A View from my Window

At last my bedroom window is open, the air is warmer and soothes.

Red tile roofs, and mountains in the distance… is one of the views I have; the other view if of drain pipes, my neighbor’s laundry and disasters called gardens.

How we interpret our view, that which we focus on, often creates the reality of the life we live. We see what we want to see. Life is full of flaws, cracks, unfairness, and superficial flair. It is intermingled with pure beauty and strokes of genius! Every vista, turn of the corner and place where we stand offers us the possibility to see life unfold, it challenges us to either grasp or disregard it. 

I see life outside my window! Claiming it to feed my soul!

Studio Friday


37 responses to “A View from my Window”

  1. May the rays of sunshine, hope and happiness always beam through every window of your home.
    As always touching beyond belief your words and photographs!
    Weekend, Weekend cha cha cha
    off for more celebrations.
    Let the indulge a thon begin!
    Love Jeanne

  2. Isn’t it nice out today in the south of France! Looking out my back window makes me want to go to the garden store to fill in the brown spots. So off I go….

  3. Gosh, everything you write seems to apply to me…are we soul sisters? ๐Ÿ™‚
    I used to live my life perfectly because perfect prevents pain.
    But now I’m learning that pain makes life more interesting and makes me feel alive…so now I’m letting my life be a little messy.

  4. corey,
    your words could not ring more true!taking them with me into this day…
    p.s.loving your point of view!

  5. corey,
    your words could not ring more true!taking them with me into this day…
    p.s.loving your point of view!

  6. i most like the image of neighbor’s laundry… it shows their secrets out in the wind flapping for all to see!
    i most enjoy that in my own back garden! yes! i am nosey!

  7. bon jour corey!
    thanks for checking out my sf post…i like your post and can almost feel the breeze coming through your window…
    i absolutely love your entire blog and what it is all about!
    will definitely tune in for more and add you to my links of inspiration!
    thanks for your kind comments!
    mary ann ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. “how we interpret our view… creates the reality of the life we live.” sage words and such a beautifully open window with a gentle invitation from the life outside. thanks for the breath of fresh air!

  9. Oh I love this…your words, the photograph with the curtain gently moving in the breeze…so beautiful. You never cease to amaze me.

  10. What a lovely and positive thought to start my day…perspective; it’s all in how you view the world around you!
    Right now it is grey, dull and pouring rain outside my window, but I know that the Spring rains will water the earth and bring forth LIFE…that gives me joy!
    Thank you for your ever- loving and thought-provoking entries Corey!
    (oh, and all the lovely photographs you share…such a treat)

  11. Not sure how I discovered your blog, but it’s visually very rich and beautiful.
    As for choosing what you see, I keep telling myself that when I go into my garden and all I can see is weeds. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. I love looking at things through your eyes – you have a knack for catching beauty in the ordinary. That’s why I think I like reading blogs so much – to see how others view the world around them. Since I’ve started blogging I know that I look at things differently – really noticing the little details.

  13. so true…very well said. A good mantra to repeat to myself as I go about my day!

  14. Lovely! I can just visualise those ‘disasters called gardens’ HAHAH!!
    ~ Gabi

  15. You live in a beautiful place!

  16. corey… absolutely beautiful. the words. the space. the room. the photograph.
    but more beautiful is, that all this beauty blossoms from one soul. you.
    [and now, hopefully wishing that one day, a beautiful photograph of that madonna appears. simply because, i believe she has a madonna sister here with me.
    i do believe, i must take photographs, of things that make me say corey. of angels and madonnas and tea cups.]

  17. You completely brought me there with you. What a beautiful description of a beautiful place and you are right, life has cracks and flaws. I like that analogy. Thanks for sharing it.

  18. your studio feels so peaceful,, just fr that picture.. love it!

  19. Corey – lovely post. What’s funny is that my thoughts and post of today were similar in many ways. I tend to look for all things I think are beautiful to me and also what just draws me to be happy and smile…
    Views are so beautiful…

  20. Have a great weekend my friend, I’m off to make Mrs. Staggs cake. Sounds lovely no?
    hugs to you girlie!

  21. beautiful photo, beautiful words – beautiful soul.

  22. true, true, true!

  23. What an amazing writer you are! And how lucky to live in such a magnificant place. A splendid view – either one – there’s just something kinda neat about laundry on a line.

  24. This thought makes or breaks a life. It really is that simple, isn’t it?
    Beautiful reminder. Thanks. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  25. Lovely, and lovely Mary. XO, a

  26. “I never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of an object be what it may – light, shade, and perspective will always make it beautiful.” – John Constable.
    Everything is beautiful, in it’s own way. Grasp that idea and you will have a beautiful day. Grasp that idea and you will have a beautiful life.

  27. What lovely thoughts! They flow just like the sunshine coming in your window…. ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. …thanks for reminding me not to see the weeds but to ..enjoy the flowers…..

  29. one lovely view!

  30. This is such a wonderfully rich blog – thank you!

  31. Could you make a close up of that image of Our Lady?
    Looks wonderfull.

  32. corey,,,,,if i lean back in my chair and close my eyes i can see the sunshine and fill the warm air coming through the window!!!!(yes,we are going on 30 days of rain,and us californias are sick of RAIN!!)

  33. This is a great message…it is very “a propos” in my life right now. Thank you!

  34. Curious like I am I’d so love to have a look through that open window and into your garden or over the mountains!
    Btw, thank you very much for your warm welcome to Studio Friday dear Corey! Mwah!

  35. Corey, you are right of course about life, and the view, being what we make of it! The view of your window, and what you see from it, are lovely. Your point of view, however, is far more powerful.
    Thank you so much for your comment on my SF post. So nice to have “met” you!

  36. I love this post – thank you for the gentle reminder. It is so wonderful to be able to open the windows again! -and what a beautiful window. We are in for an open window week – I can’t wait.

  37. what a lovely blog you have! thank you for your inspiration.

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