Motorcycle Ballet

Frenchhusband and I took the motorcycle out for a spin. The first act of spring! With our coats unbuttoned and scarves left aside, we headed towards the sea.

Riding up the Route de Crete, with the blue sea lapping in the distance, the almond trees in pink bloom, and the wild irises waving– it seemed Spring was shouting out her name, at every bend.

The soil overturned ready for planting, the vineyards neatly trimmed, the air soft on my skin…

Winding along the rivera, with my arms tighly around Frenhhusband waist, the gentle swaying of the motorcycle on each turn, I felt happy inside, I shouted out on the top of my lungs, "SPRING!"


31 responses to “Motorcycle Ballet”

  1. how Fun! americanhusband and I are waiting to do the exact same thing! Just yesterday he was making sure the bike was ready;o) sooo looking forward to that first drive in spring:)

  2. How lucky you are ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I think that was what it was like here in Vancouver yesterday. But I’m sure you guys had much hotter weather than us here in Vancouver…
    I love spring. It makes me so happy, as it does so many others…
    That’s what’s so wonderful about it all.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Hi-Just made a link to your site from my blog. I am Dianne’s sister who is an avid reader and who sent me your blog. It is great. You are certainly creative! Linda Mathieu

  5. I know that feeling well! My favorite time to ride is on a hot summer night…around midnight.

  6. Words cannot express how jealous I am… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. I am sure you two had such a marvelous Spring tour.
    Blessings of love and peace.
    Jeanne from Ontario Canada!

  8. I can soooo picture you doing that…and did you stretch out your arms for just a tiny minute to fly???

  9. Ah! Spring! We’re getting a taste of it here on this side of the pond as well. Not quite ready to toss off the jackets, however.

  10. Oh Corey I’m happy to read that you and french husband have had a beautiful spring day, I felt the same way today, although I wasn’t motorcycling along the rivera.

  11. well….. I didnt ride a motorbyke along the french riviera either…. BUT… all the kids are playing outside, the grass is green, the sun is shining,the barbecued ribs are cooking, americanhusband is at a baseball game.. and the convertible top is down for a ride into the hillcountry ….yipeeee !!

  12. hip hip hooooray!
    germanhusband and i are going our for our spin … NOW!

  13. That sounds so perfect, what a great way to welcome spring! ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. It’s supposed to snow here tomorrow morning. Sigh.

  15. Corey,
    You lucky bum, I would love to be riding a bike in the spring sunshine. Our weather here is confused, it thinks it is still winter.

  16. And I yell for you…”Good for you”. What a wonderful way to get out and appreciate every ounce of spring. You are doing what most of us only see in movies. I am very grateful you share with us.

  17. hello! thank you very much for your kind comments in my blog

  18. I can almost feel the wind on my face and my hair flying up behind me….

  19. Motorbikes & motorcycles – lucky you! Sounds wonderful. I’ve just posted a drawing to my blog of my very first motorbike and then i found your marvellous entry. Cheers, LJ

  20. Such lovely images, you should write a book ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. You ‘paint’ a lovely picture. I can see it. I can feel it.

  22. Frenchhusband’s motorcycle is an old trail bike, uncomfortable as all get-out, classy it is not, I had my garden gloves on…does that tell you how prepared I was? I tell you being on the back of a motorcycle is a freeing experience…I felt everything blow clean and clear…my mind, heart, and soul…it nearly blew me off a few times too!!
    Thanks for writing to me!!

  23. Ahhhh – Romance is in the air – French style…

  24. Oh the images you created in my mind…breathtaking!

  25. Perfect bliss! What a beautiful, beautiful day…

  26. I needed this–the world outside my window has barely started whisper “Spring”, let alone shout!

  27. BLISS ~ bought back memories of old, doing something similar in Greece ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. spring! I wonder if it will ever arrive here! I’m so glad that it is somewhere!!!

  29. What a nice description of spring! =o) Yesterday in Lille it was lovely. Sunny with temperatures in the 60’s. Looks like spring has finally come!

  30. Thank you for your kind words Corey. Your blog is a favorite of mine and so refreshing to visit…I enjoy your simplicity and sense of humor.
    Yes I do love motorcycles and have had many adventures on the back of ours.
    If we wake very early, about 3am, we can have our French Roast, dress warmly and arrive before the sun at a spot called Sunrise on beautiful snow covered Mt. Rainier. One of my favorite rides, always a little chilly, but well worth being a little cold. We arrive, drink a little Schnapps and warm up to the glorious sight of the sun rising over the world. We cut the bike’s engine and coast like children back to the bottom of the mountain. Close your eyes. It is so quiet and the road is surrounded on both sides with old growth misty forests and smells like heaven.
    More favorite rides…through Monument Valley in Arizona at sunset to sleep in the desert under a million stars. Such a quietly powerful place…
    We’ve outrun a huge dark thunderstorm, 100 mph through another desert, arriving at a little diner in the middle of nowhere just as the rain began to pound the earth and thunder and lighting roared and danced across an endless sky. The best coffee and apple pie awaited us there….A very cold January night, really it is morning, 1:00am and we leave the mess from the party before and head out the door to blow the cobwebs away. Oh so cold…thank god for leather! We ride through city streets til we reach “country” and when we are truly freezing and can take it no more head home to warm up in bed…. Rides to campfires beside rivers, to an ocean beach and to party with friends under oak trees.
    I know the “freeing experience” you speak of …

  31. A few years ago, it was difficult to find synthetic motor oils, and equally difficult to find someone who admitted to using them. Nowadays, however, you can find synthetic motor oils on the shelves of Wal-Mart, and other retailers, and the number of people turning to synthetic motor oils, particularly in light of the recent events affecting fuel prices, has risen greatly.
    So why do people use synthetic motor oils rather than sticking with the old petroleum based stand-bys which are admittedly cheaper?
    1. Let’s start with the cost per quart issue. Synthetic motor oils ARE more expensive at purchase. However, these oils last longer, requiring fewer oil changes. As a synthetic motor oil outlasts several changes of petroleum based lubricants, the ultimate out-of-pocket cost of the lubricant is less. This cost savings becomes even greater if you have someone else change your oil for you rather than doing it yourself!

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