Smiling with Unusual Tears

"Mommy are you sad?"

*Chelsea asked with a very concerned look on her sweet baby face.

Graceful as an angel

she put her hands on my cheeks

and looked carefully into my eyes.

Children have arrows

that go straight to the heart.

"Chelsea people cry for many reasons,

mostly sad ones,

though today I am crying because I am happy, very happy!"

"Happy tears? That’s funny." She tried to understand.

Years later and to this day,

we often say,

Happy tears? And a nod of the head gives way.

MAMA SAYS OM and sometimes

they smile with happy tears.



25 responses to “Smiling with Unusual Tears”

  1. Just a beautiful picture of an angel. Children’s honesty can either make us or break us some days. She sounds like a cutie!!
    Take care,

  2. Mothers. Wonderful people. Children. Wonder full people.

  3. aww how cute!

  4. I hope your tears are always happy ones my sweet lady!
    Love Jeanne
    Angels bless you and yours always!

  5. What a lovely image, arrows to the heart…indeed they can be so honest it can sometimes hurt or melt your heart. Tears of Joy is real emotion which is rarely empressed -the special moments such as when I organised a surprise party for a friend (this is priceless)!

  6. Did your happy tears taste different Corey?

  7. when i saw paul klee’s “rose wind”in munich with my children a few years ago, tears rolled down my face. they asked the same question. they were astounded that a painting could make someone cry!

  8. Thanks for my daily smile, Corey.

  9. it is a wonderful thing when children learn such emotion…precious precious daughters our little bits of us..keen to everything we see without a word spoken! morning corey;o)

  10. I love when kids put their hands on each cheek with that look of concern on their face.
    It makes you feel loved, doesn’t it?

  11. What a wonderful way to start the week – with a quick peek at your blog – to start inspired and focusing on “happy”! Thank you! looks like you have been blessed by more than one Angel!!! Thank you for blessing me today. …Beautiful image!!! :)))
    Blessings to you.

  12. This is a beautiful post and picture! When we watch our old home movies, my kids quickly look at me in anticipation becaue they think it so unusual to have “happy tears”. Great job on this weeks theme!

  13. Om to you… One of my happiest memories was when my daughter was born, I cried and laughed for hours. Tears clense our souls and make us human…

  14. Happy tears are always wonderful. 🙂

  15. robinfoxpampered in pariss

    corey,thank heaven for little girls,they grow up in the most delightful way!!! i’ve always loved angels ,it is good to know compassion happy, or sad.,because then we know life!!! as always, robin

  16. Beautiful angel…and how fitting that he has stars sewn into his robe…

  17. after this weekend, with so many broken, sad, angry tears i’m ready for some happy ones and i’m still so emotionally raw that they will come easily.

  18. Visiting you always makes me feel more at peace. I’ve been back to read this several times today and , well, thank you for the gift.

  19. the “just so” angle of the photo of this angel is what makes it for me. tears of joy, and a child to appreciate the difference…. sweet! thanks! snowsparkle

  20. dont you love being a mommy!! 😉

  21. so beautiful!

  22. oh dear you…
    i’m so intrigued, so inspired and so pacified with this angel and your photograph.
    and she so reminds me of an angel i have sitting on my bedside table…
    i must take a photo one day soon and share with you.
    and everytime i look at her, it’s almost as though i can hear her whisper her prayer…

  23. The image and the story just compliment each other perfectly. Beautiful!

  24. Beautiful…
    The Tart

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