Studio Friday Comfort

the small things of love’s labor

sing a song to me, soothing as a lullaby.

unattached antique pieces

of no importance

that contain history fragments, that are tattered, worn, forgotten, of un-monumental moments.

gathered for my eyes, the stories underneath unfold.

one by one, sometimes intertwined, mostly in whispers,

the silent film unwinds.



39 responses to “Studio Friday Comfort”

  1. robinfox pampered inparis

    corey, why don’t you write books? you have the vision go with it !!!!! as always, robin

  2. Corey-
    In this world there are those who wander through their lives in a blind kind of daze, going after only what is on television, only what is common and threadbare.
    There are others who walk with open eyes. Who taste each strange fruit along the way. Who listen for the music in the wind moving through the trees or the sound of passing cars or the abandoned sobbing of a woman on a train.
    I think I’ve got a good idea which one you are…
    I’m pleased to have found your blog and I love your photographs and your words.
    You can be certain I’ll be back.

  3. Your tattered fragments are singing a sweet song.

  4. I wonder how you always have beautiful pictures to go along with your beautiful words… Just lovely!

  5. beautifully said and beautifully combined! so peaceful and calm…~L.

  6. I love the silver heart and book the best…so pretty. Great job on this weeks theme.

  7. Corey,
    Everything you touch you make beautiful. What a gorgeous picture.
    Take care,

  8. Beautiful words for a beautiful photo. Eloquent as always!

  9. so beautiful..words & pictures..

  10. Lovely photo and thoughts to go with it!

  11. Awesome! Love your words!!!!

  12. I love it that you always find a story behind every antique, wonderful!

  13. I always want to jump into your photos.

  14. Ahhhh, beautiful as usual my friend. And now my Thursday ends, as your Friday begins.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  15. Beautiful. For the vast part life is a succession of little things. That’s not a bad thing.

  16. As always your sentiments touch my heart and your photographs are so exquisite.
    blessings to you!
    Weekend, weekend, cha cha cha!
    Love Jeanne
    Ontario Canada!

  17. Lovely Corey! I wish the whispers spoke louder! I so get what you wrote here~ thank you !

  18. It is always amazing to me that you can see junk and make magic.

  19. All of those separate displaced trinkets make a beautiful still life 🙂 You have a real knack for composition.

  20. Yet, now those things that once were unimportant have become heirlooms treasured – shared by a friend.
    P.S. You already know my feelings about having you write a book… Keep reaching dear Corey.

  21. I so enjoy your blog and am glad you are doing studio Friday!

  22. the pieces and bits together are a lovely lovely poem by themselves… but with your words… divine!
    definitely this page corey dear for a frame!

  23. I love the little silver piece. And the book, isn’t it called the barn. I think older books are fascinating.

  24. What a marvelous photograph. True nastalgic comfort. Thank You for sharing.
    🙂 Abbie

  25. What a beautiful picture!

  26. Lovely.
    Returning your kind visit ~ thank you.
    Good to cybermeet you, and your small whispering comforting things. xxx

  27. J’adore votre blog. It is a fascinating find…being a girl who did the opposite of you. Francaise qui s’est mariee aux U.S. a un americain…A beintot! Et merci pour votre gentil commentaire!

  28. beautiful, beautiful pieces!

  29. Your blog is so wonderful. It brings me back to one of the happiest times in my life, when my husband and I were young, and back-packed all over France. It brings me true joy to come here!
    Blessings, Amber

  30. wonderful words…

  31. What can I say? Exquisite word painting. Tearful Dishwaser is so right. I feel so very grateful that you share these thoughts with us.

  32. Very nice. But I might disagree with you about those times being of “un-monumental moments.” They probably were very monumental at the time — and I’m sure many of them still are.

  33. I just love the photo and your beautiful words too, as always!

  34. corey…as usual you have such a beautiful way to describe everything…i can hardly wait to see what is written each day..

  35. The images and words you share are so comforting! Just beautiful.

  36. beautiful picture and perfect words!

  37. Absolutely beautiful! Oh the faded marbling on that book – swoon. . .

  38. oh corey, i just want to live inside your beautiful photographs and words. xox

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