
The other day while waiting for a friend I sat down on the step and soaked in the sun.

There on the rush-hour street, with the screeching of mopeds, the coming and going of busy people with places to go, and the time ticking trying to remind me that my friend was late; I could not be distracted from the happiness I felt welling up inside.

Here and now, is all I have. At that moment I felt connected. The meaning of life answered. My thirst quenched. Dark made light , empty made whole…life sat still with me and it was good.

There of all places an ah-ha moment found me and I smiled; Welcome Friend!

*Antique cameo carved on a shell.


36 responses to “Ah-Ha”

  1. I’m so glad that I have you to put a smile on my face for tomorrow, when today has not even ended.
    Good morning my friend

  2. Oh! And I’m happy for you for your beautiful “aha moment”, they are special when they come, aren’t they?

  3. Oh the antique cameo is gorgeous and then on a shell is even better!
    You are so good in living the moment Corey! Thanks for always reminding us at it!

  4. If only we could will such moments Corey: although that would I suppose dilute the pleasure…
    I’m happy you are happy today.

  5. Your words are magical and superb.

  6. What a lovely way to wait for a tardy
    friend…. and what a lovely picture..
    I will never wait for people in the same way again.. thank you dear
    Corey !

  7. Such a splendid post and lovely picture as well.

  8. Can almost imagine you smiling and the sun light on your face 🙂
    Thats a beautifully carved shell!

  9. I’m so happy your moods rub off on me so easily 🙂

  10. i feel the peace of that moment through your beautiful writing. and when i first looked at the photo, i thought the images were inside an eye… glad another blogger mentioned it was a shell… but still, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. thank you for your wonderful vision.– snowsparkle

  11. those moments are the explanations for our existence!!! praise to you for taking the time to appreciate it all. praise to you for reminding the rest of us to stop and appreciate it all as well. thanks!!!

  12. OH……..i am so glad you found my blog and commented on my work…..for that reason, I FOUND YOUR WORDS!!!! what a TREAT to find so early in the morning..you are so gifted! i will be back for a daily dose:) ~L.

  13. hello:
    thanks for your visit to my blog.
    you have a blog full of beautiful words and pictures! It is such a delight!

  14. Corey, I have never seen a cameo so detailed, how exquisite… Do tell, where you found it. How old do you think it is? Your words are delightful and ring true…

  15. so true! the sitting still times mean the most when you connect with that…
    happy day corey!

  16. This is a beautiful reflection. It made me think of you sitting in the sunshine on some concrete steps (don’t know if that’s what they were, but that’s what I imagined because concrete gets so warm in the sunshine), and it made me remember how many times I have sat on steps waiting for friends to come.
    I’ve always been the early one. Never running late. And it has blessed me with countless chances to sit on the steps and wait in the sunshine, often even sharing the company of the rush of pigeon wings and soft coos.
    That’s is a wonderful, and simple feeling of not needing anything. Thanks for sharing that moment, Corey!

  17. I love those moments…it is like having a very special secret to cherish again and again….the precious present.

  18. Victoire


  19. ahh yes…time to ponder and reflect* when you stand still long enough in those moments the meaning of it all does come to you! again your posts are beautimus!

  20. Beautiful, the words and your photo. The sun on your face and the aha moment…priceless.

  21. hello…i found you from la vie en rose.
    just had to say i drooled over your “Chez Moi” pictures. i love, love, love French antiques.
    you have quiet the eye for them too.

  22. I was just browsing your pictures in your side bar and you have such a wonderful eye for photography. Just beautiful!
    Your family is stunning.

  23. Every time I go to a museum, I find myself feeling heart palpitations when standing in a room filled with masterpieces. I just got the same feeling when my screen loaded and your divine photograph appeared! It is that feeling of going from empty to whole, as line by line the pixels revealed a treat! I will say it again . . . DIVINE!

  24. You’ve found one of the secrets to a happy life….thanks for the reminder….

  25. Lovely, both the moment and the cameo — small beauties.

  26. What better place for such a moment.
    The cameo is stunning.

  27. Beautiful.

  28. robinfox

    corey,loved the cameo ,i have much to catch up on ,i am in the land of the living thanks for your kind words,robin

  29. i just love those aha moments…and they come to me in the most unexpected times…

  30. those moments are worth the world. everything makes sense…the true and the real and the worthwhile and the reason we’re here. deep breaths and happy insides. i had a day like that yesterday…wearing flip flops in the rain and getting soaked while putting more money in the meter so i could return to the coffee shop with my book. lovely, yes.

  31. when i read your words…gaze into your photography…i am inspired to look at and live my life with more passion…thx so much for sharing…annie

  32. Nice pic! And oh how I admire your lovely positive spirit! ;o)

  33. How could I have missed this gorgeous cameo…it is just lovely. The detail is amazing to me.
    Your blog is always a thing of beauty.
    Take care,

  34. What a wonderful post. I too have had moments when I am truly, undistracted and very much content with my life right here, right now. xo.

  35. I just love those moments when I feel so alive and fulfilled.

  36. Life comes at us with such surprises, it can show us a miracle while taking out the garbage; Life does that comes at us all the time, it doesn’t ask us if we are ready, or do we want to, or if we have what it takes: Life comes at us all the time…the Ah Ha moments help me see the bigger picture, gives me faith, helps me stand alittle taller, those ah-ha moments save me!
    I am glad you feel the same way too! Your comments show that life is more than here and now.

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