Spark of Light

Light penetrates us like blood in our veins; it is life giving.

it pours within us and reflects outward, the color of our soul is splashed on the walls of those around us.

there are no dark corners, no dead end streets, that the light cannot enter.

What are the colors of your life? Where does your spirit shine? Do you like the reflections that you see?

Colors from my crystal: Willows on a late summer evening after the rice harvest. The heron, setting sun, the glistening sweat, the play of light on the horizon as I rode in the truck with my brother Zane.

Hearing words in French as if they were spoken in English, I understood!

The soft hush after my niece gave birth, the tenderness of that moment.

Being in the Azores, holding the 16th century ledger that contained my family’s history. Knowing that I had been there before, reading my name between the lines.

The first time I felt my babies move inside me.

My Grandmother Amaro and I, laying on our backs looking at the clouds, talking about life beyond, as her hand rested in mine.

Tell me one of yours?

Studio Friday


54 responses to “Spark of Light”

  1. I do wonder what the stain-glass window of the light shining through my soul looks like…how would you paint the color of words and thoughts and feelings like the silent longing for peace and love?

  2. Colors of my life are my kids. They are the ones who makes my spirit shine through their gigles, laughters, cries, or even shouts. My life becomes colorful because of them, and of course because their toys which are bright and cheery 🙂 And yes, I love what I see. They are my reflections.
    Have a nice weekend, Corey!

  3. My life is coloured by my family, my faith my friends and kindness and in love……….
    I embrace each and every blessing in my life and thank God for each one each day!
    Friends like you colour my life with so much love!
    I thank you each day for your postings!
    They are marvelous and so are YOU!
    Love Jeanne

  4. ohhh so beautiful 🙂 you mean Azores like the portuguese island ??? If it’s that I’m portuguese myself living in France . Thanks so much for your lovely comment 🙂

  5. Your light Corey is always amazing!And I linked to you this morning 🙂

  6. People, places, things; animals, vegetables, minerals; sights, sounds, smells.

  7. sitting on the floor by the sofa with my terminally ill mother laying on the sofa. she is very weak but reaches out and places her hand gently on my shoulder passing on a bit of healthy light and love to me. she dies a few months later, but is never again able to extend herself in that way. her light remains within me to this day– energy transfer complete– quiet memory created.

  8. The first flutter of my babies’ movements inside of me.
    When I was laying on the grass, totally at peace, watching a hot air balloon skirt the mountains (I was 2 yrs old).
    My first real kiss…it took my breath away… literally…because he surprised me with it.

  9. My life is coloured brightly by my love for my family and shaded ever so sweetly by the love I have waiting for him.

  10. Such an absolutely stunning blend of words and imagery! So many colours; so much light enriching my life—–I can’t begin to give a proper answer. We are lucky!

  11. My 2 little girls blowing bubbles in the afterglow of the evening… The moonlight glittering on the tops of the Rocky Mountains….Fireflies performing ballet, just for me…
    A few things that add a touch of magic and sparkle to my life….

  12. Oh Corey, this is beautiful. I love it. You captured the light so warmly in those crystals. We are such kindred spirits, I love it!
    …the color of my life: my husband and children, friends, art and flowers.

  13. Your words sparkle and shine.
    My colour is pink, and what makes my heart light is also posted in my blog today!

  14. Being with my mother. Having only the limited conversations she is capable of now. Everyday with her is a gift.

  15. What a beautiful entry and photo today. Truly beautiful. Yesterday, I walked on a local nature trail with my kids. We saw 17 baby ducks and many other birds and creatures. The peacefulness of the surroundings. The sounds of the birds we could not see. Looking into the depths of the water and seeing “roughskin newts”. Seeing my son’s attitude change from bad to wonderful as the walk began…

  16. Cool sparkling pendants, love your photo!

  17. Ah those reflections are so wonderful…
    I see looking out on the big play ground into the field seeing as far as the eye could see.. I was only 2 but I knew I was going to see this world…
    Basquing in the sun, early in the evening in Montreux. All the while seeing as far as the eye can see and knowing how lucky I was to be living in paradise.

  18. Looking at the abalone shell on my desk and remembering all the variations of blue in the Pacific Ocean viewed from the cliffs in Mendocino.

  19. Meeting my soul mate at nineteen and being able to grow up together. . .and enjoying every moment still.
    Beautiful picture and post.

  20. So beautifuly captured, warm and loving.
    One of my many colors is stillness. Quietly sitting and being.

  21. …looking in on bsby Riley as he’s taking his nap…

  22. My colors are oranges and mustards. Firey lights that push me forward, keep me focused. They fuel my imagination! Constantly turning the wheels in my head.
    Lovely photo!! I can almost hear soft wind chimes in the distance. . . . It actually reminds me of the movie Pollyanna and the prisms from when I was a child!

  23. Such an exquisite photo! Thank you for your comment on my blog. Your comments are always so thoughtful!
    I did a study abroad in the British Isles 9 years ago, and was fortunate enough to spend a weekend in Paris. It was definitely not long enough, but I feel fortunate to have gone.

  24. the colors of my life are warm and true – with a passionate splash of alizarian. they are reflected in the shiny eyes of my husband and children each day. that is what sparkles in my life.

  25. My favorite colors are blue and white… I remember the white white hospital room where my husband and I looked at each other right after each of our babies were born and the blue of the ocean where we go each to relax and re-jeuvenate.

  26. i’m always struck when i read something that feels familiar. in this case, i have been thinking about light, and how i try to keep it away. i love reading your posts. they feel so gentle to me. and the images you offer fit so well. thank you.

  27. Having people tell me my daughter has my smile. She’s adopted.
    Feeling my heart still skip a beat when my husband walks in the room, even after all these years.

