A perfect place

the space
          in between
past and future,
the empty chair
that calls  our   
Be here now. 
one place 
or another
     we must take a seat
be happy
where we are.


38 responses to “A perfect place”

  1. So true.So many people keep standing waiting to sit down instead of being happy with the chair they have.

  2. Yes! Yes! I sit happily in my seat.
    I hope you always do.

  3. So profound and beautiful!

  4. Amen!
    Beautiful sentiments as always!

  5. Too right that chair is calling my name! It’s GORGEOUS!

  6. So very true. Wherever you are, be there.

  7. ok corey, this one has to be a part of the exhibit too…
    these words i should tatoo on my forehead as they are what i tell myself most everyday.
    live in the here and now. thank you for the reminder and the lovely lovely image and words..
    rouge suzannne

  8. Yes, I think I could be happy on that there seat.
    Always lovely, cheers LJ

  9. Love this! Trusting in God* that we are exactly where we’re supposed to be at this very moment in time is a relief:o)finding happiness in what we have no matter how big or small it may seem to another- is the ultimate JOY* Morning Corey;o) xox

  10. Thank you Kristy for your comment, so true. I have a friend who is constantly unhappy hoping for a better future yet neglecting the one she is living now…many of us including myself have been there at one point or another in life. Oh Corey, love everything in your home so ornate!

  11. This is one of m favorites Corey ! Very very well done ! I love the way the chair is so close… as in … Hello !!!

  12. I love the sepia tranquility of your blog.
    And the glimpse of chandelier in the mirror …

  13. This is so beautiful! You do know i have to have that mirror. I have a crazy thing about mirrors. 😉
    Love your words, such an important reminder.
    Bless you.

  14. Voilà, one of life’s great secrets, best shared by living exactly this way.

  15. Yes!!!! In this moment I am where I am, doing what I’m doing, being in the moment……….

  16. Ah, like buddha sitting in the present moment. LOVELY!

  17. Being happy with what you have is one thing, being content is something else.
    Once I sit in a chair, I will be content. I’m just not ready to sit yet.

  18. True as ever Corey. I love how you have used plain linen on these chairs. They speak for themselves… and the mirror – breathtaking… Are those Sabots peeking out from the corner?

  19. As always, Corey, your words are so very appropriate for the moment!!! And as always, we are so very grateful…

  20. Beautiful words to live by. I’m working on it Corey.

  21. miss corey,
    i NEEDed this today. right here – right now. at 34 i just got braces (straight teeth, just a gap i’ve been wanting to close for years and years and years). but each day i wake up with a sore mouth, a new lisp and a mouth FULL of metal..to say nothing of how difficult simply eating has become…i get a bit more depressed and think, ‘dear GOD, what have i done, how will i EVer meet a man looking like this? i should have left well enough alone”. anyway…i take a deep breath and say, “1, 2, 3 days closer to these things coming off”. it may seem silly…but for me, right here – right now…it feels pretty big. thank you for your words…i shall adjust my position in this new ‘chair’ each day until i am comfortable.

  22. ….the precious present…it is all we are promised..

  23. What a gorgeous chair! My cats would shred it in minutes!
    This is extremely profound! You always know just the right way to look at things and present them to make the most impact. So lyrically and always with love! You are truely an artist with words and imagery!

  24. A chair on a table…! It is hard to climb on a table and sit on a chair! It shows me the struggle and balancing of mind and spirit, like an expedition to a high mountain top, that is so often necessary just to appreciate the view of the present moment.

  25. How crazy is that, but I think my grandmother owned a mirror and chairs just like that. I swear the mirror is the same and the chairs so lovely and the same, but maybe a different color… Things one can wonder… 🙂 (and to think that when I was young I hated this furniture, and now I love it!)

  26. Oh YES! but so much harder to do than it sounds…

  27. snowsparkle

    love the muted tones in this image… so ethereal and expectant. it reminds me of a buddhist friend’s bumper sticker she has in her cube. it says: “there’s no place like here.” being with what is and knowing how to sit in it takes grace and courage. thanks for your grace and courage corey!

  28. why is it so hard to stay in the present tense even though it’s always a happier place to be?!

  29. So, so true. But sometimes, incredibly difficult to do!!
    I love the color of that velvet…

  30. what an inviting chair! I imagine the fabric is so soft.
    In this photo the image of the chair and the implication that the chair is the present … gives me a feeling of unease…that I can’t sit in that chair as it is on a table…a precarious position and somewhat unsafe position.
    Being in the present moment has never felt comfortable or easy for me and yet all I need to do is simply take it off the table … and put it in a spot that feels secure. I do believe I have had being in the present moment up on some sort of pedastle.
    Your images and words nudge me along.
    Thanks Corey!

  31. I love the words. This is something I am always needing to work on, just being in the moment.
    I love all of the items in this image. At first i didn’t see the screen in the mirror, then I moved my computer, and wow! How beautiful all of it is. How lovely.

  32. Gorgeous! What a wonderful image and such beautiful words!

  33. gorgeous, as always…i want everything in the photo and want to take a seat and be happy (but i think i’d be happier on one of your seats pictured here- ha ha)

  34. Just love your thoughts today about being happy…no matter where you happen to sit or excuse the thought…to grow where you are planted….this image makes me see either a withered flower or one blossoming with colorful petals raised towards the sun….

  35. Hello, Corey! I found your blog about a month ago and have kept visiting it almost every day since. I love it! Your pictures and words are very beautiful, your sense of style impeccable. Thank you so much for the inspiration! I have also lived in France for a while many years ago and still visit as often as I can, it is one of my favourite places in the world. Whenever I need to relax I just think about the french countryside with its fields of lavender.

  36. As a parent I find much of my time is consumed with planning, thinking about and worrying about the future. Then I stop and take a breath and really look at my children and my husband…at the little mundane things we are doing, and feel content.
    Love your post today. Thank you.

  37. your images and words are so powerful! thanks:)

  38. I agree…too many times we long for the past or plan a future.

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