Daily Bread

Img_2339 The daily *rituals of living,

are not the rules of routine,

they are the touches of passion

that keep the heart beating.

* to read the rest of this post click on the word Ritual


27 responses to “Daily Bread”

  1. What a wonderful persective! Life would be nothing without passion . . . in all areas! Beautifully stated, as always!

  2. That is so true Corey and the picture is lovely!

  3. Your blog is so refreshing.
    You have rekindled my interest in visiting the wonderful antique fairs here down south, rather aptly there’s one here tomorrow. Thanks Corey

  4. This is so poetic and lovely.

  5. Aaah yes….only you can take our everyday rituals and make poetry from them. It is such a gift, dear Cor-ay…a lovely gift we are blessed to have you share with all of us.

  6. That was such a beautiful poem. I’m going to print it and post it in my kitchen to remind me of those things everyday.
    Your poem makes me want to clean my house and iron my clothes for some reason. Your home must be scrumptious 🙂

  7. YOU are a True Delight* In every sense of the word;o) how did you get so cute anyway? xo

  8. Lovely. Wonderful. Explains everything about what so many of us are doing…
    I love this site and will visit often….

  9. That was absolutely beautiful Corey. Makes my heart smile 🙂

  10. it is our rituals which define who we are and what we choose to be! lovely photo corey…

  11. Your post made me smile and sigh. Such loveliness abounds here at your blog that I will have to visit often. Thank you kindly for your comments and visiting my blog.

  12. Gorgeous. Just gorgeous.
    I especially like the part about white towels and a steamed up mirror. My favorite ritual is splashing around in water!
    So, so pretty, Corey!

  13. Corey,
    Aaah, life’s most precious gifts are so simple…

  14. You, dearest Corey, have become a part of my daily ritual. I am so glad you are expanding your writing venue… makes more to pick from when you write that book!

  15. you are part of my daily ritual… always
    so beautiful and though provoking… makes my heart sing.,

  16. I must get some of that rosewater!!! Love your rituals and the way your writing soothes the wrinkles out of the everydayness… and makes it special.

  17. Hi Corey, I love what you wrote on Brocante and am looking forward to reading more…Have a wonderful weekend :0)

  18. Loved your piece over at Brocante.

  19. A most tantalizing and refreshing way to view things……just beautifully stated!

  20. Photos like these would make my ears stand up if I were a dog. I love this type of scene in photography. Such a nice pic! 🙂

  21. I’ve recently found this blog and what a treasure! you are very much a part and creator of the beauty you are reverent for. simply lovely.

  22. i recognize the scene in the shopping center… i have a son with a similar enthusiasm for new things. and like you, i think… he wasn’t supposed to turn out that way. the ritual piece was so vivid for me… especially the rosewater and ironing. thank you for your beautiful visions.

  23. You’ve touched my heart today by reminding me that it is in the simplest acts that hold the greatest comforts…thank you…

  24. This is one of my favorite pics so far…beautiful!

  25. I love the way your words and images work together to weave something bigger than both.

  26. Marie-Noëlle

    Every day “tiny pleasures”… sure you will like the book!!!

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