Coffee Tea or Me

I call out to Frenchhusband,

"What should I write about today?" 

From the other room he says,


"Coffee tea or me, that’s perfect!"

He comes in and repeats,



28 responses to “Coffee Tea or Me”

  1. don’t they just think of … everything? wink wink!

  2. Just looked at all your photos. What a beautiful family you have.

  3. HAHAHAHA! men! are they easy or what??? sex and food* food and sex* ;o) thanks for the morning chuckle corey!

  4. These husbands of ours are all related! Let’s see, what was the name of the school they attended? ….. now,from the other room let him know his tea is being served!!

  5. I guess it’s true what they say about French men. That learned that really young watching Pepé Le Pew.

  6. That’s fun…so typical.
    I love that teapot in the photo!

  7. Ha ha! How do you say cheeky little brat in French? ;p

  8. With that response, I would have promptly insisted he give me something to write about. Wink. Wink.

  9. I love the way Frenchhusband Yann steps in on the really important things to save the day! And with brilliance, I might add.

  10. So typical… Ha!

  11. I’m new to your blog (through Andrea Edwards) but am an instant fan! I’ll be back often…you are bookmarked in my A+ blogs 🙂

  12. Did someone say “one track mind”?
    Haha, men!

  13. Haha – I think P’s a bit like that too.

  14. This is awesome! So funny! :0
    When I need my dose of inspiration, I come to your blog Corey! Fantastic!

  15. “See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis,
    and only enough blood to run one at a time.”
    — Robin Williams
    Hey! Robin Williams said that, I didn’t! I think it’s true though.

  16. i guess we know how this story ends…lovely!

  17. As a former Flight Attendant…the coffee, tea or me was a part of life. hmmmm….don’t get the wrong idea!
    Great post Corey!

  18. giggling, you are so funny and bright. What a wonderful start to my day.

  19. Haha… frenchusband sound like americanhusband ! Americanhusband would like that rasberry tart too !!

  20. that is EXACTLY what my husband would say.

  21. valérie

    un plaisir de se balader sur votre blog (et plutôt positif pour mon anglais), les photos toujours très belles. A très bientôt.

  22. so they really are all thinking about the same thing aren’t they.

  23. Former flight attendant here too! … yep, coffee tea or me indeed.
    French husband is a cheeky husband.

  24. well, maybe that does go to prove, that spring really is in the air?
    oh men. the men.
    [and at least they know how to make us laugh as well…]

  25. francobollo

    Coffee and Corey every morning. Yum. (Yann might agree but in a different sense!) Hope this doesn’t get me booted from your blog.

  26. I do not think Frenchhusband will ever get over the shock of my writing the word SEX on my blog. “What does it have to do with antiques?”
    He seems a bit red faced, when I asked him what I should write about this morning he grabbed me…oh hot and steamy coffee, tea and weeeeeee!!! He’ll probably kill me for this. It was nice knowing all of you! xoxox

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