places are.

  38. tough choice ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Iยดd suggest:
    first – the flea market
    second – bloggin about your finds!!

  39. oh Corey! what a divine way to start the day…do we get to see the treasures found?

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