  28. The red juice from a tomotoe I grew, as I slice it to share in the summer warmth of my grandmother’s kitchen.
    The way the white salt crystals melt into clear liquid on it’s cut up flesh.
    Corey, this is a gorgeous post! One of my favorites so far! Thank you…

  29. I love the imagery of the color of our soul splashing onto the walls of those around us. This reminds me of someone saying that they set themselves on ‘fire’ in the morning then walk around all day letting everyone see the display. Do we light a lamp and put it under a bowl?

  30. Corey, another gorgeous post, so thought provoking. The colors of my life are yellows and reds…sunflowers turning their beautiful faces to follow the light…the buildings of Sienna at sunrise…Santa’s garish suit

  31. A peaceful, quiet moment stolen away from a busy day.
    Lovely post, Corey!

  32. Wow. “the color of our souls splashed on the walls around us” .
    *sigh* My energy is not worthy of this post right now. I am going to meditate on it…
    Thanks for being you.

  33. i was catching up on your last few posts, including this on—in a word, stunning!
    knowing that joe was the the love of my life the moment i met him.
    🙂 mary ann

  34. dkmp9293

    the words you so eloquently select to go along with the beautifully captured images you share with us are poetic! two things come to my mind immediately: the image of my husband in a rocking chair with our newborn son (12 years ago)with only a soft light glowing around them…so gentle, so fleeting. The second is the last conversation i ever had with my grandmother–she told me that we would have a longer conversation when her health improved although we both knew it was the end. I’m so glad we spoke and I now have that memory.

  35. robinfox pampered inparis

    corey, have missd much and caught up with all of the wonderful infusions of your thoughts and pictures. yours across the miles and the ocean, robin

  36. every color and no color. Like the light that shines through the crystals. Beautiful image Corey.

  37. blue..standing waist deep water in Moorea.. competely at peace and completely happy.

  38. fortiesbaby

    Tiptoeing into the darkness of the cathedral at Silves in the Algarve,Portugal, we saw the soft yet bright light, shining through the stained glass windows of a tiny crypt. We discovered the crypt protected the tombs of two English crusaders, who had lain there for centuries, tended by caring and grateful Portuguese people.
    Our first visit there, married for almost 40 years,my Portuguese husband, and me, born in England, knew the light that drew us to the crypt was to show us another link between our countries.

  39. Snuggling into bed with my mom when my father worked the night shift.
    The way that my husband’s arms felt around me the first time that we danced.
    The first time that my daughter with Down’s Syndrome walked by herself.
    Watching my little girls play when they don’t know I’m watching.
    Watching my husband dance with his little girls.
    Jumping on a trampoline when I was 9.
    That first warm spring breeze after a long, long, Buffalo NY winter.
    Rubbing my Grampa’s feet while he was dying in the hospital.

  40. Corey,your writing seems to bring out the best in us.I am deeply moved by the comments written here by the other readers.
    The colours of my life are greens and hazy blues.The first leaves blowing on the trees after our long cold winters and the sounds they make….The blue, hazy days of late July and early August when heat shimmers above my yard and oh, the beautiful smell of it all…the grass,trees and my flowers!

  41. Light gives us life….it wakes us from darkness….thanks corey for…. the reminder….such a beautiful post….you are most certainly a person who walks in this light…you are blessed…lol

  42. I loved the bit about the Azores…someday I hope to go there…maybe I’ll find traces of my great-grandparents…

  43. This photo is so, so beautiful. I have back to look at it a few times today. Do I notice a little shade of amber here? You had promised me an amber crystal a but back. 🙂
    These words have quieted my soul today.
    My colors are those of the earth and sky. And the sweetness and open heart of my son, the joy in my daughter’s silly smiles…

  44. My heart is breaking with my mother’s illness. Looking into your crystal helps me lose myself for a moment.
    As always I love your post.

  45. becoming lost in a land where there is no time while I am taking pictures ~ accepting myself without harsh judgement and saying “yes” to who I am.

  46. so many facets….so little time.beautiful.

  47. thank you for this beautiful post. i was drawn in by the warm light on the crystals – i don’t know how you managed it, but it’s wonderful. then i stayed because of your words. and then everyone else’s words. what a lovely crescendo. today my colors are pinks, corals, oranges, gold… the colors of creativity, sunsets, the ones i always choose when i’m picking out clothes or paint or paper. but your post has me thinking about the warm candlelight glow in chartres cathedral. watching my dad walk the labyrinth and meditate. the glow of the september light through the stained glass windows. the hushed whispers of visitors. then the booming echoing voice in french over the microphone – sounding like god speaking right to me. but understanding very little of what was said.

  48. Stunning!

  49. beautiful! i love this post.
    the first moment britton was placed beside my face (my arms were straped down because of the c-section) and i could feel his soft skin against my cheek.

  50. Beautiful shiny photo and post. Love the moments you shared.
    The colors of my crystal reflect so much! A zillion colors, deep azure of the Pacific Ocean; reds and pinks of love and passion; greens and browns of mountains and trees.

  51. Oh what a beautiful sparkle!

  52. what a marvelous photo.. I Love crystal pendants. My mother has a huge collection of crystal that she got in Austria. (someday.. I hope to snag some o fit!) 🙂
    🙂 Abbie

  53. …..memories of my mum, hearing my husband return home safely; my heart still flips. My childrens chatter and laughter, my son phoning me from far away. Feeling better after months of great lows and yes I’m beginning to love again what I see. And last but definately not least, my faith which carries me through everything, Judy x

  54. You have beautiful imagery—in pictures and words. I especially love this photo. Also, thanks so much for your nice comments on my “Valuable” entry.

